Monday, December 2, 2024

A Train Story

 I saw this picture on a friend's blog recently, and I absolutely loved it.  It spoke to me right away.  You see, I have always been drawn to trains.

My grandfather worked for the railroad.....and died on the railroad.  It was the year 1935, and there was a powerful storm that lasted three or four days.  The weather was so bad, you couldn't see in front of you.  Some men were working on the railroad, and fourteen workers were dispatched for repairs.  They were coming home in a pair of open railroad cars when they collided with a gravel-filled car coming the other way.  Eleven men died that day, one was my grandfather, and others were injured.  After that, my grandmother was left to raise five children on her own.  Difficult times for sure, but she managed to raise three girls and two boys, with my dad being the oldest son.  I still have those newspaper clippings from the monument they built to honor those men who died on that tragic day.  And it was a privilege to attend the ceremony with my mother that was held in my hometown.

  Interesting fact:  Railroad workers were making about 35 cents an hour back then.

I have always appreciated movies about trains, and just watched The Christmas Train.  The storyline is a bit of a mystery, and a favorite Christmas movie of mine.

On a lighter note, here is a little bit of my week.  The heaters in the bedrooms went out again, and it's been pretty cold.  The main heater is still working, which I'm thankful for.  Do you know how hard it is to get a hold of workers during the Thanksgiving weekend?  But my resourceful brother was able to find someone quickly.  My son cooked the turkey this year, and he made a lemon and pepper dressing that was delicious.  It was a wonderful meal with all the sides.  We'll start with the cozy blanket I've bundled up with the last few days that has kept me warm.

The Christmas season is upon us.  Enjoy it immensely. 🎄



Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Have you ever visited the Train Museum in Sacramento? You’d love it. 🚂 Also, Dunsmuir. That’s so sad about your grandfather. My great great aunt was a newlywed when her husband, also employed by the railroad was killed. She never remarried. Those were some hard jobs back then.

Looks like a delicious Thanksgiving. Thank God for son’s who cook! The photo of the candles are cozy. Yikes on the heater going out. I bet it is cold. I like your simple mantel display. Classy! I didn’t get enough pumpkin pie so I plan to bake one this week.

Enjoy your week - Lord willing, your heat will be fixed! God bless.

LoveT. said...

You had a great grandfather who worked very hard. The story is very touching.
I also come from a railway family.

I wish you a wonderful new week in December

Chatty Crone said...

First thing - I pray your heat gets fixed today - brrr that has to be cold.
I love that vintage picture with the lady waiting for the train - very classy.
I don't think I remember your grandfather dying working on the railroad - I knew he worked there. What an interesting story. 35 cents an hour? Did he have a death benefit of any amount? Your poor grandma had to work so hard.
Your Thanksgiving meal looked so good - I agree - nice your son likes to cook! The pie looked good too.
I also love your decorations and other food!

Carla from The River said...

Thank you Sheri for sharing the story about your family. I feel it so important to pass down these stories to friends and family.
My friend Marv, you might remember him from posts from my blog, he would jump train cars and travel the countryside. He had some very interesting stories about that!
Stay warm... love you, Carla

Ginny Hartzler said...

How horrible, I am so very sorry! It seems the railroad was negligent for not switching the tracks over? My uncle worked on trains for the B&O Railway. I love your little bird. The food all looks wonderful. I am going to check this movie out, it sounds really good. Do I know how much it costs to have repairmen come over on a holiday, Ha Ha!! Our heater broke as well, the main one, the furnace. And it wasn't even Thanksgiving, it was Black Friday! We had to have someone come over and just to check it they added an additional $65.00 for holiday work

Shug said... have made me hungry with all of these pictures of some great looking food. Sad story of your grandfather and the other 10 men who loss their lives. My kiddos went on the polar express train last night...It is an old steam engine train that travels about 35 miles through the country...all the way to the "North Pole". If you ever get a chance, you must ride the train from Anchorage Alaska to Seward Alaska....The very Best train ride ever...I would do it over and over again. Glad you were able to get your heaters repaired... Thanks again for sharing the story of the the train.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

So tragic about your Grandfather, Sheri. And so brave of your Grandmother to raise 5 children on her own. Our ancestors were so resilient - life was hard and we owe them our lives for their perseverance and strength. My little grandson loves trains, too. My aunt lost her leg saving her toddler after he wandered onto the tracks. And my cousin lost his best friend as a teenager when his shoelace got caught in the tracks. We definitely need to have a healthy respect around trains! I hope that you get your heaters fixed asap! Your blanket looks nice and cuddly, though. So nice of your son to cook for you. The meal looks wonderful. Your mantel is very festive and pretty. Can't believe the year is almost over. Sending you hugs. x K

roughterrain crane said...

I renewed my memory about your grandfather with this post.
I will have a cup of coffee as you will do. Stay warm.

R's Rue said...

So much beauty. So much history. Love it friend.

Jeanie said...

The story of your grandfather is such a sad one, truly tragic. Sheri. Your grandmother must have been a powerfully strong woman to carry on after that. Thank you for sharing the story. And, your TG sounds lovely, apart from the furnace, but even that worked out pretty well. Cookies baking -- yum!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Goodness Sheri, I'm sad to hear about your grandfather's untimely death. Trains are very special in my family as well. Both of my great grandfathers held positions on trains. Your Thanksgiving dinner looks wonderful and how special that your son made it for you! I do hope you have a resolution to your heater issues. It's so cold here this morning as I look out there is a heavy frost everywhere. It was 19 degrees an hour ago. Stay warm and cozy as you enjoy this season friend.

Marilyn Miller said...

How sad for your family to lose your grandpa in the train accident. I agree with Jeanie, your grandmother must have been a strong woman to raise 5 kids alone. I love all your wintery images and your Thanksgiving sounds lovely. Stay warm and cozy. Glad your heating got fixes.

Julia said...

Hi Sheri. I'm sad to hear the story about your grandfather's train accident. I imagine trains are very special to you. I have yet to watch The Christmas Train movie. I need to look it up and see where it's available to watch. I'm glad to hear you got the heating issue sorted out. It's quite cold where I live today; we even had a snow dusting overnight. It sounds like you and your son had a wonderful and delicious Thanksgiving! Happy December! Stay warm and cozy. I love the sweet notes to Santa by the way.

Susan said...

Hi is so tragic your Gramps died so young while doing his job. Your poor grandmother, too. She had a hard life with 5 little ones to support. I am so sorry.
Your Thanksgiving dinner looked yummy and your cookies, too. Great job decorating! It looks very "festivas."(I think I made up that word. ) Thanks for sharing!

R's Rue said...

Good morning my dear friend. Hugs.

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

Hi Sheri,
It looks like you had a yummy Turkey Day! Sorry about the heaters. It has been cold here too. Glad you have them fixed. The story of your Grandpa is tragic. I am sorry he passed that way. I am sure it was very hard for your Grandma. It is wonderful they have a monument for the lost lives.

DeniseinVA said...

A beautiful train picture but how very sad for your grandfather, and grandmother who had to carry on. Happy and sad events are all part of a family’s history and these cuttings are a testament to that, very important! The Christmas Train movie sounds like something I would enjoy. I will look for it. Good for your brother-in-law to get someone to fix your heaters and applauding your son for cooking the turkey, with what sounds like an excellent dressing. The meal looks incredible. Coffee and pumpkin pie is a fitting end. Mia’s garland and letter to Santa, darling! And so, the new season begins. May it be the happiest one for you and your family.

Sandi said...

Ok there? I heard about the earthquake.

Holly said...

I hope all is well with you, currently checking in on my Cali family, that was a big quake! Thank you for sharing your grandparents history. Such tragedy and perseverance. I love all your holiday photos, Happy Holidays❤️

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

That is a tragic story! We have a train in a nearby town called "The 1880 Train" they have a Christmas train event every year.

Debbie Nolan said...

Sheri - so sorry to read that you were cold over the Thanksgiving season. Hope everything is better now. Looks like your son fixed the most delicious Thanksgiving dinner...the dressing sounds wonderful.
On another note - think we must have been sisters separated at birth (LOL) because trains are a favorite of mine. My grandma and grandpa lived near railroad tracks. When it would go by the whistle would sound. 68 years later I still get choked up when I hear a lone whistle in the early dawn - Have had a couple of short trips on a train but always thought it would be so nice to travel across the Canadian Rockies on one. Maybe someday! Take care and stay warm friend. Hugs!

Donna said...

How awful for your grandmother! She was very brave!
Your Son seems to be a great cook! Food looks wonderful...
I love trains too but have only ridden on one, once.
Happy weekend sweet friend!

baili said...

story how your grandfather got injured on railroad is really sad .i can only imagine how your grandma raised five children !
wishing you much happiness and health

Veronica Lee said...

Sheri, your story really touched me. I can see why you’re drawn to trains with such a meaningful family history. The strength your grandmother showed after that tragedy is incredible. The Christmas Train is such a cozy movie too! Hope the heater gets fixed soon, and it sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Wishing you and your family a warm and joyful Christmas season! 🌹

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Lots of interesting things in this post. I just watched the Children's Train that took place during WW2- good movie. Love the notes to Santa.

Rose said...

How awful for your grandmother! It had to be hard to raise a family on her own...I hope you tell us more about that. It sounds like it would make a good book! I have always loved trains, too. My husband's grandfather was a train engineer.