Friday, February 10, 2023

Get To Know Your Blog Friends

My dear blog friend, Billie Jo, at Afternoon Coffee and Evening Tea, did a post recently, Get To Know Your Blog Friends.  She suggested that we do the same on our blogs, so here are a few things you may not know about me.

*My mom named me Sherry, and somehow when I was younger, I got it in my head to change the spelling to Sheri because I liked that better.  I've had that ever since.

*I hate ripped jeans.  I cringe when I see women wearing them.

*I am fiercely protective of my children and grandchildren.  Like a lion.  And to this day, I want to confront the people who hurt them through the years and give them a piece of my mind.

*I love early mornings, sunrises, and the first cup of coffee.

*I don't like layers - layers in clothes, layers in blankets, layers of accessories, you get it.

*I used to be a teacher's aide, and I would sometimes work in the special ed classes when needed.

*I have a dreadful fear of mice.  I don't know where it came from or when it started, but I think that's the reason I don't like any rodents, including squirrels.

*I used to be a great speller as a child.  And even made it all the way to the Invitational Spelling Bee, which many schools in the area participated in.  I still have that little certificate.  My mom kept it with all my keepsakes.  

*I got a small tattoo on the upper part of my back (only because my son asked me to).  So, one day him and his friend went along with me to watch and chuckle while I foolishly got the tattoo.  There's not much that I won't do for my kids.  I don't regret it, as it's a sweet hummingbird.

*My mom was going to name me Cookie.  Thank goodness she came to her senses and decided on Sheri.  Wait, there's more.....she was going to name my sister Candy.

*I used to bite my nails.  Still do, at times.  Used to drive my dad crazy, and he would always try to get me to stop.

Well, there you go.  Thank you, Billie Jo, for suggesting this.  It's nice to get to know our blog friends a little more.

I'll leave you with a cake that Nel made recently.  Isn't it the prettiest cake?

Do visit Billie Jo's blog sometime.  It truly is a delight.   Afternoon Coffee And Evening Tea




Carla from The River said...

Hi Sheri,
This was fun. :-)
I use to bite my nails too. My dad hated that I did it. I finally broke the habit.

I like that you shared about your tattoo. ;-) Something private and personal that you shared with us friends.

Love you,

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Sheri,
LOVE your name version as it does not resemble the drink...
As for my name, you can read more here:
As for hating ripped jeans—guess we have to be soul sisters as I can't wrap my head around anyone wanting to pay for them and they often are EXPENSIVE!
We were poor when growing up but Mom always assured us that as long as our clothes were clean and whole (!) it was alright.
In my teens I had the task of patching up overalls for my Dad and four brothers (all younger than I am) as they even had to look neat and whole.
One more thing I hate is that so many young(er) women wear jeans that are frayed at the bottom because they're too sorry for hemming them up!
Even wrote a post about it, often seen at medical centers:
No, I've never bitten my nails and I'm not afraid of mice as I have to handle them quite frequent when one of our five kitties catches one as a gift for 'Mami'...
Haha the name Cookie and Candy is almost hilarious.
The sweet hummingbird tattoo is permissible I guess.
WISH you'd left the link to Billie Jo in this post...
And as far as Nel's cake—that is a piece of art.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my goodness, what a gorgeous cake! She is an expert with a piping bag! I am a nail biter as well. Bit them all my life till I was about 60, then stopped for several years. I have no idea why, I was not trying. Then when Covid came along I started again, and my fingertips are now bloody. I like the way you changed your name better than the original name. Spiders for me, instead of mice.

My Shasta Home said...

My name used to be spelled Debbie - In the 5th grade, I wanted it to have the trendy "I" in it so I dabbled between Debbi to Debi and then settled on Debby with a Y.

Beautiful cake your daughter baked. The kind I would hate to be the first one cutting into it.

I'm the same way with my sons. I'm a quiet person but if you want to see my rath, say something bad about my family and I become a mama bear.

Nice post Sheri

Ginny Hartzler said...

She has a really good blog, I like it a lot. Your links did not work, maybe you did not mean them to be links? Anyway, she is easy to find by Googling in a search box.

Billie Jo said...

Hello! Thank you for your kind words and for sharing these facts about yourself! I am the same about my children. I am a quiet person by nature, but don't mess with my children! Lol! You know I love early mornings and that first cup of coffee. And I was a teacher, but would you believe I am a horrible speller?? I am thrilled to know you have a tattoo! I have always wanted to get one. I am just trying to figure out what! Thanks again, my lovely friend. And let's have a slice of that beautiful cake with our coffee!

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

What a fun blog post, Sheri! I loved how your name change came to be, so glad you weren't named Cookie or Candy! Although I have a friend named Kandi, and that's not so bad. I've never bit my nails, so thankful. Our daughter was a thumb-sucker though, and boy, did we ever try everything we could to get her to stop, and then once day at around 8 years old, she decided to stop, thankfully! I loved to spell too, although never went to any contests for it. The cake is gorgeous! Almost too pretty to eat! Enjoy your weekend dear friend!

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Sheri,
Okay back after visiting Billie Jo's blog.
Guess you found my email meanwhile...

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

Great post Sheri!
My Mom spelled my name with two e's. It was so hard to find things that had my name on them obviously. All the Cindys were with a Y.
The cake looks delicious and very well done!
I loved reading when I was growing up. I still do.
I hope you have a great weekend!

Donna said...

Love the post! Cookie and Candi??lol...My daughter and her hubby are new grandparents, and they want to be known as Lolli & Pops.
Love all the names but I also love Sheri.
Enjoy the day!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning Sheri! It was fun getting to know more about you even if I've "known" you for so many years through blogging. The names our parents considered then changed their minds on...oh dear! My mother wanted to name me Georgia since I was born on St. George's Day (April 23) then she wanted to name me Blanche. My father won out and named me after his "favorite" sister. lol

Well my dear, it's always a delight to visit with you!

R's Rue said...

Love this.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

The cake is gorgeous...too pretty to eat! And this was fun. I like your name no matter how it's spelled! Happy weekend!

Debbie Nolan said...

Sheri what a wonderful way to share those special things about you. I really like the spelling of your name. Just have to ask respectfully - did your mom love sweets...thinking of Cookie and Candy?? Bet there are lots more fun things to know about you too.
Nel's cake is gorgeous. Hope you have a lovely Valentine's Day.

Linda O'Connell said...

This is a fun way to get to know one another. I am a freelance writer, stories in 35 Chicken Soup for the Soul books and many others. I love being a great grandma. I blog at

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Beautiful cake, and name

Louca por porcelana said...

Adorable post. Love to know more about you. Hugs and blessings.

Veronica Lee said...

Such a fun post to read.

It's so nice getting to know you better and I'm so glad we connected.

I am not a big fan of ripped jeans either!

That cake is really gorgeous. Nel is so talented.

Hugs and blessings, Sheri 🌹

Debbie Nolan said...

Sheri thank you for telling me about your mom. I am sure she was a wonderful mom and very sweet because that is who you are dear friend. Have a blessed Sunday. Hugs

Pam said...

Learned things about you I did not know. Thanks for sharing. Cake is really pretty.

Patricia said...

I like Sheri with an 'i' - a little bit French or exotic, and maybe better than being a drink. Cookie is a bit strange, and I'm glad you avoided that one. What fun to read your interesting list and learn more about you. If I got a tattoo, there is a good chance it would be a bird, and I rather like the idea of a secret little hummingbird. The cake looks wonderful - you have a real talent in your girl. Have a great week Sheri.

Linda O'Connell said...

Please stop by my blog and leave a comment for a new to you blog friend.

Chatty Crone said...

I am a little late as we have been looking at new places non-stop. We are going to move - AGAIN!
I love Sheri - no Sherry or Cookie or Candy - lol
I don't mind a little ripped but some like you I can't stand.
I used to bite my nails when I was younger too. That's funny.
Guess what I did for about 15 years - I was a teacher's assistant in special needs.
I like layers some. I think looks better on thinner people.
So you are a great speller - I am okay. Not super.
I don't like mice, but not terrified.
No tattoos.
Now that cake your daughter made was so beautiful and I bet it tastes beautiful as well. Would love a piece.

Shug said...

Good morning.....Thank you for telling me about this post. It is so fun, learning about those that we communicate with, and become friends with, through our blogging journey. are a great Speller..this is awesome and something to be so proud of. The torn jeans...I don't understand this fashion, and what is even worse for me is the torn shorts!! Like they are already short enough, and then to add the rips and tears. Your mom did great at choosing your name...Sheri is a beautiful name. Enjoy your Sunday,...