Monday, March 10, 2025

Mellow March

Good Monday morning!

I'm having my Starbuck's Cafe' Verona coffee this morning visiting with you.๐Ÿต  It was mostly sunny all last week, but it's still very cold in the mornings, in the 20's, and snowflakes were accumulating on my car Friday morning.

I have been gathering little things for the kids for when I see them soon.  Remember the Peeps?  I saw these light up Peeps necklaces that I thought would be fun for them. 

Nel mentioned to me that Mia was into Cinnamoroll lately.  Have you heard of this character?  (she is Hello Kitty's friend).  There are so many cute things on Amazon, and I was browsing through them all.

My son made the best homemade chips and salsa.  He sauteed the onions first, and added this and that.

"I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order."

~John Burroughs

I thought this was the prettiest Spring cup, so I bought it, along with two oven mitts.   Just to brighten up the kitchen a bit.

On Ash Wednesday, a meal of fish and pasta salad.

Fluffy pancakes for dinner last night.  Syrup is too sweet for me, and this organic four fruit spread is really good.

My calendar for March features one of my favorite words.

This mama still reminds her 30 and 40 year-old children of the special days of the Easter season...Ash Wednesday, Lent, Palm Sunday, Good Friday.  These days are important to me, so how could I not?  They always expect to get a message saying "Reminder, no meat today!"  I was pleased to hear that for Lent the girls are going to make a strong effort to show more kindness during the Easter season.  We do need more kindness in the world today, don't we?

We love alleys here, and Jess sent me this picture of a beautiful alley.

Have you noticed that we come across people in our daily lives who are so friendly and good to us, while others have a scowl on their face when interacting with us?  We seem to treat them the same way, but their attitudes are completely different. ๐Ÿ˜’

Some Easter things.  You know, I love purple at Easter, but I also like yellow.  Kim from Daisy Cottage took this picture, and I will forever put it out at Eastertime.  I placed it in a new frame.  Jess and Nel find the cutest frames.

I have to say that March isn't one of my favorite months, it's too long, but it is a somewhat mellow month.



Debbie Nolan said...

Sheri those peep necklaces are certainly the perfect gift for your special girls. I had to smile about your reminders about Lent and those meaningful days on the calendar. Your son's chips and salsa look delicious. Now what is that gorgeous blue and white bird? I have never seen one like this before. He must be a native to your neck of the woods. Birds always catch my attention. It is so fun to see the different ones others have near them. The month of March is such a teaser here and sounds like it is where you live also. Still we know spring always comes and so does joy. May your week be filled with lots of it my dear friend. Hugs!

R's Rue said...

I came here needing a smile to dry my tears, and you seem to always deliver. Thank you for your faithfulness.

Shug said...

Good morning Sheri...I see so many Good things in this post today...starting with those adorable Peep necklaces and the charming bracelet. The girls are going to be SOOOO excited about them. And then...the Spring cup!! Cheerful sipping is what I can imagine while having coffee in this cup. The most delicious pancakes and then the Alley with lights!! I love lights, especially in alley ways or patios. March is definitely one of those slow months, but it sure looks like yours is packed with great thoughts and positivity. Big hugs to you this Monday morning...

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

March is a long month and long months can seem slow. I look at March as the necessary calm before the storm of summer. For me, it’s a good month to plan my garden, and to do some Spring cleaning and dream of summer getaways. Every month has a purpose.
I love the peeps necklace! Although the actually peeps I don’t care for. Like you, syrup is too sweet for me. I prefer preserves or powdered sugar on my thin Swedish pancakes! Yum.
Such a relaxing post as I sit here with my morning coffee. Love all the photos. My favorite is the frosty image that frames the trees. I had a beloved cat that looked like the one in your photo.
The weather has been nice. Sunny and mild but still nippy in the morning. I can sit in the afternoon sun and just soak in all that natural vitamin D.
I know you appreciate and enjoy every minute March has to offer. May your week be filled with sunshine and birds, and beautiful things!

Chatty Crone said...

Lots to comment on today. I love the print of the swirling coffee - that reminds me of you.
That is so sweet to start a basket of things for the girls - with the peeps, beautiful bracelet, and the Cinnemoroll (I do not know who she is, but that is ok). I used to do it for my grands and had such a wonderful time!
I never thought of putting sauteed onions in the salsa - that might be a good idea.
Was that a red pinecone and pine needles?
Love the cat. What kind of blue bird was that?
Glad everyone is following Lent. It is important. Kindness is great.
Those pancakes look delicious.
I cannot believe that gorgeous alley was a real alley!!!
Love the bear and remembering to have grace for one another.
That is so true.

Carla from The River said...

Hello, oh I just loved those text messages. This mama sends those kinds of texts too. xx oo
We are kindred spirits my dear friend.
Ash Wednesday - Lent - Good Friday - Easter ... yes all are so important to me too. I am doing a study this year with Bishop Barron.
Love you so Sheri!!! And I appreciate your inspiration!

LoveT. said...

Your cover photo for the blog is beautiful with the red roses and the rabbit.
It's interesting that it's still so cold where you are, I hope March brings you lots of sunshine.
The macarons with the coffee look delicious.

I wish you a wonderful new week xxx

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love all of the pretty things you are finding for the girls. The charm bracelet is my fav. Love your Blue Jay too and scenes outside. Happy Spring!