Monday, December 11, 2017

Let It Snow

Oh the weather outside is frightful...

But the fire is so delightful...

And since we've no place to go...

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

We got our first snow of the season this past weekend!

Waking up to snow is such a treat. Especially when you have a mug of something warm in hand. 

Our dog Ozzie spent the day sniffing through the drift and chasing snowballs.

Soon he was joined by a friend. 

The next morning the sun broke through the clouds, creating a cheerful winter wonderland.

Truly, this is the most wonderful time of the year.

~ Nel


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous photos, Nel! We had an unexpected snow too! Hope you have a wonderful week.

Net - "It's a Wonderful Movie" said...

Thank you for sharing your Winter Wonderland! We've had snowflakes fall... But no accumulation, yet! Still hoping for a White Christmas!!!

Blessings & Merry Christmas to You & Yours!!! Net :)

Sherry said...

ozzie is darling ..
as are you. :)
beautiful white stuff
and Christmas inside.

Debby Ray said...

Nel, what a beautiful post and your photos are absolutely stunning! Wasn't that snow something else?? We only got about an inch accumulation but it snowed all day but you all farther south got so much more! My son has a dog that looks just like yours. Is it a Carolina Dog?

Pam said...

Oh looks amazing. It snowed all around us here in Nashville although the day after you got that blanket of white, I saw a few snow flakes here...haha....Beautiful.

Pilar said...

All the snow pictures look beautiful and your home looks so cozy!

It's me said...

Yes we have also lots of snow here in from me happy week Ria x ❤️

Susie said...

Nel, You know your mom loves that. It would be nice if she visited during some snow. LOL. Your dog seems to like it. It does look pretty.That is a lot of snow for the south. Stay warm sweet girl, xoxo, Blessings, Susie

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Beautiful. I wish it would snow here but the 10day forecast has us in the 70's and socked in with sunshine. It did get down into the 30's as a low.

Curtains in My Tree said...

The snow is beautiful how lucky you are that you got SNOW anf can enjoy it

Lauren @ My Wonderfully Made said...

Wow! That's a lot of snow! Your pictures can make even a devout winter-hater like me smile. I can usually tolerate the first snow but after that, quickly become grumpy haha!

Karen said...

Your photos look like Christmas cards! Beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nel thankyou for visiting my blog and thankyou for sharing your amazing pics,i love seeing the snow we are coming into our summer here,hope you have a lovely day xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sheri sorry for getting the names muddled,i will try and remember for next time ,thankyou for letting me know xx

NanaDiana said...

You have more snow than we do, Nel. We just got our first hit and only got a couple of inches...which is FINE by me! lol

Enjoy this week as you head towards Christmas. xo Diana


what a pretty landscape with the snow. like your snowman.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Such lovely photos, Nel! Ozzie is really enjoying himself. That's a big snow for your area. It really does get one in the spirit of the season. Merry Christmas! ♥

Sunnyeri said...

I wish we have so much snow now in Ukraine)))
I`m following your blog with a great pleasure in GFC
Follow back? Sunny Eri: beauty experience

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Is snow typical in your region? Oh how gorgeous it is; we have been having a share up here in Minnesota, and honestly, I LOVE IT. Have fun, Nel!

Susan said...

I think a newly fallen snow is so pretty, don't you, Nel? We are getting plenty of it right now here in Massachusetts, too! Nice photos. Susan

Connie said...

The snow just makes everything look like a Christmas card . . . have fun and enjoy the season:)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Those last 2 photos are just amazing. You should use them for your Christmas cards! Holiday hugs!

Marilyn Miller said...

Beautiful first snow. How I love that first snow of the year.

Dewena said...

Lucky you!! So beautiful! I want some too, maybe Christmas morning when everything is done and I can stay home and cocoon!

Rose said...

Oh, these are lovely shots...

Sandi said...

So beautiful!

And I love that you have the Netflix fireplace going on one side of the tree and a real one on the other. :)

Merry Christmas!

Jeanie said...

The tree and mantle are so pretty. And I love the two versions of the fireplace!

baili said...

Very Charming pics dear Nel!!!

you hold my eyes with the magical beauty of your snow!!!

thank you for cooling my day and this is lovely feeling which comes to my heart when i look at your beautiful face and warm drink in had ,Stunning smile dear!

you fire place and that so APPEALING Christmas tree made my evening:) so cozy and so pretty!!!

Loved the way ozzie is watching outside ,looks like deep thinker lol.

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

What a treat for you! Snow is fun, especially when it stays for just a short time!

Red Rose Alley said...

LOOK AT ALL THIS SNOW!! I love that snowman and the pictures of Ozzie. He had so much fun! : )

Tammie Lee said...

wonderful winter fun!