Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Cheerful Yellow

With all the rain that we've been having, the days are sometimes cold and dreary, so I have been taking some cheery yellow pictures to brighten things up a bit.

This will tell you how much rain we're having, but thankfully we haven't had any water damage in my area.

I'm so grateful for the rain.  The blossom trees have even started to come out because of it.  This picture reminds me of my 3 children, with me below...watching, caring, protecting.



Anonymous said...

Good Morning, Sheri. The bright yellow objects certainly stand out! Mr. Goodbar is one of my favorites, too! I wish you a very nice day. xo

Jeanie said...

These are bright and beautiful and make me smile on a gloomy day here in Michigan (but unseasonably warm!). I haven't known whether to cheer or be concerned about all your weather in northern California. I know there has been such drought in the past and that's such a concerning thing and yet I see news coverage of mudslides and sinkholes and flooding and hope you aren't in its path. You do know how to find the best part of life, though and I love that!

nuria said...

Hi Sheri
We are having really nice weather in UK for a change, we get lot of rain here but we have had many days dry and sunny lately which is great to go out!
Very lovely post as always
Have a fab week dear! Xxx

It's me said...

Subshine Colors !!!...lovely...happy week smile every day...love Ria x ❤️

Doreen@foxdenrd said...

It is said if yellow is your favorite color you have an outgoing, positive personality. Makes perfect sense! We will be getting some rain tomorrow and I always say we should be grateful for the occasional rain even if it can be gloomy. But flooding...not so much!

I trust by now you're better? The flu can really take a lot out of you.



Yellow sunshine melts my blues away. What a cheery post indeed. The splashes of yellow are warm and inviting.

Red Rose Alley said...

Doreen, I never had the flu, my dear. Are you mixing me up with someone else? : )

R's Rue said...


DUTA said...

Yellow is a lovely, bright color. I particularly like yellow flowers. A car painted yellow is easily detected on the road, so many prefer their car in yellow. Paper wrappings in yellow are very attractive to the little customers, the children.The yellow figurine with the violin brightens up your whole post.

Anonymous said...

Love all your yellows here, my friend. Perfect pick me up. I'm glad you haven't had any flooding damage. The three blossoms, reminder of your beautiful children, so lovely.
Here comes the sun! :)

Nina said...

Hi Sheri,
Oh these yellows are adorable - They do brighten ones mind and bring a smile!
The car and the flower ... and the tiny bits of chocolate to a cup of tea or coffee ... Yes, they bring a silver lining to a rainy day for sure!
Have a lovely week dear friend,
Hugs from Nina

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

Love all your yellow pictures - yes, they do perk up a person.

I am so thankful for the rain and will take all we can get. The only problem we had was streets flooding, no damage.

Have a wonderful rest of the week.


Pilar said...

Bright yellow is one of my favorites! It's funny you posted this right around the time I posted my latest bright yellow crochet hat and scarf set. Great minds think alike!

Walking the Bean said...

It's fun to find the yellow...especially when surrounded by other colors. This would be a fun photo challenge! Thx for sharing.

Sherry said...

i love touches of yellow .. ♥
what a fun car - couldn't miss
it for a second or wonder where
you parked in a big lot! :)
3 miles south of us are evacuations
due to flooding. third time in 2017.
poor folks. :( while i know we "need"
the rain, and i ♥ rain, i'm to the
point of emailing mother nature
to give it a rest why doncha. wink.

Carla from The River said...

I love the last photo and the words you wrote.
I enjoyed the yellow. Yellow was our wedding color. :-)
Love, Carla

Dewena said...

How inspirational to have pulled together these cheery yellow subjects! But the last photo speaks clearly of a mother's heart. It doesn't matter how old they are either, does it, Sheri? They may think that they're the ones now watching, caring and protecting but we're still on the job, always will be.

Deserae said...

Yellow is such a happy color.....my mom adored every shade of it :o)

Patricia said...

I am a big fan of yellow, and it certainly is a cheerful colour. The yellow daisy flower is so perfect - I wonder what it is? What a fun way to brighten your day.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I am so glad to hear that you have not had the amount of damage done in other areas, but still, I can't believe those poor people are experiencing this.....this is starting out to be a freaky year, weather-wise! We too had spring like weather, with golf courses opening and ice fishing forbidden with the melting of the lakes!


Karen said...

I enjoyed your treasure hunt for yellow! I am hungry for color here. Nothing blooming yet. I may get my granddaughter to help me search for bright colors, like you did.

White Lace and Promises said...

Oh Sheri, I love all the pops of yellow. I'm ready for Spring.

Michelle B said...

Hi Sheri! Yellow is always so cheerful. It looks like you are getting some spring weather with the flowering trees starting to bloom. In Ohio it has been dreary, but warmer than usual, so that is a plus. I actually wouldn't mind a little snow, but shh...don't tell anybody I said that. :)

Lowcarb team member said...

Oh what a good idea to photograph yellow - it is such a cheerful colour isn't it.

I like your last photograph and your words, just very special.

Take Care my blogging friend

All the best Jan

handmade by amalia said...

I agree with Jan - the most cheerful of colors. Great photos, Sheri.

Debby Ray said...

What a very cool post! I love those lovely pops of yellow against the dreary backgrounds. Yellow is such a great color, don't you think? As well is pinkish-purple...are those blooms from a tulip magnolia tree? At least that is what we call them here :) Beautiful!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You found lots of cheerful images to share. I hope you get some sunshine this week to dry things out! Sweet hugs, Diane

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I love this! Especially, today I am feeling rather blah. The yellow is so pretty and lifts my spirit. Thanks.

roughterrain crane said...

Your imagination makes the flower family brighter. I love yellow color, too. Have a nice weekend, Sheri.

Unknown said...

This color is really beautiful: Yellow! I loved the pics, specially the flower and the car! You're having rainy days and I'm having really warm days in Rio lol,
