Thursday, March 16, 2017

Today I Will Be Irish

I only have one item in my house that is Irish.  Many years ago, a jolly Irish Priest gave us four Irish coffee glasses.  It was such a thoughtful gift, and I've had them all these years.  I will pass them on to one of my kids someday.

So, this morning I made myself a cup of coffee in one of the Irish glasses and thought about our dear friend.

Like old friends from
a thousand wonderful moments,
the memories gathered.
The laughter still rang in the walls.
~Karen Kingsbery

I'm really into the spirit of St. Patrick's Day, and even bought a shirt to wear for the occasion.
Happy St. Patrick's Day.
 I will pretend to be Irish.   ; )



Anonymous said...

Hi Sheri! You will be beautiful in the green shirt! Those Irish coffee cups are so pretty. A very thoughtful gift from your friend. Wishing you a happy St. Patrick's Day. xoxo

Jeanie said...

I will be making soda bread and Rick is doing a corned beef for tomorrow night. I might even buy a little Irish beer to go with it! And some jolly tunes (which I must dig out of the CD pile!)

Karen said...

Enjoy the day! I rarely wear green, but my friend gave me a green shirt last week, so I will be all set!

Sherry said...

beautiful irish coffee mugs.. add some whippy cream on top and oh! some baileys! maybe tonight. after 5pm. wink.

i'm not sure i have anything in a kelly green tone... hm. oh! in the donation bag there's a green coat! i shall retrieve it to wear one last time.

R's Rue said...


Anonymous said...

You're ready! ;)
Love your Irish coffee glasses ...and that bear...teehee.

Row homes and Cobblestones said...

Beautiful share Sheri and those are beautiful Irish glasses.

Walking the Bean said...

The bear made me smile! But the question is...did you make the coffee Irish?! :) I think we all can pretend to be Irish every now and then.

LoveT. said...

Happy St.Patrick´s Day Sheri!

lovely Greetings :)

Rue said...

I think everyone pretends to be Irish on St Paddy's day ;)

Those are neat glasses! Cute teddy bear too :)

I hope you have a great weekend, my friend.


The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

What lovely Irish coffee glasses, Sheri. You are all set to have a great St Patrick's Day. Enjoy yourself. ♥

It's me said... the green glas clover ❤️❤️❤️Love Ria x

Susie said...

Sheri, I love you cute pictures. You will look cute in that green shirt and sweet bracelet. Happy St. Patty's Day . Blessings, love you, xoxo, Susie


You blend right in with the Irish crowd. Pretty shirt. Nice teddy. GREAT beads. HAPPY ST. PATRICKS DAY. ENJOY!

Pilar said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day Sheri! You're going to look beautiful in your shirt! Love the glassware!

Patricia said...

Your crystal Irish coffee glasses are beautiful, and I love the shamrock even more Sheri. That is gorgeous! Glad you had a green shirt ready for the day - I wore a green patterned dress and shamrock scarf, plus new shamrock earrings from HB. Spoilt! Love teddy bear in the green beads. :)

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

Love the glass mugs, they are so pretty. I didn't put anything up for St Patrick's Day. Wishing you a very happy day.

Enjoy your weekend.


Debby@My Shasta Home said...

We just had lunch at our favorite Irish pub. That's it for me.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

OH THAT BEAR!!!!!!! That is a great photo, the lighting, just right! I have not one drop of Irish blood in me, to my knowledge, but hail to the Irish today!!!

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Beautiful glasses Sheri and your muffin sitting beside your Irish coffee looks so yummy.
When the children were young I would make green potatoes and green milk for them, even though we do not have a drop of Irish in our blood!
Hugs to your adorable bear!

Carla from The River said...

Beautiful, thank you for sharing.
We are pretending to be Irish today too. We are having an Irish dinner.

I always enjoy your photos.

Kerri said...

Happy St Patrick's Day! What a thoughtful gift from your priest. My favorite Priest is actually Scotch, but I'm also a lil bit Irish-- I was named after my Dad who was named by my great-grandfather, he is Irish. County Kerry, Ireland.

Enjoy the rest of your day my friend :)


Merlesworld said...

No Irish here but happy St Pats day to all.

Nina said...

Those Irish Coffee glasses are sweet ... And the celebration of St.Patrick's Day brings me back to the years at Bible collage, where my Irish friends celebrated it each year :)
Enjoy your weekend,
Nina xoxo

DUTA said...


Attic Clutter said...

HA :) cute the post..
I even forgot to wear green LOL

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

What a lovely set of glasses! Such a thoughtful gift. I love your glass shamrock, too. We can all be Irish for this one day :) Thank you for your kind condolences for our pup, Peanut, Sheri. Sending you hugs and the luck o' the Irish! xx Karen

Imogen said...

Such a lovely set of glasses, great you were able to mark the occasion. I never forget St Patricks Day because it is the day after my birthday. Sometimes I'll wear green which is easy because I adore green.

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Oh Sheri,
I really like the Irish glasses! Sorry I am so late. Have been outdoors and not on the computer.
You came back and mentioned the sketch. I had thought maybe someone in the family had done it.. Would really be interesting if you knew who sketched it. Either way, it is very well done.
blessings dear friend

Carolina G. Ticala said...

Very nice! Have a lovely Day! ������

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Sheri,

I like that you got a little Irish for St Patrick's day. Your green shirt is lovely and how sweet your bear is with the green beads.
Wishing you a happy new week

handmade by amalia said...

Love a teddy who is all ready to party. Hope you enjoyed the day, Sheri.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Can I borrow those beads? heehee! Hope you have a beautiful week ahead! Hugs, Diane

Dewena said...

Sheri, I am so late to St. Patrick's Day posts but had to tell you what beautiful glasses you've shown here. They immediately made me think of a Blue Bloods episode during my favorite part of each show where the family is gathered around the table, 4 generations, and Frank teaches them how to prepare a proper Irish Coffee. I don't remember how he did it but I do remember that their glasses for it were not anything as beautiful as yours are.

I know you must have been a pretty pretend-to-be Irish lass in your green shirt!

decorayadora said...

Hi deAr Sheri ,, que buen post ,, espero que tengas un bendecido día