Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy New Year!

Hello sweet friends.  Just wanted to tell you that I'll be taking a blog break for awhile.  Why?  Well, because this is the first one I've had in the seven years since we started.  I think it's time, don't you?  I am only an e-mail away, and I do hope you write me an occasional note to keep in touch.  Jess and Nel will be filling in for me and still post as often as they can with their busy schedules.  I will leave you with some pictures of nature, as you all know how much I love spending time there.  It cleanses my mind, and it is there where I dwell in peace~

Happy New Year!
Joy to you!

And know I love you.



NanaDiana said...

Happy New Year, Sheri. Enjoy your break---you will be missed! Drop me a line when you have time- xo Diana

Carla from The River said...

Enjoy your break my friend. I will miss you!! Keep in touch! Please keep taking all those lovely photos!

Susie said...

Sheri, I will miss your blogging. I hope all is well. I know you love nature, me too. Please take care of yourself. Hope you get to be around your loved ones while taking your break. I love you ,my sweet young friend. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Jeanie said...

that rose is totally fabulous and so are you! Enjoy your break -- but I hope it isn't too long! I will miss you. Do check in when you feel so inclined and savor every second! Happy New Year!

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Happy New Year Dear Sheri!
You will enjoy a little break, it is good for the soul to spend time in nature and with those things that we love so dearly. I will be thinking of you and sending you much love and happy thoughts!

Sandi said...

Beautiful photos!

DUTA said...

You certainly deserve a break to recharge your energy, renew your perspective.
Hope you'll make the best of this pause, and come back ready to go on with your blogging.
Happy 2018!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you and your lovely family Sheri,happy blog break and i love your pics xx

Patricia said...

Happy New Year Sheri, and relax and enjoy your break. Lovely images as always and I will miss you, but glad your lovely blog will continue.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'll miss you sweet Sheri. I always look forward to your posts and know they will be filled with beautiful photos! And you always have the perfect comment when you visit me. I can't wait to read what you've written with you visit. But I understand and think breaks are refreshing! So I'm wishing you the best and a Happy New year to your whole family. Stay in touch! Sweet Southern hugs, Diane

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

Enjoy your break sweet Sheri. We all need a break from things, it;s good for the soul.

Enjoy time with that beautiful baby girl.

Beautiful pictures and thoughts to you.


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning sweetest Sheri! Oh, that moon photo, how I wish I could capture the moon as such! It was full and bright last night, but with our LOW temperatures here, there was no way I was going outside!

Wishing you a wonderful blog break and a fantastic new year!

Joan said...

Love the pictures special the rose one so very beautiful! Happy new year,Joan

Lauren @ My Wonderfully Made said...

Beautiful pictures - love all of the bird photos! Enjoy your break!! I took the two weeks off prior to Christmas and it drove me nuts at first but then I really enjoyed the 'freedom'!

It's me said...

Happy new year!!!....Thanks for last blogyear Ria x ❤️

I understand your pause ..i also blog 7 years now...but not as much as i start.....i really like Reading blogs more than making them....but That is from the begining....but i stay...also it is much quitter than in the begining...

Please do not stay away a long time because than i Will miss Ria x

Sherry said...

bask in this well deserved bloggie break, friend.
and thank you for the beautiful pictures.
love the pepper berries!

R's Rue said...


Sylvia said...

Enjoyed your photo's. We all need a break now and then, Sheri, enjoy your time away! Happy New Year!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Happy New Year, dear Sheri! I will miss you here, but I understand. I always enjoy visiting with you, my friend. Your photos are so pretty and peaceful. Take care and come back real soon (she says selfishly)! xoxo ♥

Red Rose Alley said...

Thank you, Nadezda, for following us. I appreciate that very much. I don't see a link for you, and would love to visit your blog also if you have one. : )


Carolina G. Ticala said...

Feliz año nuevo! 🎆🎆🎆

Rose said...

Happy New Year to you, too! Enjoyed the photos...specially that big old tree.

Enjoy your break!


HAPPY NEW YEAR to you. Enjoy this blogging break.

handmade by amalia said...

Enjoy your break, Shrei, and Happy New Year!

Arti said...

Such wonderful pictures, Sheri, I can feel the peace and calm as I scrolled through. Enjoy your break my friend, I will be waiting for you. All the very best for 2018! <3

Debby Ray said...

Sheri, I feel just the same as you do when I am out among place I'd rather be. Your photos are stunning as well. Oh yes, after 7 years I'd say you more than deserve to take a break...enjoy it to the max! Happy New Year HUGS!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Enjoy your break! Just don't make it a permanent one. Happy New Year.

Pilar said...

Happy New Year Sheri! Wishing you and your family all the best in 2018! I hope you enjoy your break!

Pam said...

Great pics! Hoping you enjoy your time on your break. Looking forward to hearing from Jess and Nel but looking forward to you being back.

Draffin Bears said...

Happy New Year dear Sheri,Jess and Nel, to you and your family.
Love all the beautiful nature photos, gorgeous.
best wishes for a wonderful 2018 with good health and happiness.
Enjoy your blog break and I look forward to your return.

Jeanette Levellie said...

Happy New Year and happy break, Sherri!
Thanks for the lovely photos. They revive my soul, too.

Turn The Page said...

Your nature shots are great to look at from the deep freeze of the northeast! Enjoy your break! Happy New Year!

Marilyn Miller said...

Nice pictures! Enjoy rejuvenation with your blog break. Happy New Year to you all.

Sandra said...

Imagens encantadoras. Bom ano querida.

Ivy, Phyllis and Me! said...

Good Evening Sheri, Enjoy your blogging break. With warmest wishes to you.

Lowcarb team member said...

Lovely photographs.
Enjoy your blog break ...

Sending my good wishes.

All the best Jan

Walking the Bean said...

Hi Sheri! Happy New Year to you! Keep warm up there...miss ya.


Tammie Lee said...

Hi Sheri,
I wish you a wonderful time away.
You have shared some beautiful photos of life through your heart and lens.
Thank you for you lovely messages.
Wishing you a wonderful new year.

Sara - Villa Emilia said...

Wonderful photos, Sheri! ♥
I hope you read this... and I hope your blogging break will not be very long. Happy New Year to you all!
Thank you for your comments. The white dessert is (Northern) Italian torrone. (The flavour of the bar is "Exotic Fruit".) I prefer the soft one... It's even better than chocolate. :)
Have a beautiful Sunday! xx

LoveT. said...

Happy new Year!

lovely Greetings from Vienna <3

Sara - Villa Emilia said...

:) ♥ !

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Such beautiful, beautiful pictures you have taken! I love the world seen from your view! I'm going to miss you while on your blogging break, but it is always so nice to step away for a bit and be refreshed. So thankful you had a blessed and very special Christmas. May the blessings of the Lord be rich in your life in this New Year :)

baili said...

Hello dearedearest Sherie!

Sorry for being late as my head is little foggy due to medication and fumbling is obvious.


Wishing you a very happy healthy and prosperous New year!!!

May you and family find more joys in life ahead amen

Sally said...

Happy Happy New Year!

Enjoy your break; LOVE your photos.


Carolina G. Ticala said...

Unas fotos preciosas! Feliz semana guapa! ♥️♥️♥️

shayndel said...

Happy New Year!!
Beautiful photos!! Enjoy your break!! God Bless you and your beautiful family!

Sigrid Pulido said...

Hello Sheri and a happy and healthy New Year to you!
Enjoy your blog break!

Dewena said...

Dear Sheri, I dearly hope that your time away from blogging has refreshed you. We all need that and I find that I need it more frequently than I used to. Time to fill the well, time to tend to ourselves as well as our loved ones. And time to enjoy the beauty of nature as you have always loved.

Your daughters are doing a beautiful job here and I understand that so well because they've had a fabulous teacher!

Be well and happy,

Louca por porcelana said...

Your pictures are breathtaking!Nice to "meet" you,Sheri!Hugs!