The coffee is brewing, and the banana bread is in the oven,
and the sun has been shining all week, although we've had some very cold days this month, in the 20's. It seems January is one of our coldest months here. I am happy to have taken care of a few things that needed to be addressed, and thankful I was guided to the right people who were helpful in the process. Have you ever had Dolly Parton's Banana Nut Muffin and Bread Mix? I made the bread, and it was so moist and filling. It even comes with an icing packet to mix with melted butter.
I had pork chops one night with blueberry pie for dessert.
Do you know blueberry pie is my favorite?.....with pecan being a close second. There's just something about the purple goodness of the berries and pie filling.
I had Chinese food to honor Chinese New Year coming up this week. Their Kung Pao Chicken and Chicken Chow Mein are delicious. It's funny how we get our favorites every time.
When I went to the store this weekend, I brought home some goodies like this sweet raisin bread, and some Valentine M&M's.
I bought these pink beads, and want to do something with them for Valentine's Day.
I've seen a few posts lately talking about texts and e-mails and such, and that has been on my mind as well, so I thought I'd put my two cents in. I don't get bothered with too many things, but I get so annoyed when people don't return e-mails right away, or not at all. I know there are many reasons why people don't respond right away, maybe they didn't see the e-mail, but I'm not the most patient person, and expect replies as fast as I send them, or at least that day. I think it's rude when they linger on and are not answered for a long time. I know people are busy, but I don't know anyone that's busier than my Nel, who always gets back to me right away. She is Professor of English at her college, and Director of First-Year Writing, and she literally gets hundreds of e-mails a day, yet she always responds right away to her mom's e-mails. I think it's partly because she knows it's important to me, and partly because she's great at managing her time.
And with Jess being so busy with teaching students at elementary school, her and Nel always make time to send me sweet pictures of the kids.
Fashion Show
What do you think? Do you find it annoying when people don't get back to you right away on texts and phone calls and e-mails? You're probably a lot more understanding about it than I am. 😒
Yikes. Texts are the best way for me. My main email I respond to immediately but my blog email I’m trying to improve. I’ve had to change the format because of so much spam I’m dealing with - but enough of that. It’s just a poor excuse because I know I’ve not be as swift in returning your email and I feel bad for that. Yes it is rude and I apologize for that.
Oh Debby, my blog friends are all so good at getting back to me right away with e-mails. : )
Oh Sheri....I am most likely one that hasn't responded and I deeply apologize. I check my text regularly, but I fail when it comes to my emails. I wish there was a way that as blogging friends, we all shared not only our numbers so we could text, but our addresses as well. Many times I see something and think, wow, my blogging friend would love this. But I never have an address to mail something to you all. Your family is so pretty and the girls are little cuties. I'm gonna do better!!! Now I am hungry just from seeing your blueberry pie!! hugs to you
Yes! I won't hold people to emails.. I use them rarely to correspond but yes text messages that go unanswered for over a day.. like I know there was no way you did not look at your phone all day.. so what is the hold up?
I have pink beads very similar to these, and have them on a tray with other things as a table centerpiece. I will be posting it soon. I don't like people not answering right away either! I give them a day, and after that I get impatient. Especially if the e-mail is about something I need to know very soon. What an adorable fashion show!!
Hi Sheri,
I am looking forward to seeing what you will do with the beads. I love them.
I recently had a professional not respond to my e mail. I had to call her to get the answer I wanted. I waited two days!!! Then I called, when I called, she said, "oh I was just about to e mail you."
Ya, Right!! ;-) Annoying!!
No había oído nunca lo del pan de plátano, con gusto lo probaría.
Un abrazo.
In general,
I rarely get angry.
I am a person who answers emails immediately,
but when others don't, no matter how impatient I am inside, I make excuses for them.
But I also excuse the people who get irritated by the tardiness of others, each one as he feels! 🧡
First- AWWW what a sweetheart! Second- it peeves me greatly when people don't have common courtesy. We've lost thank you notes completely, and now Christmas cards seem to be on the way out. I know it's expensive to mail a card so I kinda get that. What irritates me more than anything is to have to read my family's news on facebook and tiktok. Come on! Send me a text at least!!!
You’ve had a good January, it appears! I will have to try the Dolly Parton mix. She is from our area and quite respected for her giving to the community. I do attempt to respond to emails promptly….at least within a couple of days. You have a precious family!
I love your happy coffee cup. Makes me feel good. I did not know Dolly Parton put out food to make. Oh, the blueberry pie looked so good - and that and pecan pie is my other favorite. Similar tastes. Not in Chinese food though - I am not a noodle eater like that - I love Mongolian beef. The raisin bread looked good plus the m&m's. Charlotte is adorable.
Now about writing back. My son will write back once in a while. My grandson never. That does irritate me. My daughter answers fast. I think it is girls and daughters.
I try to write back as fast as I can, but I am in and out a lot - so sometimes I have to put it off until the next day - but I will always write back.
Yes, sometimes I get annoyed when someone doesn't respond within a couple days, but try to be understanding. All the food you were showing made me sooooo hungry. Everything looked delicious. It is cold, but dry here also. I finally just put some warm cozy socks on with my cozy slippers - my feet have been cold. brrr!
Cute girls, and your granddaughter is so cute. If I can, I respond to text messages immediately. I'm understanding for others because I'm sick and I really can't always reply to an email. It happens that I write back after a few days or later, I don't take my laptop to the hospital and I don't use the Internet. I'm curious to see what you'll make with the beads. A hug from Sheri.
I hate texts. I only do it in emergency (more or less) and don't always see the text alerts on my phone. In fact, there are days when I don't pick up my phone for hours, maybe even all day. I don't carry it with me unless I'm out driving at night or in bad weather and half the time the notification bell doesn't even ring. (For that matter, half the time the ringer doesn't ring, but that's a phone problem!) I think on emails it depends. If someone has a question, I try to get back quickly. But I'm generally dealing with over 100 emails a day, about half of which I want to respond to and others that are read and file. And life happens. So, I agree it is annoying when one is waiting for an answer to a question or has imparted news or a concern that needs to be affirmed. But otherwise, I'm fine with waiting for a reply because I know how hard it can be to get back to people if you're not sitting on your computer for hours at a time.
I can over look not getting a response via email, but I don't understand how people do not respond to a text or phone calls. Your granddaughter's outfit is so cute.
Sorry about the rats. I know how you must have felt. I am terrified of spiders and it is so awful for me when there is a post of them.
Oh I am stopping by for a piece of that banana bread. I can smell it baking and you have such a way with the camera. Your food always looks delicious. What a wonderful fashion show! Oh she is adorable Sheri. Now getting to your thoughts on emails and phone calls...I am not always the best ...sometimes I just don't play my messages every day and not always do I have my phone close by...emails - generally am a bit better about those but not always. Sorry - your post got me thinking I really need to be more considerate and answer as soon as possible. Hugs!
January was extremely cold here in South Carolina too. We had snow about a 2 weeks ago and last week we days closed to 80 degrees! I have been suffering with sinus since December because of the constant extreme temps! That blueberry pie looks delicious. It annoys me when people don't respond, have a little common courtesy! Wishing you a warm and happy February!
Be it text, chat on FB or email, I try to reply in a timely manner. Text is more of an issue cause for some reason, no matter how loud or what tone I have on my phone, it I am out of the room, it dings, I might not hear it and it might even be a day before I see it. HOWEVER, being that I worked in areas that required me to have contact with other people in other state departments, I made it a point that the emails did not go unnoticed. Even if I did not have the answer, I sent an email, explaining I did not have the answer, but I would check and get back with them as soon as I had an answer. If in a day, I still did not have that answer, I let them know. Nothing worse than waiting for a reply or an answer. I have not tried Dolly's banana bread but I have a yellow cake in the pantry to try. I love our TN Icon, Dolly.
Lovely post and yes it's a peeve not to get a reply. I have to admit Sheri, I am guilty of being late answering my emails. I try not to be and it's not a good excuse but the spam I get sends everything so far down that it takes me a long time to wade through them. If I have ever done this to you, please let me know in your comment and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. But as you can see, I'm late answering my comments too. Yikes! I'm so bad!
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