Monday, October 28, 2024

Eerie Picture

Well, it's not even Thanksgiving, but when I came across this holiday ornament while I was out shopping last week, I had to get it.  It's such a comforting ornament.

I seldom buy nuts anymore, cause they are expensive at the stores, but I bought a package of mixed nuts at the grocery store and have been enjoying them all week.  These nuts bring back fond memories, because my mom would fill our stockings with them every season.  The bag came with an assortment of my favorites, and you have to crack them the old-fashioned way with the nut cracker.  There were walnuts, almonds, pecans, Brazil nuts, and hazelnuts.

It's been really cold lately, in the 40's early mornings, and I needed to get some comfortable warm sweaters for the months ahead.  I found this pink sweater with stars at K's Boutique in town.  Some of her clothes can be pricey, because she orders them from all over the world, even Europe.  And the clothes I've bought at her shop are good quality and have lasted since I moved here.

Sunrise through the blinds.

A nice snack.  Ritz crackers, tuna, and a dab of relish on a few.

My son is becoming skilled in the art of French cuisine and has made another dish - Blanquette de Veau (veal in white sauce).  He substituted the veal with lamb.  Now, some people don't care for lamb, as it has a rich taste, but I'm part Greek, and I had many a dish prepared with lamb growing up in my house.  The stew was delicious, and he served it over a pile of creamy mashed potatoes.

My brother-in-law came into town, and he treated me to lunch at the Mexican Restaurant.  I ordered two crispy tacos and a coke.  It was good to visit with him again.  He brought me a bottle of wine, and of course, I loved the pretty label.

Afterwards, I did a few things in town.  I went to A's home shop and bought a chocolate bar.  Now, this isn't just any chocolate bar, it's a $7.00 huckleberry chocolate bar.  Because its pricey, I tend to eat it slowly, enjoying it with my coffee.

I went to the church, and said a prayer inside the church.  I visited with the Priest, and we talked about many things.  Our Lady of Fatima came up, and he mentioned that when he was in Portugal, he saw a site of the three children who Mary first appeared to on May 13, 1917.  Those three children, Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta, are special to my heart.  Before leaving, he told me to go through the books and pick one out to take home with me.  He's such a dear Priest, and a Christmas CD caught my eye, so I chose that.

 This cat hangs out in the neighborhood, and I think it belongs to a neighbor, but I saw him itching like crazy, and I hope he doesn't have fleas.

One of my closest blog friends sent me this, and I not only loved the quote, but I loved the picture too.  Since I've always had curly hair, I spent a good amount of time straightening my hair growing up, and wearing the big pink hair rollers just like this until my hair dried.

The BIG pumpkin at Disney is showing its happy face to all the people.

And a wonderful pink fountain is on display.

A fox and a black cat

Is this the funniest costume for baby Charlotte?

I have to tell you about this picture.  It has always fascinated me, and it was taken many years ago on Halloween.  I'm not sure if two pictures were taken, or one, but in the development process the pictures became merged and we all look like ghosts.  My whole family was in the picture, and Nel was a hippie, Jess was a 50's girl, and my son was superman.  It was a fun picture that my family will always remember.

Oh October, you have come and gone for another year. 




The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Very nice double exposure photo of you and your children Sheri! Such happy photos in Disneyland. They really know how to decorate for the seasons! Your grands look darling and that photo of Charlotte is a hoot. Your son is quite the chef. Lucky you to receive his offerings of French food. The hope sign is an important one. Mexican food with your brother-in-law must have been tasty. California really has wonderful food, but especially Mexican. Have a happy, hopeful week my friend!

Donna said...

Neat double exposure photo! Hoping someone is feeding the feral kitty! Poor thing!
Love the chocolate bar...and my priest , that was wonderful, died quite a few years ago...we miss him!
Love the sweater and your photo! Fun!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

The girls look so cute in their costumes. I remember that age when my boys would wear their costumes before and after Halloween.
My three favorite photos are the tree-trunk and leaves, that window shot is beautiful and the pumpkins!
I had Mexican Friday night - Muy bien!
Is your son a chef? That is so cool that he cooks for you.
Your double exposure photo is definitely unique! Have a great week as we say goodbye to October 🥲 and a big hello to November! 🦃

LoveT. said...

The cat and the fox are great. The flamingo is very cute, so funny.
It seems to me that autumn is going by so quickly this time, it will soon be November again.
Wish you a wonderful new week

Chatty Crone said...

I love your Hope door hangar. So, you like the nuts that you have to crack? I only like peanuts and almonds. Your pink sweater looked so soft and delicate. I never thought of putting tuna on crackers and relish.
Your son is getting to be a great French chef - he may be able to get a job at a fine restaurant. It looked delicious.
And your BIL taking you out - nice.
Love the little Flamingo. LOL And the two foxes. They are so creative. I love that big pumpkin too. And the pink fountain.
I have never heard of Huckleberry chocolate. And I think that the music CD was a good choice - nice Preist.
That cat probably does have fleas if he is outdoors all the time.
And the double ghost picture - eerie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but fun.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Flamingo Charlottes is so cute!! I've actually never seen a flamingo costume. The stew looks delicious even all by itself. But putting it on mashed potatoes would be so awesome tasting. I love lamb, but haven't seen it in the grocery stores in many years. I love your pretty pastel sweater with the stars! That's a pretty cat. But I think all outdoor cats have fleas unless the owner treats them. I used to wear those rollers! We called them Beer Can rollers. Actually slept in them!! How did we do it?


Cuando te gusta alguna cosa, hay que comprarla. No sea que vuelvas otro día y ya se haya acabado.
Un abrazo.


Cuando te gusta alguna cosa, hay que comprarla. No sea que vuelvas otro día y ya se haya acabado.
Un abrazo.

Louca por porcelana said...

Adorable post as ever, my sweet friend! Cute Grands! Have a lovely week ahead.

Marilyn Miller said...

Loving the colors of the season. Your food is looking good, even the chocolate bar. What cute costumes. I need to find out if my grandson is dressing for the season. Thanks for the reminder. Absolutely love your new sweater.

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

It is wonderful your son enjoys cooking and making wonderful meals for you. You are truly blessed to have such a wonderful family. I loved your photos! Happy Halloween!

Patricia said...

What a fun post for Halloween Sheri. You pink sweater is very pretty, and one I would love to wear too. That was interesting that your priest has been to Fatima. I remember learning this story when I was growing up. I'm sure the Christmas CD is good too. Love the grandies in their costumes, especially the Fox mask. Baby Charlotte is too cute as a pink bird. Love your spooky family photo, and what great kids they were/are.

Jeanie said...

You've been having a wonderful week or so, Sheri. I love that your son is a good cook and close at hand. All the foods you shared sound and look just marvelous! And I love your cute sweater -- that's a wonderful find. The nuts made me smile. My mom always bought them too. They frustrated me because I could never crack them but nothing looks better on a table or in a glass vase at this time of year! Love your new ornament. It's good to check in again!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

The double exposure photo is adorable!

DeniseinVA said...

Hi Sheri, it’s a beautiful ornament and worthy of adding to your collection. I would not have been able to resist it. Your granddaughters look adorable in their costumes and what a neat double exposure photo, such a treasure. The only time we ever had nuts as children, was at Christmastime. It was always such a treat and so exciting to try cracking the nuts with the nutcracker. Didn’t take much to keep us kids happy, lol! Thank you for sharing the lovely memory with your mom. You look very pretty in in your new sweater. I consider sweaters an investment and sometimes we are very much worth the treat. Your tuna appetizer looks very yummy! How wonderful that your son cooks French cuisine. His meal sounds exceedingly delicious. All your meals look delicious. Poor kitty, sure hope he doesn't have the you-know-what! Happy end of October to you Sheri, and wishing you a wonderful November! Sending hugs!

Shug said...

Good morning Sheri. The double exposure on the photo makes it even more interesting. There are some really neat costumes out this year and I think the flamingo and the foxes are some of the cutest!! Around here it is difficult to know what the weather will be like on Trick R' Treat evening, so the kiddos try to stay away from the warmer costumes. Hope is what we all need to focus on and your hanger is a perfect reminder that we must all cling to HOPE. You selected the perfect pink sweater. You look beautiful in it. How exciting to be able to taste all of these different recipes. They look delicious. Sending hugs and Blessings to you this morning..

Carla from The River said...

Hello, we did it Sheri, we finished our big project. I will share soon on the blog. :-)
In the meantime, your post warms my heart as always, I love pink, so I love your sweater. :-)
And I want to come for dinner!! You have been making me hungry.
Love, Carla

Veronica Lee said...

I hope someone’s taking care of that kitty! Poor thing!
Your double-exposure photo is so one-of-a-kind, and I absolutely love your Hope door hanger.
Flamingo Charlotte is just adorable!

Happy Thursday, dearest Sheri! 🌹

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

I thought that I commented a few days ago on this. Oh well. here goes again. I love your pink sweater with the stars and your son's cuisine is looking and I am sure tasting good! We always had nuts on the living room coffee table with a nutcracker when I was young.

Pilar said...

Love the double exposure photo Sheri! I hope you enjoy these November days!

Debbie Nolan said...

What a happy picture even if it was double exposed...somehow it made it even more special. Your pink sweater is so pretty...sometimes it is okay to spend a bit extra for something made well. Often times I get out my old sweaters and put them in the drawer with a new one and know why I keep the old...they are so much heavier. Well enjoy all the beauty and your son's excellent looking soup. He is quite the cook. Hugs!

Rose said...

love that last shot of all the pumpkins...that looks like a double exposure. Talking about costumes...daughter's co-worker's little girl went trick or treating as a stack of pancakes!

Susan said...

Hello Dear Sheri...Going to your blog is like going to a delicious smorgasbord with many choices of yummy dishes. Your posts are always sooooo interesting. Please, never give up your beautiful blog!