Monday, March 17, 2025

So Many Years

She walked into Gym Class my freshman year.  All the students were waiting for the Gym teacher to show up.  She stood right by me, not saying much, so I introduced myself.

Later that year, we decided to try out for cheerleader together.  To our surprise, we both made it.  We were the only two to make it for the JV squad.  That was kind of strange for us, but we caught on quickly and became close with the others.  And we've been friends ever since.  It was a fun and memorable year.

We were inseparable through high school, and shared secrets, lunchroom burritos, car rides to high school events, and lots of laughs.

Our senior year, we planned a trip to Hawaii after graduation with four other friends.

We have remained friends all these years.  We've shared our children, our joy, our sorrows, our worry, and our faith.

I showed you my calendar for March, which shows one of my favorite words, Loyal.  It is perfect for this month, as she has always been a loyal friend.  I think from the beginning she knew how important that was to me.  I never told her, she just knew.  Actually, she knew a lot of things about me without me telling her.

March is her birthday month, and it's a big one this year, so I wanted her to know how much she means to me.  I sent her this card, and she can put it out for Easter too.  The inside has words that are simple and true.

I love these quotes.  They all remind me of her.

Happy Birthday to my forever friend!


Donna said...

Aww! What a perfect friend to have! I miss mine of 47 years...she died of dementia several years ago...I miss her something awful.

R's Rue said...

This is so sweet.

Shug said...

What a wonderful post to honor your closest friend. I love the story of the two of you becoming best friends and sharing so many life adventures together. Just doesn't get any better than this. Happy Birthday month to your dear friend. I went to school with my best friends of today....we actually graduated together. Funny thing is, we never were close friends in school..Our friendships developed after we graduated. You just never know the plans God has for us. We have all been best of friends for fifty years now. Happy St. Patrick's Day Sheri... Maybe your little darlings will send you some pictures of them in their green so you can post them later. Big hugs to you

LoveT. said...

You wrote this so beautifully, very touching.
The card is sweet, and the few words in it say it all.
If you have friends, you are rich, that's true. Friends are priceless.

I wish you a wonderful new week

Chatty Crone said...

I hope your dear friend gets to read this - what a wonderful tribute. You just clicked for all the years - through thick and thin. Good and bad. That is priceless for sure. Sharing adventures. Trips - Hawaii!! Cheerleading. Glad you still have her.
I lost my best friend to Covid. I think of her every day.

Carla from The River said...

A beautiful post Sheri, thank you for sharing your memories with us. I love that about you and your blog.
Happy Birthday to your dear friend... special friends are the best.
xx oo

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

That’s pretty special to have been friends for that long. A beautiful tribute Sheri to your best friend. I don’t know why but so far I am outliving most of my HS friends and I’m only 71.
Love all the old photos. Just think how much fun you would have if you both lived closer to each other! I hope you’re able to get together once a year or so.

Nice sentimental post revealing the gift of friendship and how meaningful it can be the older we get. ❤️