Monday, October 16, 2023

An Autumn Drive

Well, it's already mid October, and we are starting to see the Fall foliage here in the mountains of northern California.  I enjoy seeing Autumn every year on my friends' blogs in the different states they live in.  It seems we get the golds first, then later comes the oranges and reds.  We had some rain Tuesday, which is always nice.  I was driving down the  highway one day, and noticed a deer on the side of the road.  I imagine it got hit crossing the street, and it made me sad, as I have become partial to the deer since living up here.  After it happened, they put the SpeedChecks up, which I was glad about.  I put my book out every Autumn, Crow Call, which is about a young girl who reconnects with her father after the war, a hunting trip, a big bulky plaid shirt, and cherry pie.  I didn't realize how much this book would mean to me when my sister gave it to me years ago, as I used to go hunting with my dad as well.  I made some oatmeal cookies, and they weren't as good as grandpa's - he used to put raisins in them too, and I was out of raisins, but they were still good.  My son brings me different blends of coffee, and this time it was Starbucks Espresso Roast.  I think it's my favorite so far.  I bought a wallet when I was in So Cal, and I'm pretty picky when choosing a wallet, but I really liked the sage color, which is in right now.  I washed all my heavy blankets this weekend, and my favorite is the soft grey one that keeps me warm during the cold Winters up here.  Although nature pictures may look better with filters, I seldom use them because nature is perfect and doesn't need make-up.  So, come along with me on my drive in town, and see some of the Fall foliage.  Only a couple pics I made brighter cause they were in the shade, but the rest are the real thing.  But first, I have to drive through and get a coffee.

*Mary Engelbreit

It's hunting season now, and as I read the book, Crow Call, I remember how much I enjoyed those hunting trips with my own dad.

me, my oldest brother, and nephew on a camping trip.



Jennifer said...

So many fun signs of fall!! The yellow trees are really full. I have not seen many fully changed trees yet....not sure why but I am not one for rushing the season (that brings on winter!!) So nice that you set out a favorite, meaningful book. I love that idea! Great photo with your dad!!

Jennifer said...

Ah, that is your brother! Sorry I missed that!!

R's Rue said...

Absolutely beautiful. I’d love to visit.

Chatty Crone said...

Wow there is a lot to comment on.
'I love to see your foliage up there - so pretty. God's pallet. Even the weeds are beautiful!
The sun in the background looks on fire and then there are gorgeous snow capped mountains in the background.
I hate to see poor deer on the side of the road - so innocent and we have - at least here - taken most of their land away.
I have never heard of the Crow Call and it is hard for me to imagine that you are a hunter 0 lol.
I love oatmeal cookies with and without raisins.
Love snoopy and I love this time of year - my favorite.
You sure do enjoy coffee - that is one thing we really have in common. Isn't expresso really strong though - it might be a bit strong me but I do love the French Roast.
I bought those same Orea cookies for the kids.
Loved your wallet.
So I know you have a sister I don't think I knew you had a brother - how many siblings in all?
The baby in her first pumpkin outfit was adorable.
Now was that your house? It is positively gorgeous - I love the pumpkin at the door and the door itself.
I love the huge tree too - but I am worried about the roots going into your house!
Loved your post.

Red Rose Alley said...

Sandie, No, not my house. Just a charming white house that I saw on the main street of town. ; )

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Nice drive, the coffee is good human fuel.
The color of you walet is beautiful, not to green, not too blue. It isn't easy to find that color.


Muy bonito los colores del otoño. Disfruta de esta estación, al lado de tu familia.
Un abrazo

Carla from The River said...

I always enjoy your posts Sheri, they make me smile.
Thank you for sharing the book, Crow Call, it sounds like I would enjoy it.

Jeanie said...

Sheri, is that your house? I love the door! It has such charm. All those golden colors -- I haven't seen many of those yet this year (I'm sure I will) and they are my favorites -- they always make me so happy. What a beautiful drive you had! And some rusty reds, too. I'm not familiar with the book Crow Call but I'll have to look it up. It sounds really wonderful, probably all the more meaningful to you given your family story. I love your new wallet. It's simple and elegant. And your copper kettle! What a wonderful post this is. Thank you for taking us with you!

Ginny Hartzler said...

The trees are gorgeous, as is the mountain!! Love the color of your wallet. What is the pretty yellow bush? Don't think I have ever seen this brand of hot sauce.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Sheri, your area is gorgeous, my friend! I love seeing the snow on Mt. Shasta! so imposing and beautiful. Your leaf photos are great. It's always nice to see what you've been baking--Oatmeal cookies are a favorite of mine. Looks like you have a very nice wallet and so pretty, too. Sorry about the deer. They seem to run out of the woods frequently and don't realize the fate they face on the highway. Darling photo of sweet Charlotte. And nice to hear about your book-the best ones bring up lovely memories. Enjoy a great Fall week ahead.

Marilyn Miller said...

What a Autumn feeling post today. I love the colors and oatmeal cookies. I haven't made them in awhile. Now I am thinking I need to do that. Happy Autumn days!!!

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

I love the fall colors in the mountains. We are seeing some here as well. The temperature has changed recently here too. It really feels like fall. I am very picky on purses and wallets too. I love your choice. I bought cookie dough from school fundraiser again this year. It is in the freezer and I take some out and bake it when I feel like I need a nice warm treat. It is oatmeal with raisens. I love your snoopy towels. I have not read the Crow Call story. It looks interesting. Enjoy your fall weather!

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Sheri,
Enjoy those Golden Days!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

It's a good thing I doubled checked...I thought I had already commented. Wow, Fall is looking pretty good in your area. We had rain earlier in the week which was nice. It wasn't cold so we sat out on the patio while it rained. I love doing that.

Gosh, everything looks so nice and I really like your little wallet. Very pretty color. OH man, Tapatio...just looking at it makes my mouth water. I was going to make a pasta meal tonight but instead, I'm thinking Mexcian food.

As always your photos are breathtaking. Love that photo of Charlotte grinning.

LoveT. said...

The Pics of the Nature are beautiful. I enjoy the Colors. The Cup of Coffee and the Cookies looks yummy. Very delicious.


What a lovely cozy fall post. The baby is cute. Lovely post.
You can check out my new post here:

Thank you

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Lois Lowry has written some wonderful books. When I taught middle school, we read some of her books in class. It's wonderful that you have such good memories . All of your fall photos are beautiful and wonderful but I keep admiring the gorgeous red flowered cup. Lovely photo with your dad and adorable baby!! Have a great week.


This looks like so much fun. I will like to visit. Lovely post.

I have a new article, I will like to hear your insight:

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Beautiful pictures. I think this really is the prettiest time of year. I love Lois Lawrey. The illustrations in your book are gorgeous.

Donna said...

Love all the photos! My Dad wasn't a hunter but we had fun, anyway...he worked too hard.
Love the wallet!

Debbie Nolan said...

Sheri - wow friend your photos are just gorgeous. You are such an artist with a camera. Love the last pic with your dad and brother. Bet that brings back some wonderful memories. Glad that your son keeps bringing you good coffee to sample. You are certainly a woman after my own heart. Hugs! P.S. Thank you for kind words regarding Schindler.

Red Rose Alley said...

Thank you, James, for following us. I appreciate that very much. ~Sheri

Susan said...

Oh Sheri, that was a sweet post. Loved all your wonderful photos but oh, my goodness, the one of the snow-covered mountain in the background is spectacular. And baby Charlotte.....sweet little pumpkin that she is, steals the heart.
So lovely, Sheri. Love, Susan

ashok said...

Love the autumn colors

Pilar said...

Your pictures are so pretty Sheri. I can only image the nature around you has to be beautiful in person. Have a good weekend my dear friend! :)

DeniseinVA said...

Thank you Sheri, I smiled at each and every photo, and read your words with interest. I’m with you on photos taken in nature, unfiltered ones are the best. So sad about the deer though, the same happens here. The last photo of you and your family, a treasure. And I don’t think those recipes from our loved ones’ past will ever taste as good as we remembered them, but yours looked delicious! The sweetest photo of your little pumpkin too, isn’t she an absolute darling? But then you already know that, says I leaving with a big smile. Super post! I am ending here or this will turn into an epistle! Have a great week my friend.

Veronica Lee said...

I always look forward to your posts, Sheri.
Such beautiful signs of fall.
The foliage is so pretty.
Love the color of your wallet.

Hugs and blessings, my dear friend 🌹