Monday, February 6, 2017

Step Into Nature With Me

Since it's almost Valentine's Day,
I thought I'd share a
few pics of love in nature.

One little flower left at
the Rose Garden.

Huge rock at the park

Very strange trees

Withered dried-up roses...
but they still say
love to me.

A twig in the shape of a cross,
the most precious love
of all.

Enjoying nature lately?



Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Good Morning Sheri,
So much beauty in nature!
We had a marvelous weekend working in the garden, raking leaves (we even had a little bonfire) and naturally our darling deer nibbled on the lawn!
Nature is my solace from the world.
Happy Monday my lovely Sheri,

Sherry said...

g'morning sheri ♥
you take the best pics..
looking deep and seeing what
the casual eye cannot see.
beautiful. i love winter
roses in their imperfect
perfection. it's a personal
favorite for my own eye. we
have a few still in our yard.

Pilar said...

I love that nature is so beautiful. Since it doesn't snow here much, I love the scenery of snow. I'm not a big fan of snow, but it sure looks beautiful! Have a great week Sheri!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning, Sheri. Such delightful photos you have shared. I love the "hearts" in nature. I pray that you will have an enjoyable start to the week. xo

R's Rue said...


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

The one orange flower is a survivor! I love to get outside and see what's new..or what's left. It's bright and sunny here today so I'll probably take a neighborhood walk this afternoon. Hope your day is filled with sunshine too! Sweet hugs, Diane

White Lace and Promises said...

I love dried roses. Roses say spring in any form. Thanks for sharing your walk. I'm ready to take a walk in the Spring time.

Susie said...

Sheri, I love your sweet nature finds. I love roses , budding, freshly bloomed , or dried. One of God's best flowers. I hope you are safe where you live...heard on the news more rain there. We are to get rain this afternoon late. I do not like rain in winter. I love soft rains in summer . Blessings to you, love, xoxo, Susie

It's me said...

Lovely week ......i am in THE puppy mood loooove it Ria ❤️

Debby@My Shasta Home said...


Attic Clutter said...

love is in the air..such a cute post Sheri..
have a wonderful week :)

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Sheri, your heart finds in nature are so sweet. I collect heart rocks and I am amazed at the large one you saw in the park--so beautiful! Roses always remind me of love as well--what a pretty one you discovered. Nature is truly a beautiful teacher of love, if we just have the eyes to see. Thank you for such a lovely post. ♥

Nina said...

Hi Sheri,
How many hearts you've found in the nature, that is lovely!
And I like the roses ... sometimes the pigment in dried roses makes the textures appear in a clear, special way, which I like a lot.
Have a great upcoming week,'Nina

Jeanie said...

I love the rock heart. I keep looking for them -- never find them but my heart's in the right place!

Beautiful photos, Sheri.

Patricia said...

Ah, yes, Valentine's Day, just around the corner. I love your love pictures, especially the hearts in the trees - so clever to have spotted them. And the rock. Our rose garden is also down to withered blooms, and not much action!

Row homes and Cobblestones said...

So much beauty in nature it simply takes my breath away.

Karen said...

You found some beautiful sites to photograph. I am watching for the first buds and blooms here but it will be a few weeks.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Oh, these are beautiful, Sheri! You always find the sweetest things on your walks :) I barely made it to the bird feeder today as we have two feet of snow! So no walks for me for a while. We can't even get off the mountain. It sure is pretty, though. Nature is amazing, isn't it? Sending hugs for your week. xx Karen

Kelly-Anne ♥ The Diary of a Country Girl said...

What beauty met me eyes in your lovely post, Sheri! Such beautiful pictures of love in nature... Truly, the Lord made a wonderful world for us to live in and I believe it gladdens His heart to see His children enjoying what He lovingly created for them!
I am enjoying a blissfully cool day and hoping for a walk a bit later! {{smiles}}
Happy Tuesday!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Since it's a bit cold out and I work all week, the weekends are the only time I can truly enjoy nature. But I have to enjoy it from the INSIDE. What I love the most is the SUNLIGHT. This past Sunday, it was so bright and gorgeous that I just shreaked in pure joy over the light. It's my favorite element, and it makes even a cold day a happy experience.


Like you I love the signs in nature. Inspiration is everywhere.

Dewena said...

It is the most precious love of all, and makes all other love possible, don't you think? I think one of your many gifts is that you have an eye to recognize even the humblest of symbols as something more than they are.

And how completely perfect for Valentine's Day approaching is the vibrant passionate blog header above! Love it!

Lowcarb team member said...

There is so much natural beauty in nature.
Thank you for sharing these photo's Sheri.

Today in the UK we have enjoyed some winter sun ... it was so pleasant

All the best Jan

nuria said...

Lovely photos Sheri! You capture all the little details that nature gives us and it is so beautiful to see ❤️
Have a lovely day sweetie!

baili said...

Beautiful photos !!!
faded rose is a so deep and touching sign of Love.
you gave new meaning to loveday friend!

DUTA said...

Winter can sometimes surprise us with the beauty of Nature. The dry tree branches, the withered flowers, the strangely shaped rocks - have an appeal of their own. A walk outside at this time of the year surely has its rewards.

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Dear Sheri,
I just love nature.. You never know what tomorrow will bring when you gaze out your window.. I love to listen to the birds, and watch them of course, every morning..
My poor roses.. They are trying to hard to recover from last year.. I don't know what happened.. They are starting to bloom, but the bush itself looks terrible. I need to make a trip to the Nursery and speak to someone.. I really miss them.