Friday, March 10, 2017

Inside The Box

I was doing some spring cleaning and giving some things away, when I came across a box in my closet.  Inside the box are sentimental items that I can never give away.  Things that mean a lot to me for one reason or another. 

A hand made sachet and note
from Nel,
and a ceramic turtle Jess made.
(both when they were little)
A couple of silver items
that belonged to my mother,
a heart box
and angel wings.
A sketching of my dad in the Army.
He was so handsome.  : )
It's amazing to me
that inside a small box carries
so much joy and love
and memories that will stay
with me forever.



Susie said...

Sheri, I can see why those are true treasures. In a mother's heart treasures do not have to be precious gems...but those sweet hand make things from our children...or things that were special to our parents. I love your treasured box of memories.. Nel's little poem is so sweet. Blessings to you, love, xoxo, Susie

Sherry said...

"gifts of the heart" ..
lovely trinkets worthy of keeping! ♥

Anonymous said...

Good Morning, Sheri. Thanks for sharing your special box of treasures. What handsome artwork of your dad. I hope your day is very enjoyable and that you'll have a lovely weekend.

R's Rue said...


Unknown said...

What a sweet collection of special memories, Sheri...I love your beautiful photography--it makes all these pieces shine. Yes, your dad was a very handsome guy. That sketch is a keeper!
Happy March, sweet Sheri.

It's me said...

Good memories are so fine....enjoy your box love happy weekend Ria x ❤️

Susan said...

Hello dear Sheri. Isn't it wonderful to come across something like your special box with all the treasures in it? Wonderful! Hugs. Susan

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

That is so cool.My problem is, I have Boxes in my garage of cherished items from my kids and my parents I need to go through and downsize. It would be nice, to scale it all down, to just one little box.

Beautiful post

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I think many of us are in a "decluttering" mode, with spring coming and all. But there are just some things that can never be thrown out. Sometimes, opening up those small boxes brings out memories that are larger than life and I start to dream BIG TIME. I have to wake myself us to remind myself that I am in the present, but those ghosts of our past will never leave us. These mementos unlock those moments. Lovely dear one.

Merlesworld said...

Funny how small things have so many memories attached, I have a cupboard full of bits and pieces that mean a lot to me.


The perfect treasure box filled with irreplacable memories. How sweet of you to share.

Attic Clutter said...

oh love the post Sheri..
your dad..the turtle ..etc cute stuff
thanks on my hotpink too..LOL

Carla from The River said...

Hello Sheri,
The best kind of treasures I say!! I absolutely love the little turtle.
The sketch of your dad is amazing, yes, he was handsome!!!

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

What wonderful treasures. It makes you feel so good when yu take them out and hold them and remember who gave them to you.

Have a great weekend Sheri,

Hugs dear friend,

Patricia said...

What a lovely special box you have. Of course, you must keep these precious items and pass on to your girls one day. I have some tiny silver and gold pieces from my mother, and they will never be 'decluttered' either!

baili said...

we all have such treasures dear friend with lots of precious memories and delightful moments of love which help us to stay ALIVE in REAL means.
these things mean a world to you and i can understand as i too have such treasure chest

DUTA said...

I suppose everyone has a box with such treasures. As we advance in age, we become more and more attached to these tiny but precious items as they bring back to us dear memories from the past. I like all the treasures displayed in your post.

Karen said...

How nice that you have those mementos to treasure. Sweet memories.

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Dear Sheri,
First, thank you so much for coming over and leaving such a sweet note.
I have been out of town so am just getting back to things.

That turtle! My son made me a ceramic turtle in school when he was young..
I love that you keep the special things that bring back so many joyful memories.

Wishing you a beautiful weekend.. It is just to pretty outside to stay inside, so I will be in the garden.

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

I forgot to ask. Who did this beautiful sketch of your dad? Was it done in pastels? Amazing work.

decorayadora said...

hi dear Sheri !! es una caja perfecta.. espero que tengas un bendecido domingo

Kerri said...

Oh such precious treasures... Gifts from the heart!

Hope you have a blessed week ahead.

Nastya Deutsch said...

I follow you, dear!

Dewena said...

I have a shoebox full too, Sheri! Culled down last winter from several big plastic containers when we moved the first time. Then a big envelope went to each child. Now the rest I must keep, too precious to get rid of.

Walking the Bean said...

These are perfect little treasures! Carry them well and never let go.

Jeanie said...

I have a special box (OK, boxes) too -- and it's fun now and then to revisit them and the special things they hold. Cards, messages, trinkets... these are simply lovely and indeed, treasures.

Lowcarb team member said...

What a lovely post.
Boxes like these are very special ... I call mine my 'keepsake box' and like you it brings me much joy and special memories.

All the best Jan

Anonymous said...

I'm not one to keep too many things, but I do have a few of these keepsake boxes along with two large baby treasure chests. It's wonderful to go through them. Love the sketch of your dad, and that turtle is perfect.

Bety said...

wonderful, gentle memories ... And I have a box in which I keep cards drawn and written by my children. When they will take out box, examine them and carry back the years.