Wednesday, March 8, 2017

A Day For Women

Today is International Women's Day.  What a day to celebrate women from all over the world.  Now, there's not a whole lot of women I admire in this world, but there are a few, and one of them is Maya Angelou.  She was a remarkable woman with a genuine heart. 

Here are some of my favorite quotes of hers.

If you are always
trying to be normal,
you will never know
how amazing you can be.

Be a rainbow in someone
else's cloud.

Listen to yourself
and in that quietude
you might hear the
voice of God.

 In the flush of love's light
we dare be brave
And suddenly we see
that love costs all we are
and will ever be.
Yet, it is only love
which sets us free.

And my very favorite,
There is no place where
God is not.
~Maya Angelou
Here's to all my wonderful
women blog friends.
Is there a woman that you
admire greatly in this
world?  Please share.


NanaDiana said...

Thanks for this great post, Sheri. I have two or three women in my life that I admire and hope to emulate on some level. Maya Angelou was a remarkable woman and I love these quotes. xo Diana

It's me said...

Love you Sheri....thans for your are so special for love love ❤️❤️❤️

nuria said...

Wow She wrote great quotes, admiring woman, she was Example to follow 💗
Have a marvellous day sweetie!

R's Rue said...


Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Nice post. I admired Maya Angelou and Mother Theresa, "God has not called me to be successful. He called me to be grateful."

Debby Ray said...

Oh yes, that last one is my favorite too, Sheri. Thanks for sharing :)

DUTA said...

Happy Women's Day to you and your daughters!

Susie said...

Sheri, I loved the post. I liked Maya Angelou very much. I must admit that I admired my mother, although at times it was rough. She feed us and never took a hand out. We may not have had the best clothes, but they were clean. She taught us how to care for one another . How to clean up after ourselves. I also admire my guardian angel, Mrs. Frank Russell. She taught me about God. Blessings, hope your day was great. xoxo, love, Susie

Karen said...

I admire my sister Mildred. She is a woman of prayer and had compassion for others. Don't know what I'd do without her friendship!

Patricia said...

A wonderful post Sheri about a wonderful woman. I only learnt about Maya Angelou from watching Oprah years ago, and since then have read some of her work. A truly gifted writer and thinker. I admire many women for their special qualities, but today I think I'll honour our Queen Elizabeth, nearly 91 and still working most days with a smile and gracious presence.


An important day. lovely sentiments. I think Maya Angelou is the perfect role model for us all to look up to.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing the beautiful quotes and photos. I am thankful for your friendship thru blogging.

Dewena said...

I admire her so much too. I had never read her I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings until recently and by the first chapter I realized how great her talent was.

I know many women who just knock my socks off with their talent but I think I most admire my daughter. School was so hard for her as they didn't know much about dyslexia at that time and most teachers were just impatient with her. But she went to college when her kids were older, graduated with honors and just this year was honored for the 4th year of selling more new business than anyone at a Fox news station, and was recently promoted to Manager of New Business. Through it all she's always given God the glory.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

There is a woman who I admire to this very moment. She is often in my thoughts especially when I am struggling in how to handle certain situations. Her name is Susan Logie, she is on Instagram, and she's been a dear friend since about 1978/79. She is the MOST remarkable, every day mom and wife.

LoveT. said...

The Quotes are wonderful, thank you Sheri!

Have a lovely Day, lots of Hugs

Anonymous said...

There is no place where God is perfect those words. Maya is an inspiration who lives on and on.

A woman I admire ...our gracious daughter who inspires me more every day, a loyal friend of nearly 20 years now who doesn't blog but loves the Lord with all her heart, and blogging friends who lift my wings (and you are definitely among them, dear heart).

On a less personal level, St Therese de Lisieux, Mother Teresa, and Princess Diana.

Always so good to visit with you, love.

janice15 said...

A lovely post Sheri and a great woman indeed... Happy Thursday, with love Janice

piccolina said...

"There is no place where God is not"..i love it!

I remember I used to buy cards before with Maya's quote in them. And then I'd give to my friends so they'll be inspired too.:)

Have a blessed days ahead!

Lowcarb team member said...

Such a lovely post.
The words and photo's ...

Blessings to you Sheri

All the best Jan

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

Beautiful post Sheri, thank you so much. There are a lot of women that I admire.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Susan said...

Hello my dear Sheri.
Oh, there are so many women I admire in this world. I think Elizabeth Warren ranks highly these precarious days. Michele Obama, too, has class, sophistication, keen intelligence and incredible perseverance. She was a magnificent First Lady even while being reviled by many because of the color of her skin. Your photos in today's post are just wonderful, too. Thank you so much for your sweet visits. They always, always, make me happy! Hugs to you, sweet friend. Susan

Walking the Bean said...

Angelou’s narrative style, and uninhibited prose, provides a wealth of opportunity to understand what makes up her character and why she is who she is. I find myself moving from chapter to chapter, sentence to sentence, laughing and crying with her in many of her works. Thx for sharing.

Jeanie said...

Maya Angelou was a national treasure and her words are such a magnificent legacy. I always loved her work and appreciated her life story. (And her voice was like warm honey!) Lovely tribute, Sheri.

Doreen@foxdenrd said...

So lovely Sheri!

I admire my grandmother, who sadly passed on. I regret I never told her how I felt. Hopefully, she knows.
