Friday, February 23, 2024

Quiet Light

We all share our own special things on our blog, happenings in our life, our home and family, our feelings and beliefs, and even some secrets.  When my blog sisters create a post sharing their thoughts and ideas, they are brave when it comes time to press that "publish" key at the end.  We share so many things, but there are some matters that we keep tucked deep inside our hearts.  This week, I prayed for something that was important to me, and when my prayer was answered and I received what I asked for, I was so thankful that I wept with joy after.  I wanted to share one of the prayers with you on my post today.  Mother Mary is humble, and understands and has compassion for what her children go through in life.  She is the gentle hand that guides us and helps us through our earthly journey.

Oh, most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven.
Oh, Blessed Mother of the Son of God; Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity.
Oh, Star of the Sea, help me and show me you are my Mother.
Oh, Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in my necessity.
(Mention your request here)
There are none that can withstand your power.
Oh, Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. (say three times).
Holy Mary, I place this prayer in your hands. (say three times).

Holy Spirit, You who solve all problems, light all the roads so that I can attain my goal. You who gave me the divine gift to forgive and forget all the evil against me. In all instances in my life, You are with me. I want, in this short prayer, to thank You for things as I confirm once again that I never want to be separated from You in eternal glory. Thank You for your mercy towards me and mine.

*After the prayer recite 9 Hail Mary's and also you can include the "Queen of the most Holy Rosary, Pray for Us".

Recite this prayer for 3 consecutive days. After the 3rd day your prayer will be answered. You must promise to publish this prayer after the 3rd day. God Bless!


Sandi said...

Sheri, that is a beautiful painting. I hope you don't mind I clicked on it to send to my mother. She likes looking at lovely things. I send her photos all the time.

I do not know enough about Catholicism, so I have a question. Why do you pray to Mary? Is there a bible verse that led Catholics to begin this practice?

Thanks, friend.


Red Rose Alley said...

We pray to God, Jesus, Mary, the Holy Spirit, and talk with the Angels and Saints when we are troubled and even when we are rejoicing. Catholics are very close to Mary, as she wants us to have a close relationship with her Son, and leads us to Him. And with everything, we always remember, the glory is God's. I hope that answers a bit of your question. We love Mary so.

Sandi said...

Thank you, Sheri. I wonder if I can ask a bit more. Why do you this? I mean, how did it start for Catholics to do this? Thank you for taking the time to put all this into words.

(I pray to Jesus, but have never prayed to Mary, the angels, or saints. I am a born-again Christian but I would say my traditions are more Protestant in nature.)

Chatty Crone said...

My husband was Catholic when he was growing up - but changed to Protestant. I believe in Mary, I believe in angels, the saints - but I only pray to Jesus. But I do A LOT of praying to HIM!
What prayer was answered of yours?

My Shasta Home said...

Sheri, I can feel your heart felt faith and devotion in your post - faith is such a beautiful gift to have as well as your genuine caring for others to receive what you have. Thanks for sharing what is tucked in your heart. God Bless.

Sandi said...

Thanks for the email! 🌹

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Sheri,
Yes, we always can call on our heavenly Mother!
She, with all the Angels we know by name, will support us in times of need.
Prayers are always a good thing!

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a beautiful prayer!!

Susan said...

Today's is a beautiful post, dear Sheri. Praying with all my heart to the Mother of Almighty God is always a wonderful thing to do. As you well know, she is a powerful intercessory to bring our petitions and sorrows to her beloved Son. She suffered such agony over her Son's death on the cross. But she shared a Mother's unparalleled joy with His resurrection. She remains forever in paradise. She listens to our cries and often helps our prayers to be answered. Thank you for this post, Sheri. Susan

piccolina said...

Did you paint that image of Our Lady? It's so beautiful!
Thank you for sharing this prayer.

Shug said...

I too do not understand much about the Catholic Faith. I do have a niece and her family who are of the Catholic Faith. I was raised in a Christian home and we attended the Methodist church. It wasn't until after Sam and I had children that we felt God was leading us elsewhere. We have been members of the Assembly of God faith for over 35 years now. The great news is that we all serve a God who loves each of us. I am so thankful that your prayer was answered. Many times, my blogging friends are the ones that I truly trust with some of my deepest worries and needs. I am thankful to have each of you. Beautiful Post today.


Oremos todos, porla Paz, en el mundo...que es bastante preocupante.
Feliz fin de semana.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Sending you blessings, my friend. Our faith is very personal to each of us. Thank you for hitting the publish button.

Susan Kane said...

I will pray Holy Spirit prayer. It speaks with such truth in my life.

Jeanie said...

The painting and the prayer are both very beautiful. I am so glad your prayer was answered.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

It is wonderful your prayers are answered. Beautiful prayer

Pilar said...

Beautiful prayer my friend ❤

Louca por porcelana said...

Thank you my dear friend for sharing this beautiful post. Praying the Rosary everyday... " Pray and pray hard!"

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

I am so glad your prayers were answered! You are blessed. I hope you enjoy your weekend!

Estelle's said...

This was lovely Sheri....wonderful that you shared this beautiful prayer....thank you! Have a lovely weekend.

Veronica Lee said...

As a fellow Catholic, this sharing of faith and devotion is deeply heartfelt. May your answered prayer be a testament to the unwavering love and guidance available to us through divine grace. Blessings to you and all who find solace in prayer, Sheri 🌹

Donna said...

As a child attending Catholic school, we'd be marched every morning from class to St Mary's church for mass.
We pray to Mother Mary, Jesus...God...My Confirmation Saint namesake, St Rose. I thank my guardian Angels...guides.
It's just nice and comforting to feel loved by them all.
Thanks for the prayers and so happy your prayer was answered!

R's Rue said...

Thank you

DeniseinVA said...

Isn’t that the truth? We share and yet not everything can be spoken out loud, things that are personal and sometimes affecting not just us but others. I am so happy for you that your prayer was answered. I am not a Catholic but I do thank you for sharing this prayer. I hope the rest of your week brings many blessings.

R's Rue said...

Have a beautiful day.

Marilyn Miller said...

Prayer is such a personal thing and I am so happy your prayer was answered.
Thank you for sharing.

Hena Tayeb said...

Thank you for sharing. Having faith and praying is very important.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

I understand how difficult it is to share deeply personal prayers, and blogging sisters do seem to understand so well these things, and so I want you to know I will be lifting to Jesus the concerns that trouble your heart. I know He hears and will answer your heart's cry! Blessings to you dear friend!

Carla from The River said...

Oh Sheri, I thank you for this post. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Love, Carla

Debbie Nolan said...

Dear Sheri like Sandi I love your painting. So glad you received an answer to
your prayer. I too had one answered this week. Is not our Father in Heaven good!! Hugs

roughterrain crane said...

Enjoy March, the beginning of spring! Your ears are keen to catch silent wisdom.

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Pam said...

HAHA....someone once said I share too much and I laughed, cause if I really shared my feelings, thoughts and adventures, people would know WAY to much about me. Sometimes, there comes a time and a place but sometimes not. Glad your ask came true. Hoping all is really well.