Thursday, December 26, 2024

Not Always Roses

Me and Jess had a bit of a run in with a woman who was unreasonable and unfair with her demands, and it saddened me because it came right on Christmas Eve.  It's not always roses here at Red Rose Alley;๐ŸŒน we come into some challenges, and sometimes we have to deal with all kinds of people on different levels, but being a woman myself, I know how important it is to be helpful and compassionate with people in need.  But unfortunately, sometimes we come across women who abuse their power in their jobs, women who stand by and do nothing while someone needs help, women who have no grace and mercy, and women who have no love.  We all come across them in our daily lives.  But someone very dear to me reminded me of what Saint Francis said, "Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing that you have received - only what you have given; a full heart, enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice, and courage."

So, give your light, my blog sisters.  There are those who need it so desperately.

I had a beautiful Christmas, and my children gave me so many wonderful gifts.......leggings and socks, Holiday spiced tea, Boston Tea Party Tea (Earl Grey), which actually came from Boston when Jess visited, Starbuck's Christmas Blend, candy cane chocolate cookies, "joy to the world" cup, framed picture of Francesca, which meant so much to me, cause she was wearing the dress I picked out the first day of school, kitchen dish towels, glass bowl, coasters, and See's!  And Jess always puts oranges in the packages, which will remain a tradition forever.

Aren't these the most unique coasters?  Have no idea where Jess got them, but I love them.

I have to show you the packages that Nel wraps from Santa because it's such a creative idea.  She puts a big S stamp on them also.

Matching pj's and hats.

Here's Mia opening up my present - the Disney Dream House!

I hope you have pleasant days leading up to the new year.  And I will leave you with one of my favorite verses.  Please remember it in times of trouble.

If God is for us, who can be against us? ~Romans 8:31   


Ginny Hartzler said...

Nel's packages are gorgeous! wow, you got such lovely and thoughtful gifts, things you will really use! I've never seen coasters like these. St. Francis quote is so beautiful, and I agree. I'm so sorry you had this bad encounter! And I know you handled it with strength and grace.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Very sweet and thoughtful gifts - and so beautifully wrapped! I want a Disney Dream House! xx So glad you have such a loving and giving family, dear Sheri. It makes up for the discouraging encounter you had. I hope that the kindness you always show cancels out this unfortunate experience and comes back around to bless you. I love the quote and am glad that you didn't label her a 'Karen'! Lol! My poor name has been dragged through the gutter. I hope that the New Year brings you and your family many blessings, my friend. Hugs xo K

Patricia said...

Dear Sheri, your Christmas looks just wonderful. What a loving family you have, and such thoughtful and sweet gifts. I have not heard the St. Francis quote, and it is so good, I will copy it down. The oranges are festive, and also traditional as well as pretty. The coasters are indeed very attractive, and you will enjoy using them. Disney house is the absolute business! Hours of fun for Mia. What a disappointing interaction you had on Christmas Eve but you are so good and kind, and rise above it beautifully. Merry Christmas Sheri.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Oh Sheri, I’m sorry you encountered such a mean woman on Christmas Eve. It must have been upsetting. I’m glad you had family near to buffer what could have been a major bummer on Christmas.
I love that “Santa’s seal.” How fun. Sounds like you raked in all your favorite items. That Disney dream house, I’m sure it was a hit. Enjoy your time and thanks for checking in. Love all the sights from your Christmas.

Katerinas Blog said...

Very nice post.
When your family is well,
nothing should dampen your spirits.
Looks like you had a great Christmas.
How I loved the words of St. Francis,
so good to read them at this time!!
Thank you very much!
A positive outlook on life!
Have a good new year.
Be well and have fun๐ŸŽ๐ŸŒฒ⛄๐Ÿงก

roughterrain crane said...

Thank you for your frank words. They encourage us to walk steadily in any weather.
Your home is full of heart-warming presents.

Pilar said...

I'm sorry that happened to you Sheri, but I'm glad you had a nice Christmas my dear friend!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I know exactly the type of woman (and sometimes it's a man) that you encountered. It takes every bit of grace in me to kill them with kindness as my mom used to say, and to show them that they did not affect my spirit in the least1 Your gifts are all delightful and how lucky you are to have such sweet children and grandchildren. Romans 8:31 is a favorite of mine...well the whole book of Romans is full of favorites.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh, my goodness first of all a problem on Christmas Eve and someone hurt you. I am so sorry. But no one like you said can really be against you - because you have GOD there.
Okay your gifts were awesome - my favorite would be the hand blender because I need one. lol.
I love St. Francis.
I also love those girls' hats - so cute.
What a nice gift - the Barbie Dream House! All girls have to have them.
How did the orange tradition start?
Lastly those packages and the wrapping with Santa's stamp were gorgeous!

LoveT. said...

Nel wrapped the packages nicely, very elegant.

You're right, we should be compassionate and helpful,
especially when someone needs help.

Carla from The River said...

Hi Sheri,
I love Nel's packages. What a fun creative idea. I might have to do the same. I just love how elegant it looks.

Thank you for sharing all of your family and Christmas cheer.
And I am sending a BIG HUG ... that is no fun to be treated in a rude way. I do appreciate your reminder on spreading LIGHT.
Saint Francis is a favorite of mine.
Love, Carla

Julia said...

Hi Sheri. Your Christmas looks lovely. Nell's packages are gorgeous! Almost too pretty to open. I love all of your gifts, especially the tea! And I love the girls matching pajamas! So cute and festive. I am happy you had a wonderful day celebrating with your family! Enjoy these last few days before we begin a new year!

R's Rue said...

This just made me tear up. Being light in a fallen world is so hard, but so necessary.


I'm so sorry to hear about the difficult encounter, especially around Christmas Eve. It’s tough when people act unfairly, especially when you’re just trying to help. But it's truly inspiring to hear how you reflect on Saint Francis' words. What we give—love, kindness, and service—is what truly makes a difference in the world. Keep spreading that light, even in challenging times. Wishing you peace and strength through this season and beyond.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Wonderful reminder of the words of St. Francis. I like coasters in general but the those are really special. Enjoy them.. Wishing you a wonderful happy New Year.

Jeanie said...

I'm so sorry you had that experience, especially so close to Christmas. Those coasters are fantastic. Love the design. And what a clever way to make the Santa gifts with the S-seal! That's perfect! It looks like your holiday was very happy indeed!

Veronica Lee said...

I love how you find grace and share light even when things aren’t easy.
The gifts, the matching PJs, and the Disney Dream House for Mia are all so thoughtful!
Thanks for the reminder of what really matters and for sharing that powerful verse.
Wishing you lots of joy as the New Year approaches ๐ŸŒน

Bety said...

How many wise words of St. Francis! Isn't goodness and love the most important thing in the world? And if a person doesn't do at least one good thing every day, what kind of person is he?! Happy New Year! And may this year the world be better for all people! Let us all do good deeds! I'm sure that this will change even people who don't believe in love and goodness!

Louca por porcelana said...

Adorable post as ever! Grateful for your friendship and encouragement! Happy New Year!

Sintra blogue said...

Happy New Year!