Monday, January 29, 2024

Wintery Table Runner

When I was out shopping with Jess, I noticed a pretty soft furry table runner that I really liked.  It was a bit pricey, so I just looked and passed it up.  She went back later and bought the table runner for me, which made me so happy, and when I got home I decorated the table with a wintery theme.

We are in the thick of winter here, and it's been very cold, and we got some snow!  While some may appreciate the warmer weather and spring-like days, there is a stillness about the winter season that I love, and I never rush this favorite season of mine in the mountains.

We have had rain all week, and the creek is the fullest that I've seen it.

They decorated the pioneer wagon on main street with a Valentine scene.

And they also decorated the other wagon at the end of town, which is more dilapidated than the other.

I have been going through old papers and discarding, and I gave away a few items that I no longer wanted.  When I give things away, I like to treat myself with something new, and went to see my friend, a, at the home shop.  After looking around, I didn't see anything I had to have.  At my age, we tend to downsize, and I usually only buy something if I truly love it.  Didn't find anything this time, but I did see these Yummy pretzels that I wanted to try.

It was just one of those days - a day where everything was piling up at once.  As I was feeling overwhelmed, I looked out my window and saw 7 Eurasian Collared Doves on my lawn.  Right away, I felt better.

And potato salad and homemade chocolate chip cookies always brings a smile to the heart.  Thank you, grandma, for sharing your potato salad recipe with me so many years ago.  I have been making it just like you did ever since.

My Valentine table.

Tomato soup and a smoked turkey sandwich sounds just right on a cold rainy day.

Isn't it nice when we come across keepsakes from the past?  My son gave this to me when he was little.

It was just an ordinary week, and sometimes those are the most pleasant ones.  ; )



Pam said...

What is a usual week? Mine is just whatever, whenever! lol....I love that you do decor for Valentines Day. I used to do things like that when I was younger!!! That was a long time ago. I love the runner. Burrr....on your snow! We went from snow, freezing temps, to rain and warm temps, back to rain and cooler temps. It took winter forever to find us and I think Father Winter and Mother Nature are still fighting over whose time it is to play. We had more snow than we usually have at one given time and with the freezing temps and then freezing rain on top of it, I was locked in for a week....I hope that is all we have this winter.

LoveT. said...

This golden Mother Heart looks lovely, it has a beautiful charisma. Your Winter Photos shows the beauty of this Season.
Have a great Week Sheri

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I really like that table runner. It has given me an idea of a runner I’d like to make in honor of my late niece. She loved animal prints . I should check out JoAnns fabrics soon!

I love doves. I believe the ones I have are Rick doves. I used to have an aviary with the white doves years ago when I lived in the Bay Area. They were so sweet and everyone they say a member of the household, they would coo. I enjoy my wild ones that frequent my yard daily.

Well down here in the valley foothills, we’re actually having mild temperatures. Mid 70’s yesterday. One of many “false” springs we tend to have before the real spring takes over her throne!

Always a blessing to hear from you. Have a great week, Sheri. 😘

Jeanie said...

I do enjoy an ordinary week! I loved those decorated farm wagons -- what a fun idea. And your snow photos are lovely -- better you than me, as they say!I love it in your photos. I love that you use the family potato salad recipe and those cookies look great. So does your table. That was so thoughtful of Jess -- it looks beautiful. I like your winter fairy, too! Happy Week, Sheri!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Rock doves not Rick doves. Silly spellcheck!

Shug said...

Good Morning Sheri. Ordinary weeks are the best kind. For me, an ordinary week allows time to just be calm and work at my own pace. The necklace is so beautiful and I can only imagine the joy you felt when your son gave it to you. so sweet. The mountains in the background of your rain filled photo, are so beautiful.. I love the mountains, which is definitely something we do not have around here. I think they are so peaceful. I know you must live in a quaint town.....this is my kind of place. Not many places decorate for valentine, but I think this is adorable and inviting. Enjoy all of those goodies...potato salad and warm cookies...YUM! If you have extra snow...send it my way! Love love love the snow and especially the scenes that it brings. Have a wonderful day and a great week. xoxo

Shug said...

Oh....I forgot to tell you that your table runner is the cutest and perfect for a good winter display. Your daughter was so sweet to get it for you...

Red Rose Alley said...

Thank you, Katerina, for following us. I appreciate that very much. : )


Has hecho muy bien en comprarlo. Te hubiera pesado, no haberlo comprado y ahora luce muy bien en tu mesa.
Que tengas una buena semana. Un abrazo.

Hena Tayeb said...

Lovely table runner.. so cozy.
And that heart necklace is just darling.

Ginny Hartzler said...

So thoughtful of her to buy this for you. It is so luxurious and wintry! And the white angel is the perfect finishing touch. Is the creek frozen over, or does the sun on it just make it look that way? It is so cute when the birds puff up in the cold! The pioneer wagons look awesome! The cookies and potato salad look so good! I would love the recipe for the potato salad. LOVE your Valentine table!!

Dewena said...

That is a lovely table runner and very sweet of your daughter to want you to have it. I love your Valentine touches around the house. I only have a few little decor for that but got them out this morning. Most of them are for my kitchen and it did make me happy to put them around. So much so that I took down all my Christmas tea towels in the kitchen that I haven't wanted to do without. I love all your candles and know how cozy they make a room especially in the winter. Sheri, I made potato salad two days ago, made enough to last 3 days, and am going to bake some cookies this afternoon. I share your love of mourning doves! Just realized that I haven't noticed any lately and am wondering where they went. But our pink cardinal was at the feeder this morning after being absent for a while and she was a bright spot in our dark cold day. I think we're very fortunate that things like this do help make everything better.

Those peppermint pretzels look delicious! I wish our community decorated for Valentine's Day. I do miss when our Christmas lights come down on the main street. You must have a friendly town! Your ordinary week is the kind I most enjoy. And a good movie at night is what I want at night too!

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

How sweet of your daughter to buy the table runner for you - it is so beautiful! I understand the decluttering - I myself am doing the same. I like to support local business owners too, and always try to find something to help them out. Your grandma's potato salad sounds wonderful, although my husband and I are sadly having to take potatoes out of our diet. He is diabetic, and the starch in the potatoes is keeping his sugars too high. But, it sure looked delicious! As did the chocolate chip cookies, oh my! Love to see people decorate for the different holidays :) Blessings to you dear friend!

Chatty Crone said...

I sure don't call that an ordinary week. lol I meant also to tell you I like the roses in your header.
I did like the soft furry table runner and how nice your daughter got that for you. I know you love to make season decorations.
I think that the amount of snow you get is like the perfect amount. Just enough.
We have had a ton of rain too.
The town and you are getting ready for Valentine's - I love February.
The pretzels look good to, and I love the heart your son gave you.
I do not like J. Lewis after she played in Natural Born Killer with Woody Harrelson - don't like him either.
Hey if the potato salad recipe is easy to copy, I'd love it.
Hope you stay warm.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Ordinary weeks are the best to me, Sheri. Your tomato soup and turkey sandwich is just right for me as well. Love that your Jess gifted you that darling runner. It looks perfect for winter. Your snow looks so pretty and I do like that crow photo. The old wagons decorated in your town are so sweet. Decorating them for the different seasons is quite special! Have a happy week, my friend!

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Sheri,
Jess is a darling daughter for going back to secure that runner for you!
It is now even more soft and furry—showing a daughter's soul.
We have daily mourning doves coming to the feeding area—across from our bay window where we have breakfast. Love seeing those gentle souls and the way they walk.
Your Grandma will be smiling down from heaven about her potato salad recipe.
You sure are lucky for still being able to eat all that!
Big hugs,

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

What a sweet and beautiful gift to cherish from your son. Something to treasure always

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

I love your beautiful necklace. What a wonderful keepsake.
I love your table runner! That is perfect for a winter table. Having warm chocolate chip cookies and cup of favorite beverage is another wonderful treat to get you through a cold spell. Suppose to get some rain this week. It was a spring like day yesterday and now it is back to winter. I love winter too! Enjoy your week!

roughterrain crane said...

Me, too. I love a stillness in snow.
Having delicious foods with family or friends is an excellent medicine to keep our mental condition healthy.

Patricia said...

What a great post Sheri. I love the beauty of snow in Winter, the more so because it will never snow here. Your runner looks beautiful with your Winter theme. You have reminded me Valentine's day is coming up soon. Best be ready! Such cheery red bows and hearts. The doves are really beautiful, and fit right in the the Winter theme. We have a Mother brooch here which belonged to my mother-in-law. It is so special and yours is gorgeous. Have a great week my friend.

DeniseinVA said...

You have sweet and thoughtful children. The runner and your table decoration are so pretty, as is that darling necklace. Wouldn’t your Grandma be thrilled you are still making her recipe? Turkey sandwiches and tomato soup, yum! Your cookies look yummy too, as do those pretzels. I love the snow and was a bit disappointed ours only lasted a few days. Your wintry photos are delightful and loved them all but the trees and the bird in the tree looked like works of art. So happy the doves arrived for you at the right time. They have a way of making everything seem okay with their soft cooing. Your Valentine decorations are charming and the wagon with all its decor is so cheery. The movie sounds very interesting too, thanks for sharing it. I am always looking for something different. Thanks for another wonderful post Sheri and have a great week.

R's Rue said...

You are a gem my friend.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Awww, the mother necklance is precious.
Beautiful table runner, it has a nice dreamy texture. The mourning dove on the fence would make a nice large photograph print. There are so many captions you could put on it. :)

Donna said...

I love the table runner! and all the Valentine decorations! I still need to take my wreath off the front wall! lol

Pilar said...

What a beautiful table runner! Your snow pictures are always so pretty!

Billie Jo said...

How very sweet daughter! Your table runner looks lovely! I love your week, my friend. So cozy. Just what January should be.

Louca por porcelana said...

Your daughters and your son are adorable and precious. Great gifts. Beautiful Winter photos. Keep warm my dear friend Sheri.

Carla from The River said...

Hello Sheri, your family is so good to each other. It blesses me just reading about the love they have for you, their special mom.
Happy February,


Jess is such a sweetheart. Cute table runner.

Red Rose Alley said...

Thank you, Stevie Ray for following us. I appreciate that very much. : )

Veronica Lee said...

That furry table runner adds such a warm touch, and Jess going back to get it for you is so sweet!
Finding keepsakes from the past is always a joy, and the little gift from your son is a precious memory.

Hugs and blessings, Sheri 🌹

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How sweet of her to buy the runner for you. It will be perfect for any kind of goes with so many things. Love reading your post today and feeling like I am visiting a friend! Hugs, Diane

Debbie Nolan said...

Oh Sheri what a great job you did capturing a lovely ordinary week. Your photos of winter are just extraordinary. Even though I look forward to spring...winter does have its blessings. Now about those chocolate chip cookies - are there any left? If so I am stopping by to visit :)!! Love your winter runner and decorations. You inspire me to pay more attention to the holidays and to celebrate more often. Hugs!

Susan said...

That was a lovely post, Sheri. I think Jess buying you the pretty table runner was the epitome of kindness, generosity, and love. You decorated for Valentine's Day and everything looks so nice. Oh, we've had snow here, too, but not nearly as much as in past years. I think there really is Global Warming. Take care, dear Sheri. Susan p.s. LOVE your header!

Marilyn Miller said...

The table rummer is indeed perfect for winter. You decorated it so nicely too.
Love all the Valentine decorations too.
Yumm, pretzels!