Monday, February 19, 2024

February This And That

We have had typical Winter days of clouds and rain, with the sun shining through from time to time.  I got my heaters fixed, and it's nice to have heat throughout the house again.

Do you love the decorative boxes like I do?  I was looking for one to put the grandgirls' drawings, notes, and cards to me, and I found this box in cheerful yellow colors.  There was a bow attached, but it was too bulky, so I want to replace it with a simple silk one.

I thought the words on the lid of the box were just right.  A child always creates with imagination, and then gifts their art to us with love.

It was a hot dog kind of day, and I stuffed them with ketchup, mustard, relish, tomatoes, cheese....and onions make everything taste better.

Charlotte on Mardi Gras day.

Poor baby is teething lately.....and still smiling.

This is the Rosary Jess got me from her trip to Hawaii.  It is made of rose petal beads.  They were on the Big Island in Kona, exploring the village one day, and she noticed a Catholic Church.  If she sees a Catholic Church when she's traveling, she always tries to stop in and say a prayer of thanks for their safe arrival and the opportunity to see a new place in the world.  It took some effort to get to it because there were lots of steps for a pregnant lady and five year old.  After saying a prayer in the church, they saw a gift shop, and she thought it would have a special Hawaiian gift there for me.

Isn't this huge pine pretty?  It's in my back yard!

The color during Lent season in the Catholic Church is purple, so you will be seeing some purple decor on my blog posts ahead.  I'm really not a pastely person, and I've always been drawn to this color.

Since we don't eat meat of Fridays, I think of ways to make meatless meals.  Today, it was burritos with tortillas, eggs, potatoes, bell peppers, onions, and hot sauce.  They sure were good.

This is a boutique that I go to sometimes.  They have clothes and jewelry, and it's one of the few shops that I enjoy visiting up here.

Pork chops and yellow squash, and brownies for dessert.

"The power of finding beauty in the humblest things makes home happy and life lovely."

~Louisa May Alcott

I've been going through pictures lately, cause it's cold and rainy out, and that's what we sometimes do in winter, and came across this picture that we took in the crazy photo booth.

"Heirlooms we don't have in our family.  But stories we've got."

~Rose Cherin

Well, the story with this picture is Nel said something funny right when we were ready to pose, and I couldn't stop laughing, no matter how hard I tried.  It's a "had to be there" kind of moment.

Polish sausage and rice.  I do enjoy cooking more during the wintertime.

Some of you know that I am part Polish on my dad's side (his mother).  I wonder what the story was on this particular day.

"And in the Winter, wild and cold, 'Tis merry, merry too."

~William Howitt

Loved this.

Have a wonderful week.  ; )




gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

I do love those decorative boxes and I have a few of them. One I use for old photos, one for old music tapes, and one for some old letters of mine and of my parents to eather while dating. I am a vegan so I do meatless Friday every day! Cjharlotte is adorable... I love to go through the photos I store on my phone when I am on a plane. It makes the time go by and I love looking at all the family photos. Have a good week.

Hena Tayeb said...

I have a few of those decorative boxes myself.
Those rosary beads are beautiful.
Charlotte is adorable in her mardi gras outfit.

Katerinas Blog said...

I like decorative boxes too. They help keep everything in order. The post has everything weather, food, beautiful baby.. thanks for sharing.

Shug said...

Good morning Sheri. Well...I sure am hungry now, after seeing all of your yummy dishes. Those pork chops look so tasty. I like the little quote about the heirlooms, and the stories. I didn't really grow up with grandparents as they passed away before I was born....No big heirlooms passed down. However, story live forever and we do have those. Your little one is so precious and that little drool is adorable. One thing we have in our area is tall pine trees and I absolutely love them. The green of the pine needles are so special. Decorative boxes are one of my downfalls...I love them and sometimes have to make room for the ones that I need to store. Enjoyed your post today....

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Sheri,
Happiness can be found in the little things of everyday's life.
You manage to spot them and enjoy.
Charlotte is indeed a happy baby.
Lovely rosary you got.
So your Paternal Grandma was Polish, that explains a lot of the things you like and also for being Catholic!

My Shasta Home said...

I have a decorative box for my mom’s paperdolls. I want another one for old vintage photos of my family that have been passed down as well as old letters and postcards of a time forgotten. There is just something, about sitting down and opening up that special decorative box of treasures, with a cup of tea - on a rainy day.
Oh Charlotte and that drool. Precious!
The sausage and rice looks good.
It’s good you remember the content of the photo booth photo! It’s always fun to remember back with a smile.
God bless and enjoy your week. 🌹

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Beautiful rosary, the rose beads are precious.
Cute momento box.
Large cereal boxes covered with wallpaper make nice boxes because they are a good size for artwork. Making them is a fun craft project to share.
Turkey Kielbasa is a favorite on my menu.


Si al bebé le duele las encías, seguramente llorará.
Son muy bonitas las cajas ya además sirve para guardar muchas cosas.
Que tengas una buena semana.

Carla from The River said...

I love the rosary and story of Jess going to the church... steps and all. :-)
Charlotte is so sweet, I love her smiles.
Love, Carla

Marilyn Miller said...

Love your quotes today.
What a nice idea to store your grandchildrens art and etc in a pretty box.
Now that hotdog made me hungry for a hotdog.
Love the tree in your back yard too. So tall and pretty.

LoveT. said...

The yellow box looks lovely. How cute Charlotte is, her smile is heartwarming.
The tree is impressive.
Have a wonderful week Sheri

Jeanie said...

So many wonderful photos here -- old and new! I love those boxes too and your rosary is just lovely. I haven't had a hotdog in eons -- that looks good and so do your meatless meals. That little Charlotte is as cute as all get-out! And that rose pitcher (white) is so lovely. I'm very glad your heat is back!

DeniseinVA said...

You always write and share the loveliest photos Sheri. Always a pleasure to visit. Have a great week my friend :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

The rosary is beautiful. And Charlotte is so adorable and beautiful. The BOXES! Oh my gosh, don't get me started! I cannot resist them, and I collect them. I have several stacking sets of large to smaller. I probably have maybe two dozen? I love them, and change them out with the seasons. I find them at the dollar Store, T.J. Maxx, and Ross. I have a stack of three in the living room now, and several in the bedrooms.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

That's such a sweet box to keep the grands artwork to you, Sheri. Such special treasures deserve a special box. Charlotte is such a cutie pie--and so happy! Your meals look so good. Now I want a hot dog! I'm so happy to hear you have heat all over your home. It's so nice that Jess remembers you on her travels. You have a lovely thoughtful family. Have a great week, my friend.

Billie Jo said...

I LOVE seeing the old pictures!!! What a wonderful idea. Your meals look exactly like something I would have, and I want that hot dog right now! The Mardi Gras queen is precious. And the rosary??? Beautiful. Have a cozy evening, my friend.

Rajani Rehana said...

Lovely post😍

Chatty Crone said...

So many things - Loved the meme what doesn't kill me makes me stronger! lol
Did you know my husband is 100% Polish so my kids are all half too.
Glad you were able to get the heaters fixed.
Gosh I had 3 size boxes like those - in aqua and pink, but it was one thing I had to give away when we moved.
Have you ever had a Chicago Dog - it is a Vienna Hot Dog on a poppy seed bun, mustard, onions, relish, pickle, tomato, sprots pepper and celery salt? Yum.
Charlotte is one happy and beautiful baby! So cute.
That rosary was beautiful - your kids are always so good to you.
I thought you could eat meat on Fridays now.
The color people in Jesus's time was very expensive and it was a regal color that all the kings wore at the time.
You live in a very wonderful area and beautiful too.
My favorite thought was the humblest things makes life happy - so true.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

What a thoughtful gift the rosery was. I love the old pictures of you, you looked like you guys were having a great time!

roughterrain crane said...

You enjoyed a day at the colder temperature with warmer hearts from your family.

Debbie Nolan said...

Oh Sheri your this and that of February made me smile. Charlotte looks adorable and for sure who couldn't smile when they see her!! Love the photos of you and your girls...I am sure that you may have forgotten what you were laughing about but you will never forget the love you three have for each other. My mom's favorite color was purple and I am looking forward to seeing more of it here. I miss her so much - she was such a special lady and like you with your girls - we made lots of memories to keep in our hearts. Have a lovely weekend and yes what doesn't kill me has made me stronger. HUGS!


It sounds like you've been having a cozy and productive winter despite the typical weather!

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Louca por porcelana said...

Beautiful Rosary and sweet quotes. Charlotte is adorable! Great photos. Yummy food too. Hugs and blessings.

Pam said...

Don't do a lot of decorating of boxes but i love wooden ones. I just wished I had a great place to show them. Course, I tend to pick up things here and there, not just boxes but clocks also. I actually have more boxes than clocks though. Funny what we tend to lean to. Things that make us happy. Teeth, I remember my little ones cutting teeth. Not a happy time for them or me! lol