Monday, March 13, 2017

Marching Along

A few pics of March
around here.
Have a super week.


R's Rue said...


Anonymous said...

Amazing pictures, Sheri. Hope you have a wonderful Monday. xoxo

Sherry said...

glorious...! all of it!
i'm loving the signs of spring.
glad you're taking it in and
sharing with us too. ♥

Pilar said...

Lovely photos! The weather has been so back and forth! This week it's going to be cold again lol. Have a great week Sheri!

It's me said...

Looooooove them all !!..happy new week love Ria x ❤️

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Beautiful pictures

Attic Clutter said...

Hi Sheri..
OH my goodness..
you are way ahead of us..the blossoms are are so ambitious
going out and about for the photos..
but the nice weather and beauty is a big pusher to get out huh?

Susie said...

Sheri, I love your awesome photos. Especially the bluebird. How sweet is that shot...perfect. Oh a sad little balloon. :( All the flowering trees are so mom would be saying, "oh I want one of those in my yard. " She had a habit of saying that about every tree in bloom she saw. LOL. OH I miss that lady so much. Blessings to you, xoxo,love, Susie

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Sheri, I love all of your beautiful photos of spring in your area! The geese photos are so amusing and fun to see. Your bluebird on the lantern is a great shot! Our cherry trees are blooming as well as flowering magnolias. I'm afraid our pending snow may zap these blooms in our area. Thank you for showing us your beauty. ♥


Beautiful pictures for sure. Though I wonder about the story that goes with the balloon.

Walking the Bean said...

Thx for sharing! I love the {random-ness} of the balloon in preponderance of the others. Quite creative!

Walking the Bean said...

Thx for visiting...reference your question about number can create a vignette effect by using the blur tool in photoshop.

LoveT. said...

The Images are wonderful, the second one is my favorite Photo. :)

Have a lovely Day Sheri, kisses

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Good Morning Sheri,
Spring has definitely Sprung in your town! Such beauty you have shared with us today and a great start for me on this early morning.
We had gray skies yesterday, but sunshine is greeting the day this morning.
I planted some sunflowers over the weekend, tomatoes, peppers and now I am waiting for the weather to warm up to put in the squash and cucumbers.
I love this time of the year, because all at once we dash into the Texas Summer and my gardening days are sadly over.
Enjoy your week, dear Sheri,

Debby Ray said...

I have seen all of these things too until the cold temperatures came and ruined some of it...and just yesterday, I hade to chase about a dozen geese off the road to keep from getting hit! Your photos are beautiful...thanks for sharing them!

Holly said...

March is beautiful!

Carla from The River said...

I like the pink balloon a fun and unique capture.
Thank you for sharing the beauty you see!
It makes me smile.

nuria said...

The pictures are gorgeous! How beautiful is Spring!!! 💗💗💗
Have a lovely week Sheri! xxx

Imogen said...

So gorgeous. You have captured the beauty just perfectly. How lovely are the flowers.

I have changed my blog to wordpress now. New url is

roughterrain crane said...

Thanks for many splendid photos. Almond blossoms are in full bloom. Spring is steadily coming to us. Let's enjoy the time.

Jeanie said...

Oh Sheri, your flowering trees are splendid. It'll be awhile before we see those here! And the geese photos are great. Isn't it glorious to welcome spring?!

Doreen@foxdenrd said...

You have a knack for capturing a certain mood with your photos Sheri, you're truly talented.

The flowering trees are stunning, and that balloon photo reminded me of the old movie 'the red balloon'. Maybe I can find it on Netflix. Thanks for the reminder :).


Lowcarb team member said...

Hello Dear Sheri
I hope you are well and enjoying your week.
What a lovely selection of photographs here. March can bring us so much to see and enjoy.
Lovely to see the pink blossom, and I thought the pink balloon was a fun shot!

Take Care my blogging friend

All the best Jan

Karen said...

Such a nice collection of spring photos. I love the lamp post photo. Is that a live bird perched on top?

baili said...

what DELIGHTFUL photos!
thank you for dropping so much pleasure to my are very good at your capturing

Patricia said...

Oh dear, it seems I missed this post, and so glad I found it. What a super collection of gorgeousness - adore those geese and the blue sky, and pink trees are so sweet I go weak at the knees! I think that is a magnolia, is it, the prettiest delicate colour. It must be Springtime round your place Sheri.

Anonymous said...

Look at all the pretties. Thank you for sharing, dear friend. Hope you've had a lovely week.

Katie Mansfield said...

Gorgeous. Those flowering trees are amazing.

Bety said...

Lovely, great pictures. I felt a touch of spring! Gentle Magnolia, ducks, went on cheerfully journey, bright blue sky, Sakura trees, Judas tree.
Thank you, dear Sheri!