Monday, June 10, 2024

A Visit To The Lake

Well, I had to go to DMV one more time, and my son had to take care of some registration stuff, so he came along.  Up the mountain we went, and thankfully, that was the last trip to DMV.  Since I was up there, I wanted to go to the nursery, so I stopped and browsed for awhile and saw all the pretty flowers, plants, and trees.  I was drawn to the roses, of course, and the pink ones caught my eye.  Some of you know that the pink rose is my second favorite, but it's not just any pink, it has to be just the right shade of pink.

I saw some pretty orange flowers too.  Not sure what they are, but they were unique.

And a peculiar looking water fountain.

Before leaving, I went inside the hardware/gift shop to look around.  I didn't find anything, but I did pick up a new mouse for my computer.  I'm pretty picky these days about what I buy for the home.

I wanted to visit the lake also, which was right down the road from the nursery.  The lake was full from the rain we had this year, and it was beautiful.  There was a bird perched on a tree that had the neatest turquoise feathers, the Common Grackle maybe?

This yellow rose bush was huge, and it was right next to the lake at someone's house.

It was such a pleasant day, and even better when I ordered some take out when I got home - szechuan chicken, crab and cream cheese wontons, and prawns.

I was driving home from the creek on Saturday, and saw a deer on the edge of the road.  I stopped to gaze at her, but she quickly ran and hid herself in the camouflage of the woods.

Jess and the babies are coming to visit me this month.  I am looking forward to that, and have been planning for their visit.

My peach mini roses just bloomed.  They are a reminder of the gratitude I have for this house.

It's that time of year when people hike the Pacific Crest Trail, a long-distance hiking trail.  The route goes through my town, and I've been seeing backpackers and cyclists enthusiastically travel the path on the highway.  I talked with one man, who had an accent, and directed him to places in our town.  It sounded like he was from Germany.  People from all over pass this way while hiking the Pacific Crest Trail.  Nel said it's something she would like to do someday.  : )




Pam said...

Oh I love the peach pretty. For the last four yrs my garden consisted of purple, this yr I have ventured out to some orangy yellow colors, like Brown Eye Susans....I love it. Course I am crazy about all colors in the garden. Glad three of your girls are coming for a visit. That will be nice.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Happy Monday Sheri!
Yes it is that time of year for our region! My sons hike portions of the pacific crest trail and I’ve been in it once briefly when I was on another trail and the PCT crossed through the trail I was on.
Pretty roses. Enjoyed your photos and especially liked the deer in the brush and the tan colored fuzzy wildflower - don’t know what it is but nice shot.
Oh you’re going to have such fun when Jess and the girls come for a visit.
That lake sure looks refreshing. It’s so nice to see lakes that are full. We had just too many drought years. Creation truly comes alive when God sends rain.
Have a beautiful week.

Chatty Crone said...

I am glad you went back to the DMV - the nursery was so pretty - I loved that water fountain - it was unique. I also LOVE the pink roses - you have good taste. I am not sure what those orange/yellow flowers were either.
The lake was just beautiful. You live in the loveliest area. I have never seen a bird with turquoise feathers - we don't have anything like that here - wonder how that color happened?
Your Chinese dinner was a great treat as well.
We have had a couple dead deer off the side of the road here - I feel so bad for them. We are using all the land, and they just don't know where to go. It is so sad - so I am glad you have a place for them there.
When do the girls come - it will be the first time - right?
My son is a hiker like Nel. He wants to do that El Camino Trail one day.
Love your blog!

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

I love roses and I too am partial to certain colors and shades. I'm not a big fan of the red rose. My favorite is a deep pink. The lake photos are beautiful and it was nice you caught a shot of the deer.

Red Rose Alley said...

Sandie, no, the girls came for a visit before during the Summer months. They've already seen the house, and they are familiar with the area, as Mount Shasta is special to our family.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Beautiful flowers! I love your rose banner.
The Peace rose has a pale yellow blush in the center. It is one of my favorite.

Ginny Hartzler said...

The lake water is gorgeous! Do people ever swim there? I love the pale pink roses! That nis my favorite shade of pink for roses as well!

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Sheri,
Flowers in June are the best looking—no doubt!
The yellow Banksia rose can grow huge and is a strong variety.
Jess and the babies coming over will be lovely for you.
As for Nel wanting to walk the Pacific Crest Trail is quite ambitious as it from the US/Mexico border to the US/Canada border across 2,660 mi / 4,200 km through California, Oregon, and Washington.
Not without dangers either!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

I'm glad your visit to the DMV went well and you enjoyed visiting such a great looking nursery. Beautiful pink roses! I love roses too. Bringing a cut rose from the garden gives me great joy. It's so nice you see deer often. I'm sure you will have a great visit with Jess and the girls--how exciting! The trail sounds wonderful. It sounds a lot like the Appalachian Trail on the East Coast. Have a happy week ahead, my friend.

Jeanie said...

What a grand day, Sheri. The lake photo is beautiful and since pink roses are a favorite of mine, I loved seeing those blooms. That's fun having the hikers and such come through your town. I would enjoy that interaction. Have fun with jess!

Marilyn Miller said...

The flower you were wondering about is a calendula. I don't have any in my garden these days, but I like them. Love pink roses.
Love Chinese food and yours looked delicious.
How exciting to have a visit with grands.
How fascinating to live in a community connected to the Pacific Crest Trail. I have found that very fascinating. I have a friend that did part of that trail on horseback.

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

Hi Sheri,
Glad you took a fun trip to DMV! Everything looks so pretty there. The nursery would be fun to visit too! I am glad the kids are coming to visit too! It has been so hot here lately. Looking forward to end of week when it is cooler!
Have a great week!

Katerinas Blog said...

Your trip to DMV was very nice.
The lake looks great and the flowers amazing!
I love deer so much!
Be well and have a beautiful day!

Zacisze Lenki said...

Beautiful nature photos. I have never seen such a bird. Orange flowers are marigolds and have health properties. A joyful meeting with your loved ones and a lot of good for your whole family.

Rose said...

Oh, my, those roses are gorgeous. And that one at the home is huge. I have never seen one that big. That bird does look like a grackle to me. I think it would be fun to meet the people walking the PCT.

LoveT. said...

Thank you for the beautiful pictures of the lake, the roses and the animals <3

Donna said...

Pink Anything is my favorite! Beautiful rose...
The flowers are gorgeous!
I'm a "walker" but not a best friend hiked, for years, the Sandia Mountains...


Pasear por ahí es muy gratificante. Se da unos buenos paseos por la naturaleza y se aprecia la belleza que hay en ella. Luego ya cansados, hay que reponer fuerzas a la hora del almuerzo.
Un abrazo.

Shug said...

Hey Sheri....goodness, I don't know which of these photos I like the most. They are all great and each one has a specific message. Peace, Beauty, Nature, Fun.....and I know you captured them at the perfect time. I don't know why, but I am amazed at the number of people who come from all over the world to hike. I'm guessing they find nature like most of us never see. I know the the short hike that Sam and I did a few weeks ago was tiring but so relaxing to the mindset. How exciting for your kids to be coming for a visit.....It is always great to have thing to look forward to.

Susan said...

Hi Sheri...
Your photos are "National Geographic" fabulous. You capture nature so perfectly. Thank you so much for sharing that immense talent with the world.
Oh, I LOVE pink roses, too. They are my absolute favorite.
On a tiny strip of grass in front of my apartment, I have roses growing in a white pot. I'll be darned, as soon as one dies, another pops up in its place. I am loving that little rose plant.
I am SO HAPPY one of your daughters and two sweet grands are coming. Now that is always cause to celebrate.
Your blog is light in the world's darkness! And so are you. Hugs. Susan

My Tata's Cottage said...

Such thoguhtful and happy posts here. Always a pleasure to stop and say hi. You are blessed/ :pve the roses too.

Debbie Nolan said...

Sheri - I adore that pink rose. The Peach mini is lovely as well. I have never been very successful with the roses but they are a favorite of mine. Your daughter and grandbabies look you cannot wait for them to visit. Deer are the sweetest animals...just so fun to see them. Hope friend you continue to enjoy your start of June. Hugs!

Veronica Lee said...

Your day sounds like it was filled with simple pleasures and beautiful moments.
The pink roses must have been a sight to behold, and I can only imagine how lovely the lake looked after the rain.
Seeing a deer so close must have been magical.
I'm also excited for you about Jess and the babies' visit - it will be wonderful to have family around.

Enjoy every moment and thank you for sharing these snippets of your life with us, Sheri 🌹

Hugs and blessings

Carla from The River said...

Hi, my roses are blooming. :-) I had a busy week of creating fresh flower bouquets ... I used several of my roses in the bouquets. My pink roses have a lovely fragrance.

I cannot wait to hear all about your time with Jess and family.

Love, Carla