Friday, January 10, 2025

Worry-Filled Week

You may have heard of the fires raging in So. California right now.  One of them is the Palisades fire, and it has destroyed so many homes and buildings.  There have been 24 deaths, thousands of evacuations, and the fires have burned more than 12,000 homes and other structures.  It's so scary - Nel and Jess are Ok, but Nel is only about 20 miles from one of the fires, and Jess is about 30 miles from another.  Jess' school has closed where she teaches, and Francesca's school is closed.  That's all this mama has been doing all week is worrying.  Prayers are greatly needed.  Thousands of firefighters are working around the clock to get them under control and contained.


I have been hunkered down trying to wrap my head around all of this, and feeling very saddened and thankful I have a home myself.  I had to get out today, and went to a few stores.  What is it about purple that makes me stop and gaze?  I feel mesmerized when I see anything this color, it's so exquisite.

I bought some purple silk flowers and a purple cup.

I've been eating comforting foods, as the worry seems heavy this week, like baked ham sandwiches, homemade brownies, and lots of tea.

Please pray for So. California, my friends.  And I thank you very much.



The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Praying for everyone threatened and affected by those terrible fires Sheri. Take care of yourself Sheri.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

When my son Michael was living in Long Beach and going to UC, I used to fear an earthquake and him being in it and needing me. Of course he was fine but when disaster happens where are children are, our Mama instincts kick into overdrive. I hope and pray the winds don’t come back this weekend as forecasted.
All we can do is pray and pray some more. 🙏🏻

Ginny Hartzler said...

We have been watching the fire on the news channels all the time! I am so sorry, I will sure be praying!! I have this same mug! what a good idea to buy the flowers to match and put them on a little tray. I have some purple flowers and will do the same! This ham looks mouth watering!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Forgot to say I really like your new header; it was a nice surprise!

Patricia said...

Sheri, I am so glad you girls are safe, and I hope the fires are gone very soon. We are horrified as we see the film of Pacific Palisades, street after street all burnt out. It is extraordinary, and shocking. 10,000 homes is difficult to even comprehend. Your purple flowers are very pretty, and remind me that Lent will be along soon. Praying for California.

Estelle's said...

These fires have been just a nightmare..praying for all, especially the animals...I wish this could have ben prevented


Las noticias se ha extendido por todo el mundo entero y ha llegado también a mi país. Siento mucho esa catástrofe y las muertes que se hayan producido.
Un abrazo.

R's Rue said...

Praying. I love you.

Jeanie said...

I was thinking about your girls, Sheri. I'm glad they aren't in the immediate path but I can see your concern as things seem to move so quickly and erratically with those winds. I'm sure they have their "go" bags ready -- but the question becomes where does one go to? The prayers keep coming, and I'm sure from all corners of the world.

Zacisze Lenki said...

I will pray that you are all safe. A hug from Sheri.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Prayers for California!

Be good to yourself
The heartbreak over the wildfires reaches the depths of our souls.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

We are praying for everyone suffering in the fires this week. It's been devastating and so sad deep down. Stay safe sweet lady!

Pilar said...

Prayers for everyone involved. Beautiful flowers my friend

Katerinas Blog said...

Surely we all join our prayers for the fires to stop!!
What a disaster.. what a shame!
I thought of you at least you are not in danger! I have no words.. I wish the fires would finally stop!
The photo with the apocaides and the American flag is shocking

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

The situation with the fires Is heartbreaking. Praying for everyone !! I don't blame you for worrying and finding some comfort foods. God Bless.

Nellie said...

Such a horrific situation! I understand your worry about your family that isn’t really far away from the fires. Prayers for everyone!!

Shug said...

I can certainly understand your worries....Bless your heart, I know this has been heavy on your heart. Thankful that they are at least 20 miles away, however, I know that for raging fires, you have no idea the distance they will travel. Keeping all of Southern California as well as the girls and their families in my prayers. Praying God's favor on them and His protection. Prayers for a wall of protection to surround them.

Marilyn Miller said...

I am definitely praying and sending loving thoughts to those that have lost their homes or are in harms way. I do hope your family stays safe. Those winds make fires so dangerous. I have several friends that also live nearby and check in with them every few days. Sending love!

Billie Jo said...

Sweet friend, I have been thinking of and praying for you and your girls. Thank you for updating us and be assured you all are in our thoughts and prayers.

Donna said...

I'm praying for your children sweet lady!! Also praying for rain to hit the areas!!
The food looks yummy...and I feel the same about pink.

Chatty Crone said...

I love your header - such a beautiful rose.
I am praying for California and the fires. What happened to the water there? My brother and sister live there too and like your girls are a few miles away - but they are still being affected by it. It is just tragic. Heartbreaking.
Purple is such a regal color - I loved your flowers there. Seems peaceful.
Love those brownies and ham too.

Julia said...

I'm praying for the people in the path of these horrible fires. So many have lost their homes and really, everything. Praying for your daughter's and their familes.

LoveT. said...

Prayers and best wishes for your family and everyone who lives in the area. <3

Carla from The River said...

Praying my dear friend. Please keep us update.
Love you,

Louca por porcelana said...

Sending prayers... Hugs dear Sheri.

Debbie Nolan said...

Oh sweet friend I am just so sad for those who have lost everything and the fear of getting it stopped. My prayers are going up for all involved in this terrible devastating situation. Pray Nel and Jess keep safe.

Debbie Nolan said...

Published before I is so hard to not worry in the face of all that is happening. Isn't it odd how we do turn to comfort food when we get anxious? Take care dear one and know I am praying. Hugs!

R's Rue said...

Said my morning prayers and love you.

DeniseinVA said...

We have been paying a lot of attention to the fires Sheri. It’s horrifying and heartbreaking to see on the news. A relief that Nel and Jess are okay. It must be scary and worrying. Purple is a beautiful color and the silk flowers are gorgeous and the cup is very pretty. Comfort food is also a natural go-to when under stress. Praying for you, your family and everyone in southern California right now. I will continue to hope and pray that the fires will be contained very soon.

Hena Tayeb said...

It is very scary. I am relieved to hear your family is safe. We are praying for the people of California.