Monday, August 12, 2024

French Bakery At The Village

 I had a wonderful time in So Cal visiting with the kids.  I stayed with Nel half the time, and Jess, the other, and they made my stay so comfortable and nice.  One of the first outings we went to was at the village where we got pastries at a quaint French Bakery.

Story.  After we ordered, we sat down to eat.  We found a cozy spot in the corner, and started to enjoy our coffee and croissants.  A lady had her treats, and was getting ready to leave, and as she was walking out the door she said to us, "now that looks like a nice tea party."  Mia smiled and quickly said, "yea, would you like to join us?"  The lady chuckled and said, "oh no, but thank you, dear," and left with a big smile on her face.  I said to Mia, "that was so nice what you said to her," all the while thinking, ~what a sweet child.~  The decor in the bakery was very charming, and I loved the big white mirrors that were hanging on the walls.

There were rows and rows of different pastries behind the glass windows, and fresh baked bread to buy also.  Nel bought a loaf to take home, as she had some honey butter from a neighbor that we could have later that evening.

Many of you know that I'm part French Canadian on my mom's side, so when I enter a cafe' or see anything Frenchie, I get a bit giddy.

During one of our shopping outings, I came across this plaque that looked French to me and bought it.  I couldn't resist, as I used to say these words to my kids when they were little.

Afterwards, we walked the quaint streets at the village, and I wanted to buy Mia something for her birthday.  She has been wanting to go inside this one particular toy store, so Nel thought it was the perfect time to do that.  She's really into stuffies right now, and after looking all around at the various toys, she chose the soft furry Cheetah.

As we were walking to one of Nel's favorite shops that has lotions and creams (I wanted to get her something too), we saw this delightful sign.  It hit home for me last week when I was losing internet access on my computer, until it got fixed.

I always enjoy myself at the village, and I'll have to return to the French Bakery the next time I visit.




What a heartwarming story! Mia’s spontaneous invitation was truly sweet and must have made the lady’s day. It sounds like you had a lovely time at the bakery, especially with the charming decor and delightful treats.

I’ve just posted a new blog entry and would love for you to check it out when you have a chance. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Oh Sheri this looks like a wonderful spot to enjoy with Nel and Mia. So many treats to tempt. Mia is such a kind child. You all must be very proud of her for her kindness she extended to a stranger! That makes my heart very happy to hear about. I love the photo of you and Mia with her cheetah. And the photo of you is lovely. Thank you for sharing your happy times!

LoveT. said...

The French Bakery is very nicely decorated.
With her words, Mia gave the woman a nice memory.

I wish you a wonderful new week

LoveT. said...

The French Bakery is very nicely decorated.
With her words, Mia gave the woman a nice memory.

I wish you a wonderful new week

Louca por porcelana said...

Precious time! Mia is kind and clever. Hugs and blessings!

R's Rue said...

What a sweet child. Mia. God Bless you.


Bonito rincón para sentarse y tomar un café, con un buen dulce.
Un abrazo.

Ginny Hartzler said...

i really like BOTH of these signs! I even like the outside of the bakery, with the pretty gold scrollwork on the sides of their name. I would spend all my money and gain 50 pounds.

DeniseinVA said...

What a lovely time you had with your family. Sweet photos and aww on Mia asking the lady to join you. She must have made that lady’s day. I loved the photos of you both, and the earlier one of you also. I didn’t know you were French Canadian Sheri. So was my mother-in-law. Her family came over from France and settled in Montreal in the 1700s, before moving down to the U.S. Their name was Menard. Your plaque made me smile, it is a phrase I still use to this day, and I loved the sign across the street. Mia must have been so happy with her birthday gift and above all, time with you. Happy Birthday Mia :)

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Sheri,
One can tell that you were happy those days and who would NOT?!
The Crème Bakery sounds like a dream and how sweet of Mia to reply like that.
So you hail from the Province of Québec? Those genes have been passed down rather strongly by your Mom's side.
Mia so happy with her Cheetah, priceless such images and fond memories.

Jeanie said...

Your tea time sounds delightful and so does your tea partner, Mia. What a charming and lovely child. Love the "big cat" you got her and those pastries look to die for. Fabulous. All of it!

Kim said...

That was lovely, Sheri! What a sweet day y'all had! You made us feel like we were right there with you! ❤️

Hena Tayeb said...

What a beautiful space. Yummy croissants.

Marilyn Miller said...

That looks like an amazing French bakery. I would love it there too. What a sweet Mia to offer the lady to join you. Isn't it always fun to go on an adventure with your special people?

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

That looks like a lot of very delicious treats. I love croissants! I bet you had a blast with Mia and Nel. I love tea parties!

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness I enjoyed that French Bakery - wish I could have been in that tea party. That was so sweet of Mia asking that other women - loved that. I am also glad to see some photos of you. Beautiful friend. I would have guessed some French in you. The tea room looked pretty but those desserts exquisite - see where my mind is. I loved her BIG Cheetah - very nice of grandma. And I always say hello my loves to my kids too. Funny.
And I love it about unplugging - it is so true.

Donna said...

What a sweet thing to say to the lady....
The pastries look delicious!!
Glad you had a fun trip!

Shug said...

Oh my goodness....all those bakery goods look so yummy. I could gain weight real fast just looking at the. This looks like such a nice area. Great for shopping. little Mia..oh how precious for her to invite the lady to have tea. that was so sweet. Mia has such a beautiful smile on her face with the cheetah. This is a great happy place for you and I'm so happy you enjoyed your trip.

Carla from The River said...

Hi Sheri, what a wonderful outing. I would enjoy the bakery. :-) I loved the story of Mia... that is just what the world needs more of. Love YOU! Carla

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Your time away with your girls was so special! I didn't know you had a French Canadian momma! She is so beautiful, as you are too! Love the little sign you found, and the street sign too. We all need to unplug a little more! Precious Mia, what a sweet girl! So kind of her to graciously invite the lady to your table! Love her heart. She is obviously in love with her new Cheetah, so precious! What a blessing to be with your family!

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

We have a French Coffee Shop in our area and it is charming and decorated as nice as the one you visited. The French have a way!! Mia looks really happy with her Cheetah! The quote you posted is one that I used in the cookbook I published- so funny!!

Veronica Lee said...

What a charming post, Sheri! Your visit sounds wonderful, from the cozy French Bakery and Mia’s sweet gesture to the delightful village stroll. It’s great you found something special for Mia and enjoyed the bakery’s treats. Looking forward to hearing about your next visit!

Hugs and blessings 🌹

Susan said...

Oh Sheri, what a delightful post. Oh! That French bakery, "FABULEUSE, QUI QUI." I also love the stuffie you got for Mia. SOOOO adorable. I KNOW you had a wonderful time and you deserve it! Hugs. Susan

Susan said...

P.S. I meant to tell you I think Mia takes after you, with her kind heart and sweet disposition. Also, that you are VERY young looking Grammie!

Julia said...

So glad you had a wonderful and safe trip. Those pastries look delicious!

Pilar said...

What a wonderful story! I'm glad you had a lovely time Sheri! Those croissants look delicious!

Debbie Nolan said...

This bakery looks wonderful and the story of Mia was so precious. I can see why this child melts your heart. Adore the Cheetah. Oh to be little again and have stuffed animals. Well I am going to read the post I missed on August 5th. Hugs!

Rose said...

Oh, know that lady will always remember Mia inviting her to the tea party. And I bet it will make her smile many times from that day on.

Sandi said...
