Monday, January 13, 2025

Just Because January

 The fires are still going strong in So. California, and the Palisades fire is 52% contained.  The Santa Ana winds have come, and the region continues to battle these blazing fires.  Thank you all for your prayers. 🙏  

My brother-in-law was in town for a dental appt., and he stopped by to visit for a while.  I always love when he comes by, and this time he brought me an apple pie.  When he first got here in the morning, I made him some Polish sausage and eggs and coffee.  I sauteed the onions first, and scrambled the eggs.  He enjoyed the breakfast so much.

"Like the grasses showing tender faces to each other, thus we should do, for this was the wish of the Grandfathers of the world."

~Black Elk

Another day, I made some biscuits with butter and honey.

I had some ham leftover, so I made a potato and ham dish with bell peppers and seasonings.

Jess loved the red coat I got Charlotte, and she looks so warm and cozy wearing it.

A few things I am looking forward to.....the fundraiser dinner in my hometown coming up.  I will see all my family then.  And we will celebrate my birthday that weekend too.  It's a big one, that's all I'll say about that. ; )

I had a long talk with my sister one day on the phone.  It was good catching up with her.

Like many of you, I've been going through things and de-cluttering and sorting to give away or keep.  So far, I've given away 7 boxes and bags, and it does feel good to clear out some of this and that.  I guess we are all thinking the same thing in January.

Have a beautiful January week.  It's supposed to be sunny this month, but then, we're expected some rain and snow in February.



gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

The fires are so scary. Our prayers continue. Your biscuits look really good and the red coat for Charlotte is so pretty. I'm sure she looks adorable in it. It seems no matter how much I de-clutter, I seem to accumulate more stuff.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Charlotte would look adorable in anything! Too cute. I remember you sharing about your hometown fundraiser before. How nice it falls on your birthday, too! You’ll be able to see everybody - like a big birthday party. It really sounds like fun.
I can’t imagine your “number” is as big as mine.
Anyway always good to hear from you - been thinking about Nel and Jess and their families. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Great, it is 10:00 at night and looking at your food has made me hungry. Those eggs and polish sausage looks delicious!

Katerinas Blog said...

The facts about the fires are shocking, how they started, how they got out, how they are still burning, how lives were lost... we continue our prayers, what a shame!!
Everything you made for your guest looks very delicious.
The best thing is that it gives away things! Very nice to see your family!! Have a great week, I hope they put out the fires!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my goodness, this gorgeous bird photo! A Jay of some kind? charlotte looks so adorable in the red coat. It is both elegant and cute at the same time! You look like a really good cook!

Patricia said...

Little Charlotte is adorable in that red coat. Well done, Grandma! We are still praying for So. California, and watching the devastation on the news. It is truly shocking. Your cooking always looks so good. Honey butter biscuits - YUM. What a spectacular bird photo. Brilliant.

R's Rue said...

Your meals look delicious. I need to stop by and eat with you.

Shug said...

Sheri...we are continuing to pray for the people in Southern Ca. I just cannot imagine all that has been loss. very devastating for so many. I think I'll come your way for some good meals like this. Little Charlotte is so cute in her new red coat. She is always so happy. My post today is about the 14 boxes of items that I took to Hanger of Hope. It feels really good to get rid of items that have just been collecting dust. Love the gorgeous blue bird. the perfect picture for a nice January day. Happy Early Birthday...I am excited for you to get to celebrate with family. Pictures will be a must show of when you all get together. Happy Tuesday.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

We are praying for everyone there too. It just makes you feel so bad to watch the news and see what has been lost. It's nice to have things to look forward too, especially time with family. Hugs!

Louca por porcelana said...

Delicious food! Charlotte is so cute with the red coat. Sending prayers...

Nellie said...

Horrific news about the CA fires!! Love to hear what you have been cooking! That little one in the red coat is darling! She should keep nice and warm! Special family gatherings ahead! Enjoy!

LoveT. said...

Charlotte loves the red coat, she laughs so happily.
Cooking for someone is also giving warmth. :)

I wish you nice, sunny weather on your birthday

Jeanie said...

That little bird is so pretty and that red coat is adorable on Charlotte. I love that your brother-in-law stops by, brings food and that you can share a meal. That's lovely. Birthday, huh? Early felicitations and more to come!

Chatty Crone said...

I have been following the fires iin CA. I keep hearing that they are not contained and that the winds keep picking up. I feel so bad for the people there. So sorry.
You called the smoke sausage polish sausage - but I bet you have never had real polish sausage - I know because my hubs is polish and his mom had it all the time from a butcher shop.
The potatoes, ham, and peppers looked so good - did you cut them up that small - that is hard for me to have that much patience.
The red coat for Charlotte was GORGEOUS - so cute with the fur.
Is this the same fundraiser for your father that you went to last year? I know you had a good time I remember you bought something new to wear.
When is your birthday girl?
Was that a picture of you? So pretty. Nice to talk and catch up with her I bet and your BIL with the pie!
Love, sandie

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Prayers are continuing for the California fires Sheri. I do hope the terrible winds will end soon. I can't imagine.....
How good your breakfast looks! It's so nice your brother-in-law comes to visit often. Charlotte looks darling in her new coat. She's a cutie pie! Certain birthdays should be celebrated and I hope you and your family will do so when you get together.
Have a happy week!

Veronica Lee said...

So sorry to hear about the fires.
I hope they're under control soon.
How nice that your brother-in-law visited and brought you an apple pie!
The Polish sausage breakfast sounds amazing, and that potato and ham dish looks so comforting.
I love that you're decluttering and giving things away. It always feels good to clear things out.
Hope the fundraiser and your birthday weekend are awesome!
Take care and enjoy the sunny days ahead.🌹

Miradas desde mi lente said...

Las zonas desvastadas, ya no tiene solución. Ahora lo más necesario es que haya solidaridad entre las naciones y acudan con su ayuda a adecentar los territorios afectados.
Un abrazo.

Carla from The River said...

Hello, I am decluttering too. I take my decluttering to St. Vincent De Paul. I also go and shop at St. Vincent De Paul, I have found some very nice plant pots there.
I continue to pray Sheri, please keep us updated.


It sounds like you're going through a challenging time with the fires, but it's heartwarming to hear that your brother-in-law was able to bring some joy with a visit and an apple pie. It’s always nice to catch up with loved ones, and your breakfast sounds delicious! I hope the fires are contained soon, and safety returns to your area. Stay safe and take care, and feel free to check out my latest post at Wishing you all the best!

Red Rose Alley said...

Thank you, Deborah, for following us. I appreciate that very much. : )

DeniseinVA said...

I am praying for you all out there with these fires Sheri, awful and horrifying! Your brother-in-law must have appreciated that delicious breakfast very much :) The biscuits and ham looked delicious also. A sweet photo of Charlotte in her pretty red coat. Super to have a catch up with your sister - pretty lady - and something to look forward to getting together with your family for your birthday and other fun things. I remember your bird from my last trip to California. I have loads of decluttering to do here also. We are expecting more snow on Monday, not so much as last time though. Wishing you an awesome celebration and Happy Birthday my friend!

Donna said...

The food all looks wonderful! Charlotte is adorable...
I put something in our donate bag everyday!

roughterrain crane said...

The bird photo is breathtaking!