Monday, April 15, 2024

A Message To My Granddaughters

Mia got a hug from fairy godmother at the Disneyland parade.

My son is a good cook, and this week he made a delicious shrimp dish with orange sauce.

We had another snowfall!  It was sunny for a few days, then rain, then snow.  My poor car was covered, and I just got a new starter.  Right away, I went outside and scraped the snow off my engine haha.

I kept hearing thumps on the roof.  I thought it was a critter - it was snow!

There's nothing better to put in our oatmeal than blueberries and bananas, except for maybe pecans, which I was out of.  But this was nice too.

Tacos are a fav in our family, and I made some this week with ground beef, seasonings, onions, bell peppers, tomatoes, cheese, and topped them with ranch dressing.  Have you ever had orange bell peppers?  I've had green, red, yellow, but never orange.  The tacos were excellent.

I love seeing the carousel music box on my dresser when I pass by that Francesca gave me.

And the dear music box that Mia gave me.  They seem to go well with my Spring decor.

I talked with my sister on the phone for a long time.  It's always good to catch up with her.  We're so different, yet so alike in many ways.

Here are some recent pics of the kids.  In the last few years, I have been blessed with three granddaughters, Francesca, Mia, and Charlotte.  They grow up so fast, and I can't wait to see them real soon.  This is a message I want to send them, and I hope they always remember it. 

Listen to the mustn'ts, child.

Listen to the don'ts.

Listen to the shouldn'ts,

The impossibles,

The won'ts.

Listen to the never haves,

Then listen close to me.

Anything can happen, child.

Anything can be.

~Shel Silverstein


Katerinas Blog said...

What a beautiful post!! I love the oatmeal with yogurt and blueberries, the shrimp with orange sauce looks great and so do the tacos. Music boxes are beautiful. The children are very cute! The poem has deep meanings!

My Shasta Home said...

Beautiful granddaughters! I know that poem! ❤️
I like any color bell peppers! 🫑 They have good amount of Vitamin C especially the red!
I am so ready for consistent warm weather.
My son likes to cook as well. Before he became a Dietitian he had always worked in restaurants.
Enjoyed this weeks post. Have a beautiful week.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

A beautiful post and I love the photo of the three girls together. Of course all of the photos ar lovely. Can't believe you had snow again!! Hope spring is around the corner for you. Shel Silverstein is a favorite.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Sheri,
What a snow load!
Lovely food and you're lucky that your son is a good cook!
Berries are my daily food as dessert, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries.
Yes, I'm having half a bell pepper, orange, red or yellow every morning with my breakfast. Green bell peppers are by far not comparable in taste to the others!

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Lovely grands!!!

Carla from The River said...

Oh Sheri, I just love your posts. And when the world is waging war all around us, your blog is love, calm and beauty. Thank You!

LoveT. said...

These are touching lines, beautiful.
The photo with your three granddaughters is wonderful.

Wish you a happy new week

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your grandchildren are beyond gorgeous! I have only tasted green peppers. But I have read that all the colors are from the same plant, just in different stages of ripeness. Would you agree? Your music boxes are beautiful!

DeniseinVA said...

A really sweet post Sheri, always love seeing your darling grandchildren. And the food looks so yummy, especially the shrimp dish your son made. All super photos and I do enjoy the poem. I am very happy you enjoy Shel Silverstein as much as I do. Have a great week my friend!

Susan Kane said...

I see the little one is checking out the taste! Oh, babies. Make me feel warm inside.

Jeanie said...

Your girls are growing up before our very eyes! I love each and every photo (well, maybe not the snow so much -- aren't you ready to say "Enough!")

I love shrimp -- that looks wonderful. And I'm big on berries and bananas in my morning yogurt. I just love peppers-- all kinds! Any color is good for me.

Happy week!

Hena Tayeb said...

Oh those girls are precious. Shel really knows what he's talking about.
Snow.. oh no.. I don't think I could handle anymore snow.

The Happy Whisk said...

Adding the orange sounds tasty! Love me some blueberries! We might get more snow. Or just more rain. Today was nice though. Happy New Week! Cheers, lvy.

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

Beautiful post Sheri!
We had the peppers at school. The kids loved them. Have a great week.

R's Rue said...

You must have known I needed a good cry this morning.

Pam said...

YUM, those toes are so good! lol....cute pics of the girls. I can't believe you are still getting snow. We are just barely below 80 already. I was out the other day and it was mid 70s, a warm mid 70s. I just can't handle that real heat. How do you like having snow so many times. I used to really love snow, not sure when that changed. I do love seeing it fall, but if I am closed up for to many days, I get to wishing for warm melt! lol.....oh my gosh, the food looks so good.

Susan said...

This is a most cherished post, Sheri. So, so, so adorable. Oh my GOODNESS. Those three little princesses just tug at my heart. You are blessed. Loved every bit of this post. Thanks for sharing. Hugs. Susan

Shug said...

This is a great post, starting with your adorable little ones. They are so cute! then...oh my goodness, I love orange chicken and this looks even better with the shrimp. Then, there is the taco dish....YUM! And how about the blueberry dish. makes my mouth water. I'm guessing you are about ready for the snow to go away? Lovely post and I enjoy learning about all the happenings around your place.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

That shrimp dish looks delicious! While the snow is beautiful, I bet you hope it is the last of the season!

Debbie Nolan said...

Your still getting snow least I hope it isn't lasting. Your son's orange shrimp looks excellent and I do like orange peppers. Do you think the colored peppers taste sweeter than the green? I know I do. Your granddaughters are so precious and I love the quote by Shel Silverstein. Wonderful post as always. Yes to your question the cherries are good...they are sweet and not the sour type. I like to dry them and have them on oats and other cereals. Take care and have a blessed week. Hugs!

Chatty Crone said...

You are still getting snow - that is amazing. We are in the 80's with full sun.
That Fairy grandma was sure a pretty lady - wasn't she.
Would love the orange sauce recipe for scrimp! Looed so good as well as your tacos - I find the orange peppers sweeter - I love the,
Do you collect music boxes?
Gee you are so lucky to have 3 beautiful granddaughters. I wish I did!
Your little Charlotte found her toes.
Bet you were glad you got the new starter.

Louca por porcelana said...

Wonderful Grands! Such happiness! God bless you all.

Veronica Lee said...

What a lovely post, Sheri!
Your blog always feels warm and welcoming.
Your granddaughters are adorable.
The shrimp dish your son made looks delish 😋
Shel Silverstein's poem is so inspiring.

Have a wonderful week with your family! 🌹

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Those little ones are growing up so fast! I know you love getting lots of photos. That's what I'm going to request for Mother's day...more recent photos!

Mica said...

It never snows here in Brisbane so I liked seeing your snow photos! And of course your granddaughters are beautiful, it's great they got to go to Disney! :)

Marilyn Miller said...

Shel Silverstein says the best things.
Loved seeing your grand daughters. So Sweet!
Wow! snow still, hope spring come soon to your part of the world.
I just recently realized ranch dressing is good on tacos and Mexican food. Yumm!

Donna said...

Awww...your grans are beautiful and the message is beautiful and so true.
The blueberries and bananas look yummy!

Bety said...

Dearest Sheri,

Mia, Charlotte and Francesca are beautiful! You are blessed with these wonderful granddaughters!
Everything you prepared to eat looks very delicious! Shrimp with orange sauce is a gourmet experience, I guess!

Hugs, Betty!