Monday, October 21, 2024

Skeleton Stagecoach

I have been enjoying all the rain we've been having.  It usually doesn't last for long, and it comes and goes throughout the day when we do get some.

My son has been experimenting with different recipes in the cookbook, Let's Eat Paris!  He recently made some crepes with butter and organic cherry spread.  They were wonderful.

Isn't this stagecoach delightful?  I saw it at the entrance of the grocery store last week.

I always like to try cereals that are limited edition.

Speaking of bats.....

When Nel lived in Georgia, she saw bats all the time in her backyard.  She loved the bats. She moved there in the middle of summer, and that first evening when they went outside in their new backyard, it was like she had been transported to an enchanted forest.  The fireflies were flickering like little fairies, and the bats were swooping down from the pine trees and fluttering all around the yard.  Those warm Summer evenings watching the bats come out at dusk are some of her favorite memories from living in Georgia.

Some more Autumn color around here.

It's been really cold lately.  Tomato soup with buttered toast sounds perfect.  I like to dip my toast in the soup.

Story.  I came across this verse last week, and it's one of my favorite verses that I've known for a long time.

That very same day in the afternoon, my best friend sent me an e-mail saying hi and just checking up on me.  We went back and forth with comments for awhile, and in one of her last e-mails she sent me this - the same verse that I came across earlier that morning.

My fortune cookie after a Yummy Chinese take-out.

Is it just me, or does anyone else have a hard time using chopsticks?  I had a friend I worked with that used to eat with them all the time.  But me, no way, could never get the hang of it.

When you go through old things, you certainly find unexpected surprises.  I have been going through cabinets and drawers, and gave a few items away.  I came across the hospital bracelet my mom wore when she delivered me!  Do you know how many years that is?  Let's just say, it's vintage.😉  I thought it was so sweet of her to keep it all those years, and then it somehow got back to me.  My mom was dear, and kept so many items and cards and mementos that were given to her by her kids.  

Mia wanted to show me her fox costume.  Isn't it adorable?

The October days are going fast.  Enjoy every moment of it.



Pam said...

Oh my, what a sweet and adorable fox! Loving the color, we are just now starting to show some color. But we need the rain, been about 22 days since we have had any. Matter of fact, our summer was drier than it should have been. I wished I had my son here cooking for me, but, I do go to Ambers for meals a lot of the time. I try to cook a meal for her once a week so she don't have to do it when she gets off work. I love the skeleton. That is adorable. I went all out with my decor this yr. I have a couple of skeleton, they are wired to the rail of the porch so a big wind will not take them down. But I have lots of things on the rail and in the yard....I LOVE Halloween

Shug said...

Your little fox is the cutest....They really do have some cute costumes out for kids this year. Not all the deep scary stuff. One of my very favorite verses. I have it written down on a note and it is by my nightstand. Isn't that an adorable carriage and with the skeleton sitting in...waving, makes it so appealing. It's a good thing to have as I am guessing many people are enjoying seeing it as they go to the grocery store. Yum...your soup looks so good. Can't beat a good ol' bowl of tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. I sure wish you were able to send some of that rain to Texas. Our ground is so dry and the plants and trees look so thirsty. Enjoy this third week in's the 4th week! hugs

R's Rue said...

Thank you for this post.

Debby said...

Aww, Mia is adorable in her Fox costume. A fun time for the children!
We only had a little rain last Wednesday, but the evening and morning temperatures have dropped. Saturday we were in the mid 80’s! Gee I wish the weather would make a decision - are we summer or fall?
Have a wonderful week.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

She is an adorable fox and those crepes look delicious! On a scale of 1-10, I am about a 5 on the chopstick scale. I can use them, but struggle a little. Barb is like a 9 and has no problem at all.

Hena Tayeb said...

Cutest fox I have ever seen. Wise fortune cookie. We once had a bat fly into our home. M and I were getting ready to board a plane and my parents were watching the kids when a bat decided to take up residence in my youngest's room. It was quite an ordeal getting him out of there.

LoveT. said...

The fox photos from Mia are unique, great and cute she poses as a fox.
Your tomato soup looks delicious mhhhhhh
Wish you a wonderful new week

Ginny Hartzler said...

Mia the fox is the cutest costume I have EVER seen!!! Well, I love foxes. I am looking forward to buying the Reese's cereal. That is our son's favorite candy. The coach is such a great find!! Is it happy, not scary! The best Halloween find I have seen yet. Makes me want to jump up and take a wild midnight ride.

Miradas desde mi lente said...

Ese disfraz de zorro, es muy divertido

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Mia the fox is darling, Sherie! I like the more sweet things that Halloween offers. To me it's gotten a little macabre! I'm a wimp and scare easily. Your son's crepes look delicious. How lucky you are he is enjoying cooking. I'm so glad rain is in your area. Have a happy October in your lovely home!

Marilyn Miller said...

What a very cute fox you have in your life. I don't mind using chopsticks, but small rice kernels can get tricky. Love your fall colors. Yummm! Oh I love a good crepe and that one looks delicious. I usually make them during strawberry season because I love them with a touch of cream cheese and a whole bunch of strawberries.I had forgotten about dipping toast in tomato soup. My mother always liked doing that. Nice memory.

Chatty Crone said...

Good evening - Your off white pumpkin in the header is so classy looking.
You lucky getting rain - we need it.
Those crepes look delish.
Love the stagecoach skeleton and horse.
It is funny your daughter saw so many bats here in GA!
The photo of your autumn leaves - the bottom left looked like a rainbow tree.
You had a Godwink with your friends on that Jeramiah verse.
I can't eat with chopsticks.
Sweet about the bracelet your mom saved.
And last but not least Mia was the cutest fox ever - and I loved how she posed for the camera.
Nice post.

Chatty Crone said...

Jeremiah verse.

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

Hi Sheri,
My granddaughter was a fox one year and a wolf. This year she is going to be a chicken. (-: Mia looks really cute as a fox. I am glad you had rain! Not much here just a few drops. I love the carriage and skeleton crew! Enjoy your week!