Monday, February 3, 2025

A Very Cold And Fun Day

Well, it's been pretty cold here lately, and I didn't know if I should stay home in my warm house, or drive up the mountain to the next town.  I got in my car, and it was 16 degrees out, and with frost on the window, I stopped to get gas, and drove up the mountain.

It's only a 20 minute drive there, and it's a pretty smooth drive, except for one part that has twists and turns, but I just tell myself, "don't look down!" 😱

My brother-in-law met me there.  He was going to take the dogs, but it was too cold out.  When I first got there, in the parking lot was a barking dog.

He said, "I know of a good breakfast place right down the road about five miles."  I said, "Yes!"  I was hungry and only had coffee that morning.

Walking in the restaurant, I was greeted by an unexpected visitor.

It had a quaint atmosphere, and I noticed an old stove against a wall that they used to have back in the pioneer days.

I loved the colorful crocheted throw that was draping over the rocking chair.  I've always thought crocheted pieces were so charming....and all the time and care that goes into making them.

The waitress seated us right next to the heater, so we were comfortable having breakfast.  I ordered the Denver Omelette and hash browns, delicious.

After breakfast, he wanted to take me to the peak so I could see the views from the top.  He knows this area well.  These really are pretty landscapes if one just takes the time to notice.  When we were driving back, we saw Mt. Lassen in the distance, and there in perfect view was the majestic Mount Shasta.  It seemed so close.

When we got into town again, I noticed an antique shop, so we went inside.  I didn't find anything, as I'm pretty picky about what comes home with me, since I've recently given away things, but it was fun browsing.

I wanted to stop at the nursery to maybe buy some roses, but there were no flower pots or plants yet, it's still too cold.  So, we went to the small gift shop inside.  I didn't buy anything, but there were some cute pieces and wooden stands with funny sayings.

It was starting to warm up, in the 40's, so we drove down to the lake.  It was blue, full, and such a lovely sight.  He sometimes takes the dogs here to roam.

The other side of the lake where I usually stop to visit.  I saw a Hawk, and the ducks were merrily swimming, until they saw my big camera.

I'm not sure what these prickly flowers were, but they were unusually pretty.

My brother-in-law knows I love taking pictures, so he's patient with me when it's time to click.  He has taken some wonderful photos himself.

There is a museum nearby that I've been wanting to visit, but they are closed until May.  There is a street with a cul-de-sac that displayed farm machinery from the pioneer days, a small white school, and a house that looked like "little house on the prairie."

He wanted to show me something, so we drove to the outskirts of town, up the hill and around, and he told me this is where someone claimed to have had a Bigfoot sighting.  It was near the waterfalls in the far left area of the picture.

It was time to head on back down the mountain, but I first stopped at a cafe' and got some organic coffee beans to take home.  It was the best day, and I found a new breakfast place to go to next time.🍵


Monday, January 27, 2025

Just Something On My Mind

 The coffee is brewing, and the banana bread is in the oven,

and the sun has been shining all week, although we've had some very cold days this month, in the 20's.  It seems January is one of our coldest months here.  I am happy to have taken care of a few things that needed to be addressed, and thankful I was guided to the right people who were helpful in the process.  Have you ever had Dolly Parton's Banana Nut Muffin and Bread Mix?  I made the bread, and it was so moist and filling.  It even comes with an icing packet to mix with melted butter.

I had pork chops one night with blueberry pie for dessert.

Do you know blueberry pie is my favorite?.....with pecan being a close second.  There's just something about the purple goodness of the berries and pie filling.

I had Chinese food to honor Chinese New Year coming up this week.  Their Kung Pao Chicken and Chicken Chow Mein are delicious.  It's funny how we get our favorites every time.

When I went to the store this weekend, I brought home some goodies like this sweet raisin bread, and some Valentine M&M's.

I bought these pink beads, and want to do something with them for Valentine's Day.

I've seen a few posts lately talking about texts and e-mails and such, and that has been on my mind as well, so I thought I'd put my two cents in.  I don't get bothered with too many things, but I get so annoyed when people don't return e-mails right away, or not at all.  I know there are many reasons why people don't respond right away, maybe they didn't see the e-mail, but I'm not the most patient person, and expect replies as fast as I send them, or at least that day.  I think it's rude when they linger on and are not answered for a long time.  I know people are busy, but I don't know anyone that's busier than my Nel, who always gets back to me right away.  She is Professor of English at her college, and Director of First-Year Writing, and she literally gets hundreds of e-mails a day, yet she always responds right away to her mom's e-mails.  I think it's partly because she knows it's important to me, and partly because she's great at managing her time.

And with Jess being so busy with teaching students at elementary school, her and Nel always make time to send me sweet pictures of the kids.  

Fashion Show

What do you think?  Do you find it annoying when people don't get back to you right away on texts and phone calls and e-mails?  You're probably a lot more understanding about it than I am. 😒


Monday, January 20, 2025


 I have been thinking of my dear friend lately, as her birthday is the first day of Spring, and we've had plenty of sunshine this month.  Her name was Mireya, and she was a childhood friend who lived right around the corner from me growing up.  Her family owned the Mexican eatery in my hometown, and she would make me the best red meat tacos, and oh, that sauce!  I often talk about the Mexican restaurant that I go to here in the mountains.  I went there recently, and was talking to the young lady that's new who works there.  She's the sweetest thing.  It was take-out this time, and I picked up my order, and carried on with our conversation.  I asked her what her name was this time, cause she's always so helpful and polite.  She said, "Mireya."  I smiled big, and told her one of my dear friend's name was Mireya.  I asked her how she spelled that, and it's exactly the same way my friend spelled her name.  I went on to tell her that she owned the Mexican eatery in my hometown, and that she passed away and I miss her.  I mentioned that she used to always give me one of the pink cookies or pastries in her shop before I left, and they also sell the pink pastries in this restaurant too.  Mireya was a very good friend, and we would spend many a day at each other's houses, listening to music, going to the dime store, and just hanging out.  In our later years, we would meet for coffee at Starbuck's and catch up on our lives.  I was so surprised when the young lady told me her name, and it brought back fond memories of my beloved friend.

The creek shows hope as it's brimming with water.

Isn't it funny when we de-clutter and are in the process of going through boxes and we find some surprises along the way?  I came across a few things the gold rocks, the white rock that I found when me and my son visited the lake, an old discolored doily that my grandmother crocheted, a picture of grandma with the girls (three generations), and the card that she had on her kitchen counter until she passed.  Oh, these things have no meaning to anyone but myself, but still I can never part with them. 

  Going on a bike ride.  Jess said it was so nice to get out after the fires.

Mia having her first friend's house sleepover without her mama.  It was emotional for Nel, and we reminisced about Nel's first sleepover at her friend, Ashley's house when she was little.  

Had a nice chat with my neighbor, Lisa.  She is the neighbor who has the hummingbird feeder at her house.  We talked about the fires that are happening in So Cal.  My brother-in-law from Seattle and my best friend also checked in with me.  It was so good of them.

When I was in the store parking lot, I passed a jeep with a sign on the back of the car.  It said Fear Not.  I didn't get a picture cause I didn't have my camera with me, but it was a beautiful message.

And a few pictures of the home, cause you know it's my favorite place to be.  I love conversation hearts, so when I saw this candle, I thought it was so neat.  It was a bit pricey, but who doesn't appreciate a candle of love?

January is passing swiftly.  Have a splendid week. 🍩


Monday, January 13, 2025

Just Because January

 The fires are still going strong in So. California, and the Palisades fire is 52% contained.  The Santa Ana winds have come, and the region continues to battle these blazing fires.  Thank you all for your prayers. 🙏  

My brother-in-law was in town for a dental appt., and he stopped by to visit for a while.  I always love when he comes by, and this time he brought me an apple pie.  When he first got here in the morning, I made him some Polish sausage and eggs and coffee.  I sauteed the onions first, and scrambled the eggs.  He enjoyed the breakfast so much.

"Like the grasses showing tender faces to each other, thus we should do, for this was the wish of the Grandfathers of the world."

~Black Elk

Another day, I made some biscuits with butter and honey.

I had some ham leftover, so I made a potato and ham dish with bell peppers and seasonings.

Jess loved the red coat I got Charlotte, and she looks so warm and cozy wearing it.

A few things I am looking forward to.....the fundraiser dinner in my hometown coming up.  I will see all my family then.  And we will celebrate my birthday that weekend too.  It's a big one, that's all I'll say about that. ; )

I had a long talk with my sister one day on the phone.  It was good catching up with her.

Like many of you, I've been going through things and de-cluttering and sorting to give away or keep.  So far, I've given away 7 boxes and bags, and it does feel good to clear out some of this and that.  I guess we are all thinking the same thing in January.

Have a beautiful January week.  It's supposed to be sunny this month, but then, we're expected some rain and snow in February.
