Monday, February 10, 2025

Bird Tracks In The Snow

 Well, I know many people can't wait for Spring's arrival when they have had enough of winter's frosty chill, but here we really aren't close to winter ending, and have a couple more months of it, as it has been known to snow even until April here.  And that's Ok with me, because you see, I need to live in all the seasons.  I would not like having sunshine all throughout winter, but I do love it when it arrives in Spring.  I am a gal who loves it all, the rain, the wind, the sunshine, the cold, the warmth, and the snow!

We had another snowfall last week, and it was one of the bigger ones for sure.  I was out there shoveling for a time, cause that's what we have to do if we need to get out.  My neighbor has a snow blower, and he came over and helped clear the path of the cars.  It was so good of him.  There were dozens of dove on my back porch area when I opened the blinds.  I gave them some cake that I made, but it was placed on the front porch, and when I looked the next morning, it was gone, so either the birds or critters got to it.

When the sun comes out, the snow glistens and is even prettier. 🌞

When I was at the grocery store yesterday, I was talking with some gals, and one of them said it was 10 degrees that morning.  We always share stories about our snow adventures, like when I couldn't open my car door a couple days after because it turned into hard icy snow.  When it's so cold outside, I try to warm things up inside.

What fun Disney must be for the kids around Valentine's Day.

I sent all the kids the same Valentine card cause I thought it was so cute.

And homemade cards are the best.  It was red and white and glittery and so special.

My Valentine table.

And the cutest Valentine of all.

Many people have it all, but somehow they lose love along the way.  

love, friends.

Happy Valentine's Day!



R's Rue said...

Thank you for the smile. I love it friend.

Shug said...

Good Morning Sheri...Wow, you all did get a LOT of snow. But, isn't is just absolutely Gorgeous? I do love seeing it when the sun shines on the white fluffy stuff, and it glistens. Seeing the birds little prints in the snow is neat. God made them where their little bare talons don't freeze. You do have the cutest little valentine sitting in that chair and her laugh is adorable. Your Valentine decorations are so cheerful and cute...I have only one thing out and this is not like me at all. I'm with you on the seasons...I like to enjoy each of them (well, until it turns 110 of Hot Heat in the Summer). I think each season has something special to offer. Have a Happy Monday and enjoy the rest of the week, but stay Warm!! Blessings my sweet friend.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Sheri - lovely post and I agree with you on 4 seasons. It’s all perspective isn’t it? In California we appreciate because of the gifts rain brings to our beautiful state.
Charlotte is adorable as is all your granddaughters! I remember going to Disneyland 2-3 times a year as a kid. Hey, when you were a senior in HS, did your school go to Senior night at Disneyland? Mine did - we took PSA airlines and it was all night. Fun.!

We’re hoping for some low elevation snow - Thursday it may get as low as 1000 ft so we may get a chance for some white stuff. We’re lower than that but they,ve been wrong before. lol
Your valentine table is so pretty. All your photos are enjoyable.

I’m going to post some photos later today on the swollen Sacramento River. They’re having to let water out if the dams thus flooding downstream.

Well neighbor that’s it for me. In many ways we are kindred spirits. God bless you this day and May this week be warm and cozy! 💕❤️🌹

Ginny Hartzler said...

There's so much here to love! Mia's card is so cute, I enlarged it to get a better look. I LOVE your Valentine table, especially what you did with the beads! It gives everything a pretty border. Also love the pink nutcracker! That is a lot of snow. We are to get snow and sleet the next three or four days. Oh, I want this cookie! I really like the cute candle, and now wish I had bought a similar one I saw at the store. Let them eat cake! That is what I thought about the poor frozen birds! Your mystery bird is a Rufous Sided Towhee. I have only seen one once,

Carla from The River said...

Hello, I am just like you Sheri, I need to live in all the seasons too. Here in Wisconsin we can get a snowfall in April as well.
We had a lovely snow storm on Saturday over 6 inches of snow!! It is beautiful today with the sun dancing on the snow.
I enjoyed the photos today.
Happy Valentine's Day!

LoveT. said...

The snow pictures are beautiful. Unfortunately we didn't have any snow this winter.
Your food looks delicious again. Yummy

Happy valentines day


Ahora disfruta de la nieve, que ya llegará la primavera y se derrite la nieve.
Un abrazo.


Ahora disfruta de la nieve, que ya llegará la primavera y se derrite la nieve.
Un abrazo.

Nellie said...

That is certainly a deep snowfall! We had about five inches here in January. Folks enjoyed it as we don’t receive much snow here. Now, we’re being sent a flood advisory as heavy rain is due by tomorrow. This is the month for hearts and flowers! I love your seasonal display. Yes, it seems that some people lose the love along the way. The message of hate seems so loud these days. Sending you special hugs and smiles across the miles!

Zacisze Lenki said...

I'm not a fan of snow. Wonderful children and wonderful Valentine's Day decorations. I don't have the strength to celebrate Valentine's Day this year. A hug from Sheri.

Donna said...

Aww! Love all the photos! And it sure looks cold there! Wow!
Stay warm!

DeniseinVA said...

Hello Sheri, it sounds like you enjoy your winters. I feel the same way as I truly love sweater weather, a good old rainy day or a snow day even :) Your snow photos are gorgeous. It looks like you had more than we did. We are expecting another snowfall today and all the salt trucks are out on the road in preparation. I love that pretty image of the lady with the snowflake. So nice of your neighbor to bring his snow blower over for you. The doves and others must have welcomed your crumbs. More yummy food that is making me hungry :) Darling photos of your granddaughters at Disney, and sweet little Charlotte in her very own Adirondack chair. The Valentine Card is adorable. I love your decorated Valentine table too and such a yummy looking cookie. Thanks for a fun post and I hope your week is a great one.

Louca por porcelana said...

Adorable post! Cute Grands and sweet card. Happy Valentine's Day!

Chatty Crone said...

Good afternoon - sorry I am late. Loved your post - wish I had one of those pink glitter cookies and a cup of tea right now.
You sure did get snow. And cold with the car icing up. I love the girl with the snowflake.
How lucky you are someone does your drive in the snow.
I would think the birds would fly south for the winter!
Your potatoes look sooooooooooooo good - I want to make them.
Did the girls are are the girls going to Disney this Valentine's day? My Valentine is my daughter born on the 15th.
I think all three girls are beautiful.
Lastly I do like your Valentine decorations. Makes the house so pretty.

Hena Tayeb said...

Sweet photos. Our deer leave their footprints all over our snow.

Pilar said...

Beautiful photos Sheri!

Jennifer said...

What adorable and fun Valentine and love themed photos! They just made me smile! So much pink, fun and cuteness (and yummy eating!) Thanks for sharing!!

Debbie Nolan said...

Sheri such a wonderful post. Yes you certainly have lots more snow than we do. I always prefer snow over ice but even then the trees and bare limbs looks so beautiful. Have been hearing the word "wintering" and think this is a lovely cozy word that describes your beautiful pictures of winter. Love those valentine smiles of your granddaughters. Hope you have a great Valentine's day!

Marilyn Miller said...

All your snow is so pretty.I love all your Valentine things too. What a sweet picture of your youngest grand, she is looking more and more like others in the family. Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Haddock said...

Like that laughter coming from that small chair.

Lux G. said...

That cute heart! I love. For some reason, the snow photos make me think about romantic movies. What a lovely time with your family here. Stay warm and safe!

R's Rue said...

Happy Valentine’s Day my friend.

R's Rue said...

Happy Monday love.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Thanks for sharing all the photos of the snow. Living in Florida now for the winter, I miss seeing ( but not being in) the snow. Your little Valentine girl is precious!

Susan said...

Oh Sheri, the most beautiful Valentine of all really was Charlotte. That photo is a treasure. I think she must take after her Grammie! Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs.