Monday, October 7, 2024

Oh, October

 Well, this was a week of appts.  Last week someone came out and cleaned all the gutters, raked all the debris, and hauled the leaves away.  He did a really nice job, and gives 110% of himself when he works, and you don't see that anymore.  He even rinsed my car off after from all the dust in the air.  Then, I was driving on the road, and my car started vibrating.  I thought it might be a flat tire, so I got out to check.  No flat tire, and I managed to drive it over to the auto shop, and right away, M. took care of it.  He's the best, and I appreciate having his shop up here in the mountains.  It needed a new coil, and an hour and $128.00 later, I was on my way.

A batch of gingerbread cookies always comforts and brings joy.

You know, I crave these sometimes.

It's apple picking time, and Jess and family found the perfect apples at the farm.  She said it was a lovely time, and so peaceful.

My brother-in-law from Seattle called, and we had a nice chat.  It's so thoughtful that he checks up on me from time to time.  He just got back from a hunting trip, and saw about 30 bucks and some wolves.  He said he might be up this way in October, and if so, he'll stop by.

I was talking with my neighbor, Lisa, and she told me that there was a mountain lion spotted just about a block away in the neighborhood.  She said she's staying put and isn't going out at night for awhile.

Mountain Lions can grow up to 7 feet long, from their nose to their tail.  They have outstanding vision, even in the dark.  They eat meat, and where there are deer, there likely are mountain lions.  A mountain lion may eat one deer a week.

With all the appts. lately, I felt nature calling me and telling me to visit.  So, come along, but first I have to get a cup of coffee for the road in my favorite Fall cup.

All the forces of darkness cannot stop what God has ordained.

~Isaiah 14:27

Mia got student of the month in her class.

A house with nothing old in it seems ~ unseasoned.

~Maud Hart Lovelace

The tree branches blowing in the wind looked spooky as they made a shadow through my blinds. 😲

I hope you are having good October days.




Shug said...

Good Monday morning Sheri.....Congratulations to Mia for getting the student of the month...Yay!! I think it would be so much fun to go apple picking...We just do not have this opportunity here in Texas..😞. Mountain Lion? I would most definitely be staying put...what happens? Does animal control come out and try to capture the mountain lion? Loving the Fall that you are showing here..Trees are so pretty and all the wildlife is awesome.... Enjoy that cup of warm coffee...looks so good...

R's Rue said...

I’d love a cookie.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Where there are deer, there’s mountain lions! Be careful. I’m more leery of a mountain Lion than a bear. They are stealthy and hunt their prey.
Good for Mia! That must be very exciting for her and a good application of when you work hard, there are rewards.
I like the shadow of the tree outside your window. Cool photo. That apple is perfect! Nothing better than a fresh apple. Yum.
Well we’re almost halfway through October. It doesn’t seem possible. Before you know it, Christmas will be here. We’re still Hot here - 100 yesterday. This morning’s weather shows a couple more days of heat and then we cool off into the 80’s. At least the mornings are cool.
Enjoy your October week.

Chatty Crone said...

All the forces of darkness cannot stop what God has ordained, from Isaiah - that is surely true. Good for reminding me.
Nice to have someone do the gutters, leaves, and even washed your car - nice.
And then to go right to a car repair shop and have him fix it right then when you wait.
You seem to live in a very wonderful community. Love the leaves turning and all the animals you get to see. Hope the mountain lion goes away!!! Be careful.
That apple was beautiful and so is Charlotte playing with hers.
Congrats to Mia for student of the month.
Loved the cookie Franchesca had. Think I have that right.
And my favorite was the hotdog - throw on some onions, pickle relish, and celery salt and you have a Chicago Dog.
Love, sandie

Marilyn Miller said...

Your post puts me in the mood for Autumn. It just feels like fall/autumn is in the air. I enjoyed your sights of nature, the Halloween cookie, and the review of your seasonal delights. Glad your car was efficiently taken care of too.

Susan said...

Hi Sheri....Sweet post,. GOOD FOR MIA! And a mountain lion, eh? Ohhhh, that's a little unnerving. Hope you have a splendid week, dear friend. Susan

Ginny Hartzler said...

OH, don't go outside in the dark, and carry bear spray! The Quail are adorable! Your trees are gorgeous, ours haven't done much of anything yet. Your gingerbread cookies look big and soft! I would have four with a big glass of milk or hot coffee, and call that dinner!

Hena Tayeb said...
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Hena Tayeb said...

Those apples looks great as do your ginger cookies. Congrats on Mia getting student of the month. That is nice of your brother in law.

Carla from The River said...

Hi Friend, do be careful about the mountain lion. A hunter got mauled by a mountain lion here in Wisconsin!!!

I made ginger cookies Friday night too, I was visiting the boys for the weekend and took them cookies.
Love, Carla


Tu buena gastronomía, es disfrutada por la familia.
Bonitas fotografías.

Miradas desde mi lente said...

Tu buena gastronomía, es disfrutada por la familia.
Bonitas fotografías.

Miradas desde mi lente said...

Tu buena gastronomía, es disfrutada por la familia.
Bonitas fotografías.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

You are fortunate to have found such a dedicated worker and a place to fix your car so quickly. Congrats to Mia. I would be terrified to be. outside knowing mountain lions may be close by. Your photos are lovely and your ginger cookies very inviting.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

You have had quite a busy week, my friend! So glad you have someone that takes care of your gutters. As soon as all the leaves fall, we need to get someone to do the same. I'm glad you have a reputable mechanic near you. They are worth a lot when needed! Congratulations to Mia on being Student of the Month! I know you are happy she loves school and is doing well. I want one of those gingerbread cookies with a cup of tea! Now please tell me you won't be venturing outside in the dark. Mountain lions are beautiful, but oh so dangerous! Have a great Autumn week!

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

Happy October Sheri!
So glad you got out and saw the fall leaves! Sounds like you have a lot of nice folks up there! I agree it is hard to find thoughtful people now days! Especially ones who want to work! Congrats to Mia! Enjoy your week!

Patricia said...

Hello Sheri, and happy October. A 7 ft. mountain lion does indeed sound scary, and I hope it goes away soon. As Summer arrives here in Australia, we are on snake alert as they are waking from hibernation and are out looking for mates. What beautiful apples and a sweet pic of Charlotte playing with them. I think deer are very pretty, and it must be sweet to have them around. Well done Mia, I bet she takes after her grandmother!

LoveT. said...

Congratulations to Mia!
Charlotte with the apples, a nice photo.
Autumn with its lush colors is such a beautiful time of year.
Wish you a very nice week

Billie Jo said...

Oh October is stunning in your world, my friend! Thank you for sharing it all with us. Your cookies look perfect for an afternoon snack, and I love the shadows on the blinds! You have a perfect mix of October there...Vibrant beauty and slightly spooky!! Hugs!

Louca por porcelana said...

Take care and keep safe! How scaring... Adorable Grands! Best wishes, dear friend Sheri .

R's Rue said...

Thank you for your love for me.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Sheri,
It is important to take care of our home and having gutters cleaned out before the leaves really start falling.
As for our cars, preventive maintenance is so important for avoiding unexpected surprises!
You are very lucky for being able to eat what you often show in your posts. Enjoy it.
Mountain lions are a serious issue and ought to be avoided!
When I drove early morning to the dentist for teeth cleaning, I had to stop for two fawns right around the corner from my home. Such a lovely sight!
Mia seems to enjoy her school days!

Julia said...

Hi Sheri, It sounds like you had a busy, but productive week. Those gingerbread cookies with that icing look delicious! I'd love to have your recipe! That's one gorgeous red apple by the way! It looks like baby Charlotte enjoyed apple picking. The fall color is gorgeous where you live. So far, we haven't seen much fall color here. It's usually late October into November before the leaves begin to change. Congrats to Mia for getting student of the month! That's so exciting for her! Hope you are having a wonderful October day!

Pilar said...

Congrats to Mia! I was just saying the other day I wish I had fresh baked gingerbread cookies!

R's Rue said...

Wishing you a wonderful Sunday. Love you

Rose said...

I would not be going out at night either if a mountain line had been spotted. I am glad the car was an easy fix, and I guess not that expensive overall...

Debbie Nolan said...

I am just catching up Sheri with your posts. It looks like everyone is enjoying October. We do not have mountain lions here. Do they attack people or are they afraid of us humans? Be careful and stay safe friend. Bet you are proud of Mia...congratulations to her. Hugs!

DeniseinVA said...

Looks like you had a busy time Sheri. Always feels rewarding to get these jobs done. With the car, I’m glad you made it to the auto shop. Your hot dog and beans are making me hungry and am also craving those delicious looking gingerbread cookies (I love your copper kettle, all your collectibles in fact). Such a beautiful picture of that bright red apple. Apple picking sounds wonderful. We have a few places that offer that around here and yet we have never been. I am going to have to start making a bucket list. Sweet photo of your grands, they are so adorable. Congrats to Mia on her award. You do have a thoughtful brother-in-law, so nice to call you. Scary about the mountain lion. When we lived on the outskirts of San Diego for many years, there were always sightings but none by me thankfully. Thank you for sharing your photos with us out here, always enjoy so much! Have a great day tomorrow and weekend coming up.