Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Wordless Wednesday

Here in blog land, we have something called "Wordless Wednesday."  I've always wanted to participate, but never have.  We're supposed to share a photo with no words, and from what I've seen on other blogs, they are unusual and wonderful photos, and just different.  So from time to time, I will be doing a Wordless Wednesday.  I'm saying a few words here for the first time, but in the future, I will just post a picture.



Sandi said...


Ginny Hartzler said...

OH, this is VERY cool for your first Wordless!! I love it. Now you have me thinking about doing it, too!!

R's Rue said...


Dewena said...

Such a fun picture! And a good day to post this one on!

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Sheri,
Not too fond of this social media hype.
Looking at any photo without more information to us—teachers—is worthless.
So finally catching up on blog reading as I spent 5 hrs at the ER yesterday.
Wanted to bake Amaretti cookies and to make the meringue I needed 8 fresh egg whites. So we both biked to Walmart and got them.
On the way home I got T–boned by a lady in a Lexus and flew off my bike.
Hurting like hell. No head injury and I'm grateful for wearing always our helmet.
But aside from several bruises, swelling and hematoma, I got my right knee cap fractured and left Proxima fibula fractured. My right shoulder hurts like hell and also left foot and breast bone etc.
Tomorrow a Church friend drives us to the next city = one hour drive, to see my orthopedic surgeon who treated me for my double closed pelvic bone fracture in 2018. Trust him a lot more than here locally. My knee immobilizer is way too large for me; hope tomorrow I will come home knowing more and better outfitted.
Poor Pieter he has to help me get in and out of bed and to the toilet and up... And into the house by holding me upright from behind. We have some stairs up to the front door... From the garage and via staircase area I cannot enter for a long time!
And I was SO happy with my housekeeper, having caught up on all my laundry and now finding time to bike and thus live healthier.
Almost fainted from pain getting into our car from the ER's wheelchair. I cannot take any pain meds due to my severe kidney stage... But I napped this afternoon with Pieter and had perfect BP 119/56 instead of 202 yesterday but that is merely a pain indicator...
Big hugs,

nonie everythingsewing said...

Oh looks like fun, can I play too?

Chatty Crone said...

Well I think I see a lot of fun and happiness.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning Sheri!

handmade by amalia said...

Love the photo! I'm sure I would find Wordless Wednesday a challenge, I'm a talker :-)

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Prayers to you, Mariette

Fun photo, Sheri

Nellie said...

I love the picture you have chosen for Wordless Wednesday! I think I might begin that kind of posting. It might help me get back in the swing of blogging. I’ve been away for too long!

Veronica Lee said...

Love the fun photo.

A picture, after all, paints a thousand words.

Hugs and blessings, Sheri 🌹

Donna said...

I use to play but haven't in years...and I'd always write what the photo was

Pam said...

Let me put a word to that...PARTY!!! lol

Jeanie said...

You don't need words with that one -- it's charming!

ashok said...

Wordless maybe...but definitely not funless! Lovely smiles :)

Louca por porcelana said...

Wonderful photo! How Happy!

Hena Tayeb said...

Love all those smiling faces

Susan said...

Hi Sheri...

To me, the photo says, "Let the good times roll" and "Let the party begin!" Great photo, Sheri. Hugs, Susan

roughterrain crane said...

Your photos can express what you feel.

Marilyn Miller said...

I love the photo you shared. I missed the wordless wednesday, but fun to see your contribution.

Carla from The River said...

I will be excited to see your photos,you take such great photos and they express so much, sometimes even more than what words can.
xx oo