Monday, September 11, 2023

Earthquake In The Mountains

The mountain coolness is coming, and it's been in the 50's when I get in my car in the mornings.  We felt an earthquake in our town on Friday, and it startled me.  It made the whole house shake, and right away, I called my neighbors.  They said it was a 5.2 earthquake, and it was 7 miles from here.  It was so strange, I've never felt anything like that before.

The Robins are coming around more, and they are a delight to see.

My neighbor, in his late 60's, up on his roof cleaning the gutters and chimney.

My son goes into the city once in awhile, and spends the day there.  He always stops at the fired pizza place to get his favorite, Greek pizza.  All their pizzas there are made medium-sized, and he brings me back half of it.

I bought this cute tote bag for my travels.

Some Fall things.  My little statue has a new look - I replaced the pink rose, and put my glitter pumpkin in there.

The pumpkins came in at the store, and got two for my porch.  I love the stems on them.

I baked some steak strips, and put Havarti cheese on top.  When it was cooked and the cheese melted, I toasted some bread, and added barbecue sauce; it was really good.

A drive to the creek, cause it keeps me grounded, but first, I have to stop and get a cheeseburger.  Do you crave McDonald's cheeseburgers like I do?

At the creek now, and these yellow bushes are all over growing wild in September.

I made some chocolate chip bread, and I had some pecans so sprinkled them on top.  Baked it for just awhile, and had a slice warm with butter.

My red rose has lasted for awhile, it's been over two weeks!

 "My favorite word is 'pumpkin.'  You can't take it seriously.  But you can't ignore it, either.  It takes ahold of your head, and that's it."

~Harrison Salisbury

September has always been a calm month, a still month for me.  The other months are so busy and rushed, but September is kind and gentle and unfettered.  It's one of my favorite months.




R's Rue said...

All the food sound good.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love that beautiful new bag...they are one of my weaknesses! The pumpkins are neat too and the deer so pretty. I don't think I've ever had a mc donald's hamburger! lol I guess that makes me odd! Enjoy your week and those nice temps!


Menos mal, que todo se ha quedado en un pequeño susto y que ha sido de baja intensidad.
Un abrazo

Hena Tayeb said...

Good to hear the earthquake wasn't too bad.
That giant cookie looks yummy as do the steak tips.

Ginny Hartzler said...

The steak and broccoli look so delicious! And so does the bread; is it easy to make? Do you have a recipe? The pizza looks so good, too. Your pumpkins are perfect! And those yellow bushes with the butterfly, what a magnificent shot!! Now I want a cheeseburger.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Glad you are okay! A 5.0 can be scary that close to the epicenter.
The cup and tote are beautiful patterns.
The pizza with pickles and barbeque sauce (?) looks interesting.
I just realize reading your blog, seeing the pumpkins, it is time to put out the fall decorations. I'm so into summer brain I forgot. lol

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Oh Sheri, I love reading your reflections of your week. I'm so glad the earthquake didn't do damage to your home. Your meals and desserts look wonderful. So glad you are able to see that sweet deer. And your new travel bag is very nice. I'm like you and look for the pumpkin with the most intresting stems! Happy September to you, my friend!

DeniseinVA said...

Always enjoyable learning about your week Sheri but goodness, I’m sorry to read about your earthquake, that must have been scary. I remember the ones when we lived in San Diego and Monterey. One time we had the rolling effect, woke up in bed, just rolling like I was on an ocean wave. And the other I was walking down the stairs at our home in Monterey and everything shook as I grabbed onto the stair rail. I could hear the cupboards in the kitchen opening and closing with a bang, and my precious angel figurines fell off the mantle. I still have one left with a broken toe! How sweet of your son to bring back some pizza. Your fall decorations are lovely, and I like your tote bag very much. Thank you for the yummy food ideas. It all looks scrumptious! Pretty photos of the yellow flowers with the butterfly. Sweet deer also. Thanks for another super post. Have a great week Sheri!

Carla from The River said...

Hi Sheri, oh my, I just loved this post Sheri. It made me smile, because I like pumpkins and love looking at their stems too.

Marilyn Miller said...

The steak sounds delicious, but no Mc Donalds for me. Funny, but I like cheese, just not on a burger.
Love your pumpkins, especially in the statue.
How thoughtful of your son to bring you part of his pizza.
Love your new tote bag. It is really cute.
My husband was working on our roof when he was in his 70's, but I finally had to put my foot down and say no more.

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

I am glad you did not have damage from the EQ.
It sure feels like fall here.
We love McD's too. Your new bag is very cute.
Your bread looks yummy too. I have not started decorating for fall yet.

Patricia said...

Dear Sheri, another lovely post. I just found your previous post about your precious new granddaughter, and left a note. How wonderful for you. Your golden pumpkins look great, I love to see them because we do not get them here. An earthquake is very scary, especially if the house shakes. I hope everyone is your area was ok, as well as the buildings. I have only encountered one earthquake in my life, and that was in New Zealand when I was a teenager. We were in a hotel on holidays, and it woke me in the night when the bed was shaking across the room! That is a sweet picture of a dear, they are such graceful creatures.

Jeanie said...

The Greek pizza sounds really good! I love your newest fall decorations (and yes, McD's cheeseburgers, too -- my usual order!) I never buy pumpkins without stems unless I'm desperate. They're just so much more interesting. That's a little bizarre about the earthquake-- it was quite close. We felt a very gentle shake once in East Lansing -- I was in a meeting with others and we all took notice! And finally, love your new bag. It's darling!

Sakuranko said...

Oh very wonderful photos of nature
The food photos are so cool

Dewena said...

Sheri, I'm so glad the earthquake wasn't worse for you, you must have been a little bit nervous. I did enjoy all your pretty September happenings and reading your thoughts on them. You made some delicious meals! And I haven't had a McDonald's cheeseburger in years and am now craving one. What a pretty blue tote bag! I think September is my 4th favorite month but this year I was especially glad to see it arrive so it may move up the list now. Love to you!

Chatty Crone said...

I tell you what - every time you post and have food on there - it is always so wonderful I want to make it right away. I have never baked steaks - what kind - what temperature and how long? Never would think of adding BBQ sauce - do love the cheese idea.
I love September and October - becoming cooler - I love pumpkin orange - not so much Halloween per say but I love the colors.
You got really pretty pumpkins there.
The Greek Pizza - well I am not sure about that.
And you had an earthquake! Glad you were okay.
I am kind of tired of McDonalds and hamburgers - kind of into Taco Bell right now.
The wild flowers were beautiful and how you 'caught' the butterfly. So pretty.
I enjoyed your post.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

So nice that your son brings back half the pizza for you. Looks delicious. Lovely photos and love all your pumpkin touches. I have not been able to start feeling "fall" yet since it's still in the upper 80's here and even a few days in the 90's and humid too. Still summer here. Hope I get some fall before we take off for Florida for the winter!


Loveley photos and glad you are fine.

Debbie Nolan said...

Sheri - so glad you didn't have any damage from the earthquake. Sometimes we get small tremors. Hard to imagine what it feels like. Your September looks wonderful. Love those yellow shrubs...makes me think of our golden rod a bit. Wow that pizza looks nice of your son to share half with you! I soon will be getting out some of may fall decorations...generally wait until the middle of Sept. (whoops - it is the middle - better hurry up:)!). Yes those McDonalds cheeseburgers sometimes call my name too. Well take care dear friend and enjoy this quiet peaceful month. Hugs!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Earthquakes are frightening. We had one here..well about 15 years ago now..(don't ask me where that time went). Our house shook as well. I love all your pumpkins! I am not quite ready to begin Autumn yet. It's been in the 70s and too hot to think on pumpkins yet.

LoveT. said...

What a lovely Post, now i feel also the calm of September. Many Years ago we had in Vienna an earthquake. I was frightened. My little Dog did not notice that the House was shakes. Nice saying, my favorite word is pumpkin ... Happy Weekend Sheri

Veronica Lee said...

So glad you are safe and sound, dearest Sheri.
All that food looks amazing!
Love that pretty bag 🧡🧡

Delightful post as always 🌹

Lisa said...

We had an earthquake here in North Carolina one time. It was a weird feeling. I love yellow bells but they are all drying up here. The foods look delicious and I would love the recipe to the chocolate chip bread.


Louca por porcelana said...

I am sorry you have a difficult time with a earthquake. Yummy food and beautiful Fall decoration. Love your new bag. Hugs.

R's Rue said...

How are you doing? How is Charlotte doing? Love you all.