Thursday, February 9, 2017

What I Don't Understand

I had a conversation with two cashiers a couple days ago at a store, and some boy had just stolen a sweatshirt and a pair of socks, and got in trouble for it, and there was a bit of chaos going on in the store at the time.  This is how the conversation went. 

me:  "we have to remember when we were kids."
cashier 1:  "I never stole."
cashier 2:  "I never stole.  My mom would have locked me up in my room for a year."
me:  "I never stole either, but maybe he has a different lifestyle.  He's still young, he's still learning."
cashier 2:  "I don't think he's a kid, he's 19."
me:  "I'm 55, and I'm still learning.  He's still learning."
cashier 1:  "Have a nice day."

What I don't understand is why are so many people quick to judge, when they have a multitude of sins themselves?  I've asked myself this question for years.  It puzzles me.  The world can be so hard sometimes, and if I can make it a little softer, I'll try. 


Susie said...

Sheri, Love that puppy photo. It may feel differently if we worked where the young ladies worked. Shop lifter cost all of a store can make up for the loss by adding it into other prices. It's sad. The boy may have needed this day and time there are so many place willing to offer help, clothing, food and support to others. I agree about the young man age...Studies say a person's brain isn't fully developed till mid twenties. Yes , I stole a package of pudding (dry, mind you) at age 8...I licked it like those little kool-aid package candies. It made me sick..I knew then that God was telling me something...Do Not Steal. !! My mother would have spanked me, if she ever known that, I never told. She would have also marched me to the store and made me pay and apologize...I guess every life is different. Also, I don't think the clerks should have been talking about it in front of customers. Do you?
Blessings, take care, Love you honey, xoxo, Susie
p.s. I never stole again after that pudding.

R's Rue said...



I agree people are quick to judge without all the facts. Every story has 2 sides at least.


PS) for all we know he could have been using the clothes for a job interview???

Karen said...

I know I am too quick to judge others, but I do think young people have to learn to respect the laws for the benefit of everyone.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Everyone has a story and we have to be careful not to judge too quickly. What the boy did was wrong, but I do hope someone is helping him to understand that. Also I hope he has someone to help him with his clothing needs. Thank you Sheri for reminding me not to be too quick to judge. ♥

Holly said...

Oh that puppy is so cute. I just read my son "Mr. Peabody's Apples"last night and it's about judgement and spreading untruths. I hope your keeping cozy during this rain. We need more compassionate hearts in this world indeed.

Lowcarb team member said...

We all have a story, we can all sometimes be too quick to judge.

I do not know this boy's background or why he needed to steal,(but stealing is not the right thing to do). I hope there may be someone in his life to help him ...

The picture of the puppy is just so cute.

All the best Jan

LoveT. said...

Wonderful Words Sheri! We have to look at the World with our Hearts, not only with the eyes.

Have a lovely Day <3

DUTA said...

Indeed, the world is a hard place.
However, I believe your reaction to that young man would have been different if he were to steal something that belonged to you and not to the store.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I guess we get to where we don't want to tolerate bad behavior. When you don't know the situation, it's best not to be too harsh. But...we really hate it when people steal, no matter what their age. I wish sometimes I could tell that kid what a bad path he is taking. Hugs, Diane

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

Hopefully he feels bad for what he did and will never do it again. Maybe he is homeless and needed the clothes. I hope he has learned a lesson.


Debby@My Shasta Home said...

You are a kind person.

Linda said...

Sheri, you are a gem! Sadly, it is easier for people to judge and see the negative in people and things and not so easy to see the good and the positive. Hugs to you.

The Reader's Tales said...

What the boy did was wrong, but I always believe that with kind words and understanding we can solve many things and give dignity to the ones who need.
Having said that, I truly love that puppy photo.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

You have a heart of gold. Though I know in my heart that this is the ultimate truth, my mind often rushes toward anger when a student acts out or displays the same sort of behavior I displayed when I was in middle school. You are right; you are looking through the eyes of Christ, and though I profess to know and love Him, I forget and get angry when rules are broken, someone is injured because of someone's bad judgement, or when there is theft. I need to remember. Thank you, dear and kind soul.

It's me said...

Hihihihihihi...good of you...i kearn also every day....more and mire....Nice puppy !!! Ria x ❤️

handmade by amalia said...

It was good of you to speak up for the boy, Sheri. We could all use more kindness.

Susan said...

Sheri, you are a dear and you have a kind heart. That is truly a wonderful thing in this day and age. Who knows what that boy's background was or what he was going through? I try to give people, especially young teens, the benefit of the doubt. I don't think he would have chosen to steal if he didn't really need those clothes.

Thank you, Sheri, for all your sweet visits to my blog. I am always elated when I see you have stopped by to visit and comment, too. Hugs. Susan

Anonymous said...

I've had very similar conversations, my friend ...with cashiers, with teachers, with nurses, with neighbors, and even with bloggers. My heart is extremely sensitive and I literally cry myself to sleep over the slightest unkindness at times, such as this incident you share here. Sometimes I wish I was not so sensitive, but then I thank God for it. Be glad you took notice of that young man as our beautiful Savior looks to each of us, with compassion, grace, mercy, and TRUE love.
Love you, huckleberry friend.

Anonymous said...

PS Who could resist that adorable pup. xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

I came back to add a verse I was just reminded of.

"There will be no mercy for those who have not shown mercy to others. But if you have been merciful, God will be merciful when he judges you." James 2:13
Other versions say,
"Mercy triumphs over judgment."

Anonymous said...

Well Shri, there's a few things going on least for me. First, knowing what it's like to work retail and how "losses" affect the monthly payout, I can understand the cashiers point of view. Secondly (and it's a BIG one for me...things such as integrity, honesty come to mind. Third, at 19 the young man should take responsibility for his actions. We all have choices to make each and every day...some are wrong, some are right. Apparently he made a wrong choice that day. However, lets hope he makes the right ones going forward....:)JP

Jeanie said...

The photo is perfect for these words. And I'm so glad you spoke up. So often we (and I count myself in that "we" at moments) and later regret it. Good for you.

NanaDiana said...

Tough call. Had he been younger I would be more inclined to feel sorry for him...but you would think by 19 he would have a more defined sense of right and wrong. I hope he was not stealing because he was destitute and needed the things. A lot of times today kids do that on a lark or on a dare and suffer the consequences of it with a muddied record. Too bad for both sides, I think. xo Diana

Susie Swanson said...

You are such a sweet, kindhearted person. I wonder the same things sometimes. i know times have changed since we were growing up but it makes one wonder. I'm so glad you spoke up. Hope you have a nice weekend sweet friend. xo

roughterrain crane said...

"I will not cease from mental fight...."

LoveT. said...

Happy Weekend my Friend ♡

Pilar said...

I agree Sheri,if I can make life a softer I try too. You know I once saw a man in a store steal a pack of underwear and one of the cashiers chased him to try to retrieve the stole merchandise. It was sad actually because in a line full of people some people were making jokes and one man said something I was thinking. If he stole underwear he must need them. The man got away, but you never know what someone is going through and it really bothered me that people were actually laughing and making jokes.

Debby Ray said...

Beautiful post, Sheri :)♥

Doreen@foxdenrd said...

Judge not lest we shall be judged.

No one knows that boys circumstances. I hope for his sake he is now on a different path. Sadly, some people steal because they can't help themselves. It's a disease just like any other. Hope he gets the help he needs.

You were good to speak up for him.