Monday, June 24, 2024

Just Because

This will be a short post today, as I'm getting ready for Jess' visit - washing sheets, stocking up on food and essentials, and doing some outside chores.  I look forward to their sweet visit.

I had some leftover salsa from the Mexican restaurant, and cooked some sausage and fried eggs and added some salsa.  This salsa is so good, and they always give me a generous amount when I go there.

My son brought me a treat - a variety of cheesecake.  I cut them into bite size pieces and topped them with whipped cream.

I have a small garden space in the front of my house, and I was out there one hot afternoon raking and sprucing and watering.  I was going too fast, and tripped over the hose and took a fall.  Thankfully, I landed on the lawn and not on a hard floor.  But I sure was sore the next day.

Nel is taking a trip to England for her work.  She is an English Professor of first generation college students, and will be spending time and exploring with some of her students along with England's students as well.  She sent me a few pictures.

I love these small figurines, and don't see them around that much anymore.  When A, the owner of the home shop, found some buried in a box, she brought them out for me to look at.  This is the one that I picked.  She looked up the year that this came out, and said it was before the 1940's.  It goes well with my painting.

I bought this for Jess when she comes for a visit.  We will have a glass of wine one night for dinner.

June has flown by so quickly.  Have a terrific week.


Monday, June 17, 2024

Library Visit And Storytime With The Puppies

I went to the home shop this weekend, and every time I go there, I always visit with A, the owner of the shop.  She brings me back to my home when we chat, as she's originally from the San Francisco area, which isn't too far from my hometown.  I browsed for a long time, and noticed this little penguin stuffed animal high on one of the shelves.  He was darling, with a blue ribbon around his neck. I couldn't resist, and bought it for baby Charlotte, who will be coming to visit me soon.

I was so excited when Nel sent me a dozen pictures in the mail of Mia.  And after carefully going through them to see which one I wanted to frame, I chose this one.  There was just something about it.

I often share nature on my blog because it's a place that brings me peace, and I love spending time there.  We don't have to go on elaborate hikes to get our nature fill, we can just step outside, and listen to the birds and see the flowers and plants come alive this time of year.  This tree is one of the tallest in my yard, and it's where those mischievous squirrels seem to show up every day.  This is what the beginning of Summer looks like here.

I'm on Season 4, Episode 5 of The Chosen Livestream, and all the shows have been excellent, but this episode I especially liked.  A lot happening in this episode.  The Roman soldiers force Jesus and the Disciples to carry their armor.  This was a humiliating experience, especially how awful the soldiers treated them.  When it's time for the soldiers to take back their armor, Jesus keeps going, and walks an additional mile.  His Disciples are right there walking with Him.  There was also a scene where Mother Mary washes Jesus' hair that is precious.

A story about Jess' visit to the library recently.

One of Jess' favorite childhood summer memories is visiting the library with me, and her sister and brother.  So, visiting the library with Francesca has been on her summer bucket list for a while.  They found a beautiful public library near her town.  She registered a library card in Francesca's name so she would have her very own library card.  The children's section was magical.  It had a nautical explorer theme with pirate touches here and there.  There was a giant built-in pirate ship that had bookshelves full of children's books.  They just so happened to be visiting during their "Read with a Puppy" hour where dogs and their owners come to the library so children can read to them.  Francesca is getting so good at learning to read.  She was nervous to read to the dogs in case she didn't know some of the words, but Jess reassured her the doggies wouldn't mind.  She loved reading to her dog, and even showed her the pictures after every page!


Friday, June 14, 2024

In Town And TV Dads

Some flowers I noticed in town.  I believe this is the yellow Yarrow plant.

A healthy meal of chicken and veggies, and a salad.

I collect miniature garden items, as someday I want to create a fairy garden.  I thought this tree was so delightful.

Here is the Pioneer wagon on the main street of town all decorated for the 4th of July.

Speaking of the 4th, do you like my new cup?  My mom used to love Eclairs.  This is only a petite Eclair, but she used to get the big ones with chocolate icing, stuffed with whipped cream in the middle that were Yummy.

I shared with you recently my favorite tv moms, and now I want to share some of my favorite tv dads that I loved watching throughout the years.

*Tony Micelli

*John Walton

*Andy Taylor

and my favorite of all....

*Charles Ingalls

I had a pretty great Dad myself.  There were five of us.  I was the youngest, and my oldest brother wasn't in the picture.

Have a lovely weekend.

Monday, June 10, 2024

A Visit To The Lake

Well, I had to go to DMV one more time, and my son had to take care of some registration stuff, so he came along.  Up the mountain we went, and thankfully, that was the last trip to DMV.  Since I was up there, I wanted to go to the nursery, so I stopped and browsed for awhile and saw all the pretty flowers, plants, and trees.  I was drawn to the roses, of course, and the pink ones caught my eye.  Some of you know that the pink rose is my second favorite, but it's not just any pink, it has to be just the right shade of pink.

I saw some pretty orange flowers too.  Not sure what they are, but they were unique.

And a peculiar looking water fountain.

Before leaving, I went inside the hardware/gift shop to look around.  I didn't find anything, but I did pick up a new mouse for my computer.  I'm pretty picky these days about what I buy for the home.

I wanted to visit the lake also, which was right down the road from the nursery.  The lake was full from the rain we had this year, and it was beautiful.  There was a bird perched on a tree that had the neatest turquoise feathers, the Common Grackle maybe?

This yellow rose bush was huge, and it was right next to the lake at someone's house.

It was such a pleasant day, and even better when I ordered some take out when I got home - szechuan chicken, crab and cream cheese wontons, and prawns.

I was driving home from the creek on Saturday, and saw a deer on the edge of the road.  I stopped to gaze at her, but she quickly ran and hid herself in the camouflage of the woods.

Jess and the babies are coming to visit me this month.  I am looking forward to that, and have been planning for their visit.

My peach mini roses just bloomed.  They are a reminder of the gratitude I have for this house.

It's that time of year when people hike the Pacific Crest Trail, a long-distance hiking trail.  The route goes through my town, and I've been seeing backpackers and cyclists enthusiastically travel the path on the highway.  I talked with one man, who had an accent, and directed him to places in our town.  It sounded like he was from Germany.  People from all over pass this way while hiking the Pacific Crest Trail.  Nel said it's something she would like to do someday.  : )
