Monday, March 24, 2025

Hummingbird Art

Happy Spring to you all!  Although it's not quite Spring yet around my neck of the woods.  It comes a bit later here in the mountains.  Jess and her family had a fun snow day.  Yes, it snows in So Cal. too.  I am always amused when I hear people saying they are surprised it snows in So Cal.  It snows in places like Big Bear, Mount Baldy, Lake Arrowhead, just to name a few.

Nel and family went on a little trip and took Mia to the Aquarium.  Seeing all those unusual and beautiful fish is fascinating for a kid.

There was a giant hummingbird display at the hotel where Nel stayed at.

While the girls have to travel one-two hours to have a fun snow day, for me it is right there when I step outside my front door.

We had another snow recently, but it was a wet snow and melted quickly.  I am always in awe. 😮

I am almost finished with the goody bags that I made for the kids.  I think I have as much fun making them as the kids do opening them!  It's hard to notice, but this little bunny has gold sparkles all over his body.  It's the cutest thing.

A good old fashioned PB&J sandwich.

It was a nice and sunny day yesterday, and visiting nature was just the thing to do.

The first sign of Spring.  No, these daffodils aren't mine, I only do roses in my flower bed.  They haven't opened yet, but any day now.

As I was driving home from town, I had a surprise at my house!  I got out of my car slowly and gazed at him.  There were two, and this one didn't run away, but instead started walking right towards me.

Loved this.

Happy Spring!



Debbie Nolan said...

Sheri your last picture made my day...I am sure that may be me :)!! Mia looks like she was having a wonderful time. Yes it is amazing how much snow falls in Southern California. Somehow though that snow looks better out there than here - lots of sunshine really makes the difference. That deer is precious. Hope you have a great week dear friend. Hugs!

R's Rue said...

Such beautiful and joyful pictures. I love it.

Shug said...

I am still laughing at the last picture. I must say, I didn't really realize that Southern California got snow like this. That is really a lot of snow. When I was younger, my family traveled to California a few times to visit family...I remember snow in the mountains. Mia is so cute and what a fun get-away for them. This Hummingbird display is awesome. A lot of details in this design. That deer really looks to be a good size deer. Hey..I love PB&J's. Of course, I really like milk and a good ol' peanut butter and jelly sandwich goes well with a glass of cold milk. Hoping your week is full of wonderful vibes Sheri.

LoveT. said...

Charlotte looks adorable in her snowsuit. Mia must have found the aquarium fascinating.
The decoration in the hotel with the hummingbird is very pretty, something completely different. A great idea.

I wish you a wonderful spring Sheri

Teresa Isabel SIlva said...

Happy Spring and lovely photos!

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Debby@My Shasta Home said...

First off, the last image made both me and my husband laugh. Gee I wonder why?

The rest of the country have no idea what diverse climates and topography we have here. From alpine frozen lakes in the summer to deserts, rain forests - to mountain tops, volcanoes, deep valleys and rocky coastlines.
My husband was born and raised in Ling Beach and his family went to Bear lake all the time, like Bay Area people go to Tahoe!

The girls look so cute in the snow! It’s such a thrill as a kid to play in the snow. The first time we played in the snow as a kid, my mom was we asked, “why is it so cold?” We just had no idea.
What a sweet encounter with the deer that came visiting you. He probably could sense your tenderness and came toward you - probably been eyeing you from afar! 👀

Wow on the hummingbird display at the hotel. The colors are so pretty. Those Easter goodie bags will be well received! I’m a PBJ lover as well. Yum!
Have a blessed week

acorn hollow said...

Looks like great fun skiing and an aquarium. We are getting snow today sadly as I am looking forward to spring.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Her hairdo is gorgeous! And I love the beautiful butterfly display. I recognize the mug, almost bought it myself! But I got the purple one. Now I wish I had done cute bags like this instead of Easter baskets!

Carla from The River said...

Oh that funny at the end ... made my day.
We received snow last night. :-)
I love the Easter bags Sheri, just lovely.
Have a great new week!

Jeanie said...

I know it snows in SCal, but that much really amazed me. Love the aquarium visit and of course your very pretty mug. The daffodils are fantastic! And that hummingbird display, wow.

Chatty Crone said...

I am with everyone else and love the last meme - animals are people right?
Happy Snowy Spring. Heck we are already heading to summer here - unfortunately.
I knew they had snow in CA, but that was still on a mountain there - right? I have been to Big Bear - we started in shorts and as we drove it got colder and colder. That is what is nice about CA.
Well, I love those gift bags, Barbie, and glitter bear. I am starting to think pink. Love Charlottes pink snow suit.
I am sure Mia loved the aquarium.
That sun coming through the trees seemed to be so bright to me.
Love the daffodils coming up.
One more thing - that purple hummingbird exhibit was absolutely fantastic. I loved it. I know the girls did too.

Veronica Lee said...

Such a fun post, Sheri! 🌹
I love that you get to enjoy snow right outside your door!
The daffodils, sunny days, and little surprises along the way definitely feel like spring is on its way. And that sparkly bunny—too cute!

Hope you have a wonderful season ahead!

Patricia said...

I loved that last picture, so funny. Snow is always so beautiful, and I love to see your photos. The kids are having an amazing time in it. It is even possible we might see a bit of snow on our upcoming trip to Europe. They are expecting a bit more snow before Spring. Daffodils are one of my favourite flowers, and how lovely to have some in your house. The giant purple hummingbirds make a very striking display. Have a great week Sheri.

Miradas desde mi lente said...

Seguramente que tarda poco por entrar. Por el momento sigue disfrutando de los paisajes con un manto de nieve.
Un abrazo

Billie Jo said...

Hello, my lovely friend. What absolutely precious grands you have! I know they will love the treats you got them! I see Barbies! And boy do I miss them! Your lunch looks delicious, and just something I would have. Happy spring!!!

Reichelle Jones said...

I love the last photo! It makes me smile :)

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Donna said...

I know you must be tired of all that snow by now...Snow in southern California? Goodness! Never thought about it!