Since school is starting, I thought I'd share my school years growing up, especially with my new friends, who I'm just becoming acquainted with. My school years were wonderful, for the most part. I was an outgoing child and teenager, so that may have made it easier for me. My mom had a tremendous part in ensuring that my school years were good ones, by sewing costumes for school events, and just being there at the end of the day, asking how my day went. Sometimes she started and completed a whole project while I was at school. The elementary school was right down the street from my house, so I could walk to school sometimes, but when junior high came around, I had to take the bus for a time, as the school was way on the other side of town. It seemed like it took forever to get there before the day even started. So, here's some bits and pieces of my school years back in the day.
The sweet years.
I remember having good teachers the first few years of grade school, and I remember the principle always had a smile on his face and said hello when he passed my way. By the end of the sixth grade, he knew us well. One year, me and my best friend were not talking to each other for a while, and he called me into his office and reminded me how special our friendship had been since kindergarten, and did we really want to break that up? We eventually made up and all was well after that.
Year of the pixie cut.
Francesca got a hair cut before school started, and when I told her about the haircut I got in third grade and how short it was, she laughed, so I had to send her and Mia a picture.
My mom pretty much made every costume I ever wore. I always wanted a store bought costume, but looking back, the ones she patiently sewed for me were so much more special. I'm in the middle, and these two sweet souls have already left this earth, but they were surely my favorite cousins of all.
The awkward junior high years.
This was my first girl/boy party at my house. I can't believe my parents let me have one, as they were pretty strict, but I guess they trusted they should have. ; )
I was always involved in one activity or another.
Do ya'll remember the school cafeteria burritos? Me and friends had one nearly every day at lunch time, and I looked forward to them even before the bell rang. They were the best. I actually found the same type of burrito at a drive-inn in my hometown, and used to get them from time to time.
All the football games and the Homecomings every season.
Well, there you go. A little of my school life through the years. Having good friends around me each and every day made the school days less monotonous and more uplifting and fun. I got pretty good grades, except for Math; never cared for it. And when Algebra came around, I even had to get my middle brother to help me for a time, which improved my grades some.
Fast forward to the mom years.....when I had kids of my own, I was very protective, and used to make sure they got in their classroom in the morning, or were in line with their teachers. Looking back, I still remember walking Nel to the bus stop when she was in middle school. Her school was in the country, and I felt uneasy until she was safely on that bus. But that's another story for another post.
While shopping with Jess at Target one day, I came across these raccoon socks and loved them. They look Fallish to me.
I simply want to say, thank you, Teachers.
I'll leave you with a few nature photos. This outgoing gal needs alone time, and nature is a must. We received some rain! When I was driving recently, I looked up at our mountain and noticed a dusting of snow on the peak already. This horse was very sweet, and came right up to me without fear or reservation. The reddish leaves are reminding me that the most wonderful season is on its way.