Monday, April 1, 2024

No April Fool's....Just Me

Hello, happy April!  The weather here has been a mix of rain and sunny days.  So many birds were fluttering about on my lawn during the Easter weekend, especially the Eurasian Collared Dove.  I saw many of them on Good Friday in my yard.  They are such dear and peaceful birds.

I even saw a rabbit scurry across my lawn early Saturday morning!  I didn't get a picture, because they are frightened little creatures, and don't stand still for long.  I usually just see them at night run across the road, but it was a joy to see one on my lawn.  What isn't a joy for me to see are the squirrels that are coming around more frequently, and even digging into my lawn and storing their nuts.  There were 3 of them climbing up the trees, chasing after each other.  My neighbor said they can fly haha.

The critters always seem to gather on my front yard.  I'm not sure why -I don't have any feeders out or anything, but I think it's because I live on a large corner lot, and they have a lot of room to roam and be the wild animals they are.

Have you seen the movie, The Audrey Hepburn Story?  You know, I never saw it when it came out years ago, and I enjoyed watching it recently.

Jennifer Love Hewitt played Audrey, and I think she did a splendid job portraying her.  It was interesting to see Audrey growing up in the time of war and what she experienced.

There were many parts in the movie about the special relationship she had with her mother.

And it showed her rehearsing the famous balcony scene and singing the wonderful song, Moon River.

I made a batch of brownies, and washed all my Spring cups.

On Easter, I made a small meal of ham, sour cream and cheesy mashed potatoes, green beans, and cinnamon rolls with orange icing.

I saw my neighbor at the grocery store - the one I mentioned that works so hard in her front yard.  We were in the flower section at Safeway, and visited for a long time.

Jess took the kids to the ocean, and had a nice time.  I love this pic of Charlotte wearing papa's hat.  And the California poppies were in full bloom.

Mia is playing soccer now, and Renecke is coaching the team.

Easter basket fun.

I've been doing a bit of Spring cleaning around here, and it's nice to get things done after the rain.

*Jennifer McCully

No April Fool's....just me, wishing you a good month.  And I'll leave you with one of my favorite songs.



LoveT. said...

When i see Mia, i also see you Sheri.
The yellow poppies are beautiful. Here in Vienna we only have red ones.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Sheri,
We love watching our critters as we have breakfast, lunch and supper.
No matter what they are, they are all welcome and being fed.
The hummingbirds are back since a couple of weeks and they are a joy.
Both of us hope that after us, there will be new owners that feed them and love them all.
Audrey Hepburn was Dutch and a special person.
The California poppies look lovely and no doubt the kids had a fabulous time in nature.

Dewena said...

Sheri, I did watch the movie and enjoyed it, learned so much about Audrey. Yes, that song is lovely! Your Easter dinner sounds delicious and your granddaughters must have had a sweet Easter too. Soccer will be so much good family fun; I remember those soccer years with our sons and miss them. I always thought squirrels were darling until one of ours leaped on our granddaughter's chest when she was trying to hold out a treat for him. She was terrified and scratched up a lot and it meant a trip to a doctor so I haven't been as fond of them since then. I think I like our chipmunks better now!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Your front yard probably has good soil to dig in.
The squirrels here have been busy digging up where the ferns are planted. The soil is soft there.

Beautiful pictures. The ocean looks lovely.
April is starting out well. The California poppies are beautiful. That is the flower I have presently in seedling stages this year.

Debbie Nolan said...

Dear Sheri - hope your Easter was a wonderful one. Yes I adore seeing bunnies, chipmunks and even those squirrels frolicking in our woods. Unfortunately Kelsey loves them as well and is so happy if she can catch one. I will leave the rest of what she does to your imagination...not pretty but she is just being a dog.
Adore your quote...I am sure you make a place beautiful. Your granddaughters are growing up so fast. Enjoy them whenever you can visit. Sending you an April Hug - no fooling!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wonderful shots of the kids! The orange cinnamon rolls look so yummy!! I have never heard of this movie, is it very old or a new one? I did watch a short documentary-type show of her once.

Carla from The River said...

Oh, I just loved all the photos today.
Thank you!!!
Happy April Sheri!!! April is Sam's birthday month.
xx oo

Hena Tayeb said...

I hadn't heard of that movie.. thanks for sharing.
Lovely photos of the grandbabies.


Esa lluvia de primavera, viene muy bien, `para el florecimiento de muchas flores.
Que tengas una buena semana.

My Shasta Home said...

The girls are so cute. Dang, those brownies look good. Love the coastal photo with the poppies. Mine are late coming in. I don’t know why.
I have quite a few doves that frequent my yards and feeders. I love hearing them coo - and call to each other. Such sweet birds!
Weather is sunny and 76. I sat in the sun and it felt so nice but Wednesday looks like more rain! Have a wonderful week as we inch closer and closer to Summer.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Looks like spring is happening there with the birds and the bunnies and squirrels. I love the mourning dove's cooing- it's so sweet and sad. We've had a barred owl move onto the property and the birds and little animals have moved elsewhere, which makes me sad, but that's nature. Every year there is a different population. Your little grand-girls are sweet as can be! Look at those chubby, baby cheeks. And Mia does look just like you! I've not seen the movie yet, but it looks like a good one. Moon River is such a great song. Now you've got me humming it...Those cinnamon rolls look so yummy. So glad it is April. It's been a long winter. Hugs xo K

Donna said...

Everything looks so wonderful! Love the cinnamon buns...
Haven't seen the life story of Audry Hepburn but Jennifer Love-Hewitt is from here...In a town called Hewitt, a suburb of Waco, Texas. Went to Hollywood and made it big.

Jeanie said...

Audrey Hepburn is one of my favorites and I've seen documentaries and read biographies of her but never saw this movie. It looks like very good casting.

I love the doves too. And it looks like April has brought spring to you. We used to have flying squirrels at the lake but I don't know what happened to them. It always reminded me of the Rocky and Bullwinkle show. My squirrels here are the garden variety -- they climb, they jump and they run, but I've never seen them fly!

Louca por porcelana said...

Always a pleasure stopping by... Adorable post as ever... Your Grands are so cute! Happy April!

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

What a wide range of topics on that post! The morning dove is one of my favorites as well. That one you got a picture of there was actually a Eurasian collared dove. And invasive species native to Europe and Asia.

Chatty Crone said...

I just love your posts. They just make me feel good.
I have put up a bird feeder and no birds yet - but I did get a mourning dove on my yard yesterday. LOL You are getting them with no feeders!
And guess what?
There are squirrels that fly! We have them here I have seen many do it. The skin under their arms is connected to their body and when they jump they open their arms and it is like a kite. So they can go from higher to lower. Of course they can't fly up.
I am going to watch the Audrey Hepburn Story for sure. I loved her. Thanks for the recommendation.
Your meal sounded good.
Brownies looked good to.
Safeway is your store - we don't have one here.
Charlotte was cute in her hat. Now Mia is playing soccer. Boy they grew up fast.
I loved your meme too.

Shug said...

Oooooo I do love Moon River!! The Beach pictures look so pretty and you are right, the cap is so cute on your little one. We have LOTS of squirrels, but I have never seen one fly... we actually have so many that they become little pest. they like to eat the roots of some of my plants. And, the mourning dove is one of my favorites as well..I love to hear them in the morning time. I can tell that you like to cook and everything always looks so tasty...I need to get better at wanting to cook. I have seen this movie and loved it..glad you got to watch it. As always, I so enjoy your post....You have a feel-good blog and I always feel uplifted.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Sheri it looks like spring is on its way to your area. We have been getting quite a bit of rain as well. Boy does Mia look like you! She looks very happy to play soccer. Our children loved that game. Charlotte is just darling with the Easter basket. Your brownies sure look yummy. I have a thing for chocolate and these look very tasty. I must look up the Audrey Hepburn movie as that is new to me. My Daddy loved Moon River and this is a beautiful rendition. Have a lovely week!

Patricia said...

Hi Sheri, and belated Happy Easter to you. How special to see a bunny for Easter! The squirrels sound very pesky, and no wonder my daughter does not like them much. I used to love Audrey Hepburn films, but I do not think I have seen this movie of her story. I wonder if I can find it on Netflix. I love the California poppies, and they look lovely in the wild. Your granddaughters always make me smile, such sweet kids.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

I have not seen the Audrey story . Is it on Nextlix ? I would love to watch it. Your spring mug is adorable and I enjoyd your entire post. Happy Easter a few days late.

midorilinea said...

So nice to be able to see such cute animals on your lawn! That movie sounds like it was really good, and your Easter menu sounds delicious, those rolls look so yummy! The kids look like they had fun at the park and enjoyed easter as well! Sounds like you're having an amazing spring!

xoxo, Midori

DeniseinVA said...

Happy April Sheri, sweet photos of your doves and the rascally squirrel, not nice digging into your lawn. We see holes in our mulch where they dig for their acorns in the spring. I haven’t seen a rabbit in ages. They used to love eating the clover but when the clover went away, so did the rabbits. That’s a real pretty picture of your gate. I haven’t seen The Audrey Hepburn Story, but I enjoyed her movies so I should take a look. Jennifer Love Hewitt looks like a perfect choice to play her. I had heard some of Audrey's WWII experiences but only fleetingly. Your brownies and orange cinnamon rolls look delicious and the Easter meal sounded great, and I do like your pretty cup. How nice to bump into your friend at the store. Love the picture of the flowers. Adorable photos of Mia and Charlotte and those poppies are lovely. I remember the California Poppies when we visited a few years back. Well, I have to get my own Spring cleaning done and have put a dent into it. It’s been raining here for a few days too. Thank you for another lovely post Sheri and Happy April to you!

Susan said...

Such a lovely post, Sheri. The doves are truly peaceful, gentle birds. I'm with you on squirrels. Dreadful creatures that have dug up many of my spring flower bulbs in the past. The girls are growing up so fast and Charlotte is a darling baby. Just totally adorable. I'll bet you wish you were near them NOW. Thanks for sharing Audrey's song. That was so lovely. We have had a huge snowstorm here....miserable icy slush and high winds, too. Internet service was down for many, many hours. Brother. All schools were closed today. Tomorrow will, hopefully, be better. Okay, have a lovely rest of the week! Hugs.Susan

Marilyn Miller said...

I did watch an Audrey movie on Netflix recently, so good. I did love her.
Mia certainly looks like her mother in her soccer outfit.
The dove is gorgeous. Occasionally a pair of doves visit my yard. Squirrels can be a bit pesky, but still I don't mind them. I wish bunnies would visit, but haven't seen any for a couple years. Oh those darn coyotes!!!
Your East dinner sounds like a good one. Yummmm!

Veronica Lee said...

Your Easter weekend sounds lovely with nature's visitors and family time.
The Eurasian Collared Doves and rabbit visiting your lawn must have been delightful.
I haven't seen "The Audrey Hepburn Story" yet, but your description makes me want to watch it. Your Easter meal sounds delicious! 😋

Thanks for sharing your moments of joy.
Wishing you a wonderful month ahead, Sheri 🌹

Hugs and blessings

The Happy Whisk said...

Flowers are so pretty. We have too many squirrels or we did. Last year outdoor cats took over so we went one year, no squirrels. The year before that they got into the wall and starting clawing through. I'm not a fan of squirrels because here, they do lots and lots of damage.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Your grandchildren at the ocean were having so much fun - nothing like the ocean playground! So wonderful that all the wild animals love your yard, what a blessing to enjoy their visits! I enjoyed listening to Moon River, Audrey has a lovely voice! Many blessings to you dear friend!!