Monday, June 3, 2024

A Drive Up The Mountain And Some Color

I had to drive up the mountain to go to DMV last week.  My son got a new car, and needed to get his registration, so I drove.  Now, this is not going down to the city, it's going up the mountain, and there is one part that is a bit curvy, so I seldom travel there.  The first trip I made, DMV's computers were down, so I had to come back.  I felt more at ease the second time, so I will visit more often, as it's only a 20 minute drive.  It's a small quaint town; not much there but a couple restaurants, a nursery, and a lake.  Next time, I want to visit the lake and the nursery, but on this trip, I managed to get a few pictures of nature.  There is an open road where I can see Mt. Shasta so clearly, and I feel as if I can reach out and touch the mountain from this one spot.  The California Poppies are wildly blooming, and there was a tree with eyes watching my every move.

"Exhaust the little moment, soon it dies.  And be it gash or gold, it will not come again in this disguise."

~Gwendolyn Brooks

I made a big salad, and this time I added bacon to it.

One of my favorite lunches - tuna sandwiches and barbecue chips.  These are Popchips, which use simple ingredients and heat and pressure instead of grease and the deep fryer.

And then there is pecan pie.

I bought some tennis shoes with the Amazon gift card Nel gave me.  They are slip-on casual sneakers in a classic grey.  I need a good pair of walking shoes.

I wanted to show you the cakes Nel made recently for her niece and nephew.  The first cake is a nature theme, and the second one is a Poke'mon cake!  She did a really creative job decorating them.

Brian bought Jess a hummingbird feeder for the back porch, and she waited and waited until one day a hummingbird came to visit her.

The man who was in charge of the fundraiser in my dad's name passed away recently.  He was a dear friend of the family, and especially to my youngest brother.  He was involved with many events in the community, and he was such a good person.  Thank you, A, for all you did to keep the fundraiser ongoing for so many years.  My family loved you, and you will be missed by many.  I thought this June page on my calendar was perfect to say good-bye to our special friend.

I opened up the blinds in the laundry room, and this little guy flew on my fence.

I combined blue with blush, just because I love both of these colors.

I laugh when I see this picture of Charlotte.  I just want to kiss those smiling cheeks.

Got a new landscaper out here last week.  They did a nice job on the front and back yard.  Things grow fast here in the Spring and Summer.  I've been outside working, getting what they missed; weeding, pulling, and sprucing.  It's so nice when my white flowering bush comes alive every Spring.  It seemed to come late this year.

I watched The Chosen Livestream, Season 4, episode 1.  The show is getting better with each season.

May you have many good June days.



Zacisze Lenki said...

Thank you very much for being able to admire the beautiful photos, and Charlotte is the most beautiful. Happy June to the whole Sheri family.

LoveT. said...

The mountain looks really close enough to touch.
The picture with the hummingbird is fantastic, I think it's great.

Charlotte has a lovely laugh, she is wonderful.

Happy June!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

The “up and down” you refer to made me smile because that’s how we talk. Up the mountain, down the mountain, down to the valley, across the river! And we all know what we’re talking about.
Love our state bird, the quail.
Charlotte looks so well loved; no wonder she laughs! She’s a happy baby.
Both Shasta and Lassen still have a lot of snow. We will can’t get past Bunny Flat on Shasta. They’re saying possibly July 1. Same with Lassen. When it’s 110+ here in the valley, I always look forward to driving UP the mountain to cool off.
So sorry to hear of your family friend passing. . I wouldn’t want to be the first to cut into those decorated cakes.
Bacon makes everything taste better!
I hope you enjoy the new week ahead. I know I plan to. 😘

Shug said...

Good morning Sheri. Mount Shasta is bigger than what I had imagined. Those curves around a mountain sure make my hands sweat. It is truly beautiful and so are all of the gorgeous flowers that you all have out there. I am in love with them and especially the vibrant colors. Those are the cutest little cheeks and Charlotte sure seems to be a happy baby...and she is certainly adorable. I have only seen the first season of the choice and it was great. I want to see the others but I'm having problems finding a website to watch it on. Hoping I can find a place soon. It is difficult losing a close family friend and I am so sorry for this loss. Prayers for you all. Nell is definitely a wonderful cake maker and these cakes look so pretty. I sure hope you a beautiful month of June. Hugs to you...

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Sheri,
What a view of Mount Shasta!
And all of nature is so lovely.
The Chosen seems to be very well played and looking true to time and era.

Ginny Hartzler said...

We are taping all The Chosen episodes. The cakes are amazing! Did you paint this picture?!! Your Mt. Shasta photo is gorgeous!! charlotte is so adorable! I love the way her little toes are curled. I love Popchips. The Poppy is so gorgeous!

Sandi said...

I sometimes forget how beautiful California is out in the sparse areas.


Has viajado a un lugar precioso, con hermosos paisajes. Las zapatillas, son muy cómodas para andar por la Naturaleza y como no todo es hacer ejercicio y hay que reponer fuerzas. la comida se ve muy nutritiva y apetitosa.

Chatty Crone said...

First of all you live in a glorious area. Wish we lived there - so pretty.
Glad you can drive 20 minutes to that new area - that you feel more comfortable driving. It will give you more to do.
The flowers - all of them are gorgeous! The mountains with the snowcapped peaks.
What was the picture of the ring - was that a tree or tire?
The food your prepared looks so good - love the salad - the tuna - and the pecan pie - one of my favorites.
Nice tennis shoes too.
I think that is so cool the way your daughter got a hummingbird and you a robin.
Your daughter made some beautiful cakes - was that real nature on the top?
I like blue and blush colors too.
Charotte is so cute.
Thanks for letting me know the Chosen season 4 is on.
And you are so right - anything can happen in a day - also in a second!!!!
Loved your post.

Hena Tayeb said...

Lovely flowers and two very beautiful cakes.
Happy birthday to the 5 year old.

Jeanie said...

What a fabulous ride and view. How far do you live from Mt. Shasta -- it looks close! And all the food you shared looks just delicious.And I'm very glad the ride felt more comfortable -- it opens the horizons for you. Those cakes are fabulous. Very beautifully decorated. I'm sorry for the loss of your family friend. He sounds like a very good man. And I love the calendar and its saying. Finally, I just love those California poppies!

Carla from The River said...

I always enjoy your posts Sheri, full of JOY and HOPE in our days. I love your June calendar post. "We Can Change In One Day.".... beautiful advice as well as "We can fall in love in one day."
Love, Carla

Marilyn Miller said...

So much beauty! I love it around Shasta, so beautiful. Glad you enjoyed visiting the town near your. Charlotte is a cutie. The cakes are amazing. I haven't heard of Popchips. They sound good.

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Oooh that picture of Charlotte is too cute for words!! Those cakes by Nel are simply amazing!! I admire you for driving up and down the mountain, Sheri. I can’t even drive the freeways around here and have to take backroads. As for your bacon, that’s how I cook it , too. Happy June and enjoy season 4 of The Chosen.

Billie Jo said...

Hello, my friend! You live in a beautiful area, and you photograph it so wonderfully! The baby is absolutely adorable!!! And the cakes? Wow!!! Enjoy these beautiful summer days!

Susan Kane said...

Where do you live?!! Such beauty. If you'd like a visitor, I'd volunteer. Pecan pie!!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Driving a scary section of road does get easier.
Beautiful pictures.
Sympathy for the loss of your friend
It feels like Charlotte was just an infant no to long ago.There she is sitting up.

Donna said...

Glad you are getting used to the drive!
I love a good tuna salad...and the cakes! So inventive!
I like the shoes...and I Love little Charlotte...Too adorable.
Hugs Donna

Betty said...

I enjoyed your post so much and many happy memories you are making.

Louca por porcelana said...

Beautiful pictures and cute Charlotte. Always a pleasure stopping by in your charming corner of world! Sorry for your earthly loss. I love "The chosen" too. Hugs and blessings dear friend.

Debbie Nolan said...

Oh my Sheri - this post is full of wonderful photos...California poppies, Charlotte (for sure) - luscious lunch - blue with blush (like these two colors as well). Looks like June is off to a lovely start. Glad you had a safe trip back to the DMV. I know there are places that make me nervous to drive - especially where the traffic is heavy. Well take care friend. Hugs!

Lux G. said...

I also watch Chosen but haven't started season 4. Yeah, they're getting better and better. I like those flowers. And the pie and cake makes me hungry.

Rose said...

I would be looking for reasons to take that drive if I got to see that mountain! Gorgeous shot. Actually, you have some great captures here...that robin is perfect. And who wouldn't want to hug Charlotte!!!

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

I don't know exactly where you live, but that is a closer view of Shasta than I am used to seeing from my son's place in Klamath Falls. Such a beautiful mountain!

roughterrain crane said...

Nature always watches you and embraces you.
You will find new treasures of nature wearing the new shoes.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Oh Sheri, I enjoyed this lovely post so much. You are a wonderful photographer, my friend! I loved seeing Mt. Shasta. So glad you are venturing out further into your community. It's so pretty there as you have shown! Nel's cakes are amazingly beautiful--she is quite gifted in so many areas. Charlotte is a cutie pie for sure. Your food always makes me hungry. I see you cook your bacon in the oven as well. My daughter taught me that--so easy and less messy. I recently cooked bacon in a skillet on vacation (no oven) and I didn't think it was as good as in the oven. Take care and enjoy these lovely June days.

Veronica Lee said...

What a lovely mountain drive, Sheri!
The view of Mt. Shasta and blooming poppies must be stunning.
Your bacon salad and tuna sandwiches look yummy 😋
Nel's nature and Pokémon-themed cakes are impressive.
Charlotte's smile is adorable!

Wishing you joyful June days, Sheri 🌹

Susan said...

Such a lovely post, Sheri.
I backtracked and saw the second trip to the DMV first! Lovely photos, as always. Good for you getting over your fear of the scary curvy road.
Nel is a master cake-maker. Those were awesome. I share her joy of seeing hummers. My daughter gave me a hummingbird feeder for Mother's Day.
Every time one of those little darling come to drink some sugar water, it makes my heart happy! Hugs. Susan