Monday, January 8, 2018

Gallery Love

I finally finished the baby's gallery wall above her changing table.

I had a vision of what I wanted, but she came into the world before I had a chance to complete it.

She loves to stare at it when I'm changing her, and many of the items have a special meaning or story attached. 

My best friend gave me these tiny shutters because she knows I love miniature things, but they have been sitting off to the side for quite a while, since I wasn't sure how to use them. 

I decided to create shelves with them.

Nel made this hot air balloon for my bridal shower. 

Mom and my mother-in-law bought this pretty rosary and stuffed bunny at the gift shop when Francesca was born.   

My friend has a sign business, and she made this lovely handmade sign for us. Her signs are creative and affordable, and she can do custom orders. You can find her work here: Marilyn Avenue Sign Co. 

These L-o-v-e blocks were in my bedroom when I was a little girl, and now I'm passing them on to my little girl. 

My colleague made this piece. We coached an elementary girls' running club last spring, and this is inspired by an activity that promoted self-love. 

Lastly, I just love unicorns, and the headpiece is from my wedding reception. 

I hope you've enjoyed a sneak peak into one of my home projects. I'm learning to accept that things are just going to take longer now, even if it's months longer than anticipated! 

Our little Red Rose Alley baby says Hi. ;-)



Sandi said...

Great idea with the shelf!

Her unicorn makes me think of the little girl in the most recent Minons movie. :)

Joan said...

Sweet baby and sweet pink objects ..

LoveT. said...

What a cute Baby! The Room looks beautiful, great Work Jess. :)

lovely Greetings from Vienna!

Marilyn Miller said...

Sweet little girl. I know she will sooo enjoy the collection you placed before her on the wall. Love the idea of the hot air balloon.

Karen said...

Everything looks wonderful. I like the things you included from your childhood too. Love the photo of Francesca in her Red Rose dress!

Anonymous said...

Oh my, Jess, every detail is precious, especially Francesca in her red rose alley dress. ;) Her smile can light up a world. xoxoxo
PS-Yes, things will take a little longer now. Savor every second because before you know it things will flash by.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Having had 3 boys, I melt when I see all the cute girly pink stuff.

Your baby daughter is precious.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Oh goodness, Francesca is a little doll! How beautiful she is. I love how you arranged her wall with such meaningful pieces. Each one is beautiful. ♥

Susan said...

Oh, Jess ,she is beauty...a sweet little peach. Love the gallery.Say hello to your dear Mama for me, will you? Susan

Jeanie said...

Biggest sigh! Your nursery is so enchanting -- and so is your own little Red Rose! Adorable (and getting big)!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess wow i love your little girls room and i think you are very clever in the way you used the shutters and i love that all the pieces have a special meaning and gee what a cutie you have she is adorable xx

DUTA said...

Your adorable Francesca's outfit is beautiful! I like the hand made sign with her name created by your friend, and everything else you put in her room.

Lowcarb team member said...

Everything looks great and what a gorgeous smile your sweet Francesca has.
My good wishes for 2018.

All the best Jan

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

What a lovely room for your sweet little one! Love all the sentimental and pretty things. The shutter shelves are so clever. Francesca is so precious. xx

NanaDiana said...

What a cute room filled with precious things from family and friends.
She is just beautiful!!! Enjoy every moment of that babyhood! xo Diana

Rose said...

She is absolutely adorable! I love the way you decorated....

Pilar said...

What a little doll! Francesca is such a cute baby! I love the pink theme of the nursery and that sign add a perfect touch to the room!

Carla from The River said...

Hi Jess,
I think it is wonderful. Pink is my second favorite color. ;-)
Thank you for sharing sweet baby too!


what charming objects for the baby's room. she's adorable.

Unknown said...

This couldn't be more perfect. Wow I am amazed. It's filled with so many of my favourites- unicorns, pink, macaroons, roses.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Beautifully done, Jess! Have fun with this little wonder!

Connie said...

It's okay that things will take longer . . just look at that beautiful smiling distraction:) She is adorable and so is her very pretty room.
Have a lovely day.
Connie :)
P.S. I'm celebrating 6 years of blogging with a Give-A-Way, please come visit and put your name in the hat :)

Susie said...

Jess, Your daughter is a precious gift. So cute in her rose dress. :):) I know your mom is smiling. I adore the gallery you have created. So sweet that it all has meanings. Those Love blocks are priceless. Blessings to your little family of love, xoxo, Susie

It's me said...

Owwwww so sweet....i am melting...she is so cute little girl ❤️❤️❤️

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

We all wish we could pick her up and just squeeze her, she's so sweet! Love that you've used things that have special meanings for your decorations. And how nice to be able to photograph everything. (not like the olden days when we couldn't take as many photos) Hugs to you both, Diane

Tammie Lee said...

Your little girl is so lovely. I wish you all a lifetime of happiness together.

All the details of her room are charming and even better when you share the meaning behind them.

R's Rue said...


Susie Swanson said...

What a precious baby and that room is so adorable. Nothing like a sweet grandbaby to light up hearts and bring so much joy. Blessings and love, xo

Pam said...

Oh...she is so adorable! I love her wall and I am sure that she will enjoy looking at every piece and learning the history behind it all.....Beautiful job!

Sally said...

Beautiful baby girl! Love her room, it's lovely as can be. :)

baili said...

wow you are incredibly creative dear Jess!!!

LOVED each so much!

But please don't mind if i say that The most lovable smile of your little angle dimmed everything around.

She is beyond pretty and adorable ,i just loved her so much .

items from your mom ,mom in law ,friend and colleague are beautiful .

may you see more happiness with your child in each step of life darling!

Lauren @ My Wonderfully Made said...

OH she is ADORABLE!! Yes, things WILL take longer but as a mom to three grown children (a 29-year old and twins who are 26) it is SO worth it. I sometimes look back at things I made or did when they were little and think, "How on earth did I do that??" but you just DO. And you're young lol. LOVE how all of these things have such meaning and a story behind them that you'll be able to share as time goes on.

Debby Ray said...

Oh Jess, Francesca is so adorable! You have created a DARLING space for her...I love the soft pinks and everything you put together...
LOVE the sweet shutter shelves!

Carola Bartz said...

Such a cute baby!! I love her wonderful smile.
I love what you did those shutters - very neat to make shelves out of them!

shayndel said...

She is so precious and beautiful!
What a special room so full with love! The rosey pink is such a soft and peaceful color, and Francesca is such a pretty name!


Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

This is just the sweetest nursery ever! I love your design and theme for beautiful and darling Francesca! She is growing so fast and I just bet your Mom is savoring each and every moment of her new title as Grandmother!
Blessings and love to all!

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

I just love your little Francesca's gallery wall, it is full of darling pieces, and they will all mean so much to her someday! I love the idea of using the shutters for a shelf, brilliant! And how precious that gifts given at the baby shower grace the wall as well. She is just the sweetest baby, love that smile! Hugs :)

Bety said...

What a great idea with the shelf!
Lovely,lovely little rose-baby! Hugs! So cute !

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Jess,

Francesca's room is gorgeous and love all the sweet touches you have done there. Your little Red Rose Alley baby is so precious and darling and so cute in the pretty rose dress.

Walking the Bean said...

Awwww, this is a wonderful room! And what a the shutters, but love the baby most of all!
I used to teach my kindergarteners {even the boys}, how to care for a baby by using dolls purchased from the dollar store. Thx for sharing!
