Friday, December 8, 2017

White Stocking

I've always wanted a white stocking -
not just any stocking....
a soft, white, fluffy stocking.  
I never found just the right one,
until my eyes caught a glimpse of white fur
 while shopping at Kohl's.
It was just what I have been looking for.
It's so soft and pretty.
My kids still fill my stocking each year with
candy, nuts, teas, chocolate, and goodies.
What can I say?....
I feel like a kid at Christmastime!
And they always remember to put an orange at the bottom of my stocking, which means so much to me, as my mom used to put an orange in all of our stockings growing up.  When I see that orange every year, a little part of my mom is with me Christmas morning.

*this is a wonderful movie, by the way.
The family is getting bigger, and it's getting harder to know which stockings belong to who.   Now, my kids will remember that the white stocking belongs to their mama.


R's Rue said...


DUTA said...

Cute white stocking! Enjoy it and the sweets inside!
You look lovely in your Christmas picture with Santa.

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Good Morning Dear Sheri!
I am loving the white fluffy finds of Christmas too! I bought 2 fluffy white pillows to decorate our dining room chairs this year. They remind me of snow, joy and happiness. I bet you will find some sweet surprises in your pretty fluffy stocking this year. Your heart is made of gold and your gentle spirit inspires me always.
Much Love,

Pilar said...

What a beautiful stocking Sheri! I've always wanted a faux fur white stocking! I feel blessed that my birthday is on Christmas :) I love this time of year!

Red Rose Alley said...

Thank you, Careen, for following us. I appreciate that very much. I don't see a link for you, and would love to visit if you have a blog. : )

It's me said...

Really like That stocking Sheri !!! love love Ria x ❤️

My Shasta Home said...

Pretty stocking. Was that a photo of you?

I haven't put up stockings in almost 15 years since my son died. I thought maybe this year I would but they would have to be brand new ones. The old ones, from when my sons were young and all together - make me sad.

I have cute stockings for my dog and cat! I need another one for my senior cat.

Karen said...

The stocking is so nice, and so are the traditions. Thank you for recommending the movie. I have never seen it. Have a blessed weekend!


what a charming white furry stocking. looks cuddly and sweet.

Sandi said...

:) love the stocking!

(And oranges in them!) Merry Christmas!

Lauren @ My Wonderfully Made said...

It's perfect! How fun that you all still do stockings and the orange. We never did stockings in our home and I did it a FEW years with our kids but it never seemed to catch on. Looks like you've been able to keep the tradition alive!

nonie everythingsewing said...

A very beautiful stocking and soon to be filled with so much love.

Anonymous said...

Your stocking is so pretty! That is a sweet memory of your mom with the orange. There are so many tempting treats at Christmas time! Have a blessed weekend.

Carla from The River said...

A sweet stocking for you.
It looks so soft and cozy too.

Rose said...

Such a sweet memory...

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I adore you.

The things that make you happy are often the things that make me happy too. Small things that incite memory. I have two small white furry stockings and I need to bring them out; I usually fill Ruben's up with nuts, tea and chocolate as well!!!

PEACE and beauty to you always, dearest friend!

Pam said...

Don't even need a name on it do they? That is so pretty. I really love it. I love oranges and nuts at Christmas. They used to be put in our stockings as kids also. Thanks for bringing back that memory.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

What a beautiful stocking, Sheri! I love it. We always had an orange in our stockings, too. It's so sweet your family fills your's with favorites and reminders of your mother. So sweet. I love the sweet little bear I see sitting in the chair as well. Have a nice weekend, my friend. ♥

Marilyn Miller said...

I absolutely love your white stocking!! And the memory of the orange is so very special. As a young girl I remember when Santa gave me an orange and candy cane, oh I was in heaven over those gifts. What treasure memories are.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Oh I love your new elegant stocking. I remember getting fruit and hard candy in my stocking as a child. I wanted to make a plaid stocking this year but I'm running out of time! Holiday hugs!

LoveT. said...

The Pictures are so cute and wonderful! So much Inspiration for the Christmas Time. :)

lovely Greetings from Vienna <3

Sally said...

How pretty! And, a great tradition for your family. :)

Susan said...

I love your white stocking, Sheri. It is perfecf for you. Susan

Anonymous said...

Hi Sherri wow I love your white stocking and I also love the beautiful thought behind the orange going in the bottom of your stocking,very special,I am also your newest follower xx

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I always seem to find something at Target at this time of year. I love your stocking! I have always put Cadbury chocolate oranges in my kinds stockings.

Joan said...

I also never see a white stocking and this is a nice one (ha,ha It remind me about Twinkle looks also sooooo soft)

Sherry said...

we have new stockings this year as well..
a nice change. we don't typically fill them
though perhaps that should change. wink.
{i have something for you}

Sigrid Pulido said...

This is a nice and warm looking stocking. It's also a nice American Christmas tradition to hang up stockings. We don't have that in Germany but other wonderful traditions instead.
I love to eat M & M's, especially when they are red and green, but I prefer them with peanuts inside.
Wish you a wonderful Christmas time, Sheri,

NanaDiana said...

I love that stocking, Sheri. It is truly a beauty...made for the pure of heart (you can claim that)! lol

I always put oranges in my kids' stockings when they were little along with one of those miniature boxes of cereal (I wonder if they still make those)...and that way they had 'breakfast' right there. It's funny the things we remember from Christmas and how much they mean.

Hope you have a great week, Sheri. xo Diana

handmade by amalia said...

I do like family traditions for the holidays. A simple orange takes a whole new meaning. And your sock looks so soft and luxurious, keep it away from the cats :-)

Jeanie said...

It's such a lovely stocking! Oh, Lizzie would love that one -- she'd think it was her kittens!

baili said...

Oh this is absolutely ADORABLE stocking dear Sheri !!!

looks so beautiful and soft .
you are lucky mom dear and your kids love you so much .
this is nice that now you have different stocking so they can fill it with more ease and delight :)

movie sounds sweet !
how amazing that oranges make you feel more close to you mom ,i wish i can send you tons of them:)