Friday, December 1, 2017


all the injustice in the world
all the wrongdoing
all the unfairness
all the tearing down instead
of building up 
all the cruelty
all the madness
Many worry about our world today,
many are crushed in spirit.
Don't worry, dear hearts.
This is God's world.
He is taking care of it.
He's near.
My granddaughter,

I love you.



Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Dearest Sheri,
You have echoed my thoughts.. Such a beautiful post, and what could be more gorgeous than this bundle of love... Francesca! Breathtaking photo!
And I really enjoyed the video.
Love and blessings,

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Thank you, dear friend. I am so happy you enjoyed her. You are too kind. Yes, I have titled her "Embrace"...
Love and blessings,

Pilar said...

I needed to read this Sheri. Thanks for sharing this post. I was just talking about this with my mama today. She was saying how God is always there for us. Francesca is adorable. Wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday season!

Susie said...

Sheri, That sweet baby girl. I too worry about the world that our little ones will have to live in. Hopefully it will get better. If we could get honest trustworthy men in office and in business, it sure would help. So we have to do our best for everyone. I love that wee stocking. I think you are addicted to love, grandmother. ...have you decided on a name you will be call by your grandchildren? :) Blessings to you for a sweet weekend, love you, xoxo, Susie

Red Rose Alley said...

Thank you for following us, Josette. I appreciate that so much. I don't see a link for you, and would love to visit your blog if you have one. : )

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Thank you, dear Sheri, for the reminder that God is in control. Your granddaughter, Francesca, is beautiful, my friend. A newborn reminds me there is always hope. Thank you for a beautiful post. ♥


what a sweet, precious little one you have to bring peace and harmony to the world. it was a lovely video too.

Rose said...

She is so precious!

roughterrain crane said...

She is bringing you happy smiles. Nice Sunday.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

YOU are right. This is God's world, we are His children. The world's spirit is being taken over by an ill spirit, and we must watch ourselves and watch for one another. I too am tired of hearing of all the injustice, but listening to this music (my absolute favorite) reminds me that gentleness, compassion and empathy are what Jesus demonstrated to a dying world. WE ARE HIS!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I think this is the best rendition of this song I've heard. I now have to go wipe the tears from my eyes. Why does love and beauty do this to me?

Anonymous said...

Sweet, precious Francesca; such a blessing from the Lord.

Pam said...

Oh my......beautiful! So sweet, makes me want to pick her up and cuddle.

Mary Palumbo Collings said...

Such a beautiful baby Sheri! I'm sure that you and your whole family are absolutely filled with love!

Jill said...

So beautiful and precious.... a blessing indeed!
Have a wonderful weekend!


nonie everythingsewing said...

I agree with all others, that was just beautiful and so needed. Sometimes we forget who is in control and let random thoughts guide us in the wrong direction.

Thank you so much, I will re-read this many times.


hidden art of homemaking said...

Oh Sheri,
Is there anything more precious than a newborn granddaughter.. Francesca is adorable. I loved the video..

Karen said...

She is so precious!

DUTA said...

Everything bad gets forgotten when you contemplate this adorable baby girl. Don't worry about the world, God has created it and He 'll take care of it, one way or another. We have to trust Him and His makings.

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

You are so right, everything seems to get worse. But God will see us through.

Your granddaughter is beautiful and I know you are having such a wonderful time with her. Give her lots of hugs and kisses.


Patricia said...

Oh your sweet little granddaughter - what a treasure she is. Love her own special red stocking too.

It's me said...

What a sweet little girl........

It's the most wonderful time of the Ria x ❤️

Jeanie said...

She is exquisite. No greater gift than one so pure, innocent and lovely. I'm so very happy for you and your girls!

Carolina G. Ticala said...

Very cute! ♥️♥️♥️

Anonymous said...

Nothing is better for Christmas than a baby...:)JP

Holly said...

Hi Sheri, seasons greeting,beautiful granddaughter.

baili said...

How wonderful and delightful thoughts dear Sheri !!!

He is taking care of this world ins pite of all odds created by men he still loves man as he is his own creation ,who can hate his own made .

Thank you for brightening my day with such a Gorgeous photo of your adorable grand daughter "she is angle"!!! may she see happiness ,peace and prosperity in life ahead ,amen

Lucy@heart and hearth said...

Oh my goodness Sheri, I am so glad I saw your beautiful post.. I've missed you! My blogging break has been looong, and not sure if/when I'll return but COngratulations on a beautiful granddaughter!! I am expecting one (granddaughter) in the spring! Such a beautiful name too! Hugs and blessings

Susan said...

Dear Sheri...What a cherished post. Little Princess Francesca is as beautiful as a newborn angel! Oh, those eyes! That little face! What a darling. And the video with music was so soul-stirring. All those little faces touch my heart. I am going to be a Grammie again in March and the baby will be a little girl! Thrilled. Take care and thank you for all your visits to my blog. Oh! And I loved your ride around town to look at the Christmas signs. Lovely. Susan

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

OMG your granddaughter is precious.

I was just telling my husband how I am concerned for my children, their children and so on- because of what is happening in our country/world.

Then you see a precious babe, and it reminds me of a baby Jesus, who came into a world that wasn't much better than today-

There is always HOPE and the little ones show us that side.

Carla from The River said...

Sweet as can be Sheri!
I agree with your prayer, I can worry for my boys future. I have to keep my eyes on God.

Marilyn Miller said...

Sweet baby girl! And let there be peace in the world.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Your precious little bundle of joy! What blessings we have if we will just take time to appreciate them. I'm having a giveaway today and I hope you'll stop by! Hugs!

Dewena said...

Francesa, what a beautiful name for this precious child. God bless her during her first Christmas!

And a lovely video accompanying a favorite piece of music, a treat to listen to and watch.

Thank you, Sheri,

Stephanie said...

Francesca...what a precious bundle of joy! This was such a beautiful post, dear friend. Thank you for sharing with us.

Much love to you!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Francesca is such a beautiful and precious example of all that is right with this world. Faith will carry us through these dark times, my dear friend. Sending love and hugs xo Karen

Red Rose Alley said...

I love you, dear blog friends. : )

Sally said...

I have been feeling the same, but as you relate God is near! Amen

Your little granddaughter is beautiful! :)

Susie Swanson said...

Oh my goodness how precious. Congrats to all of you. Sorry I'm so far behind. xx