Monday, October 7, 2024

Oh, October

 Well, this was a week of appts.  Last week someone came out and cleaned all the gutters, raked all the debris, and hauled the leaves away.  He did a really nice job, and gives 110% of himself when he works, and you don't see that anymore.  He even rinsed my car off after from all the dust in the air.  Then, I was driving on the road, and my car started vibrating.  I thought it might be a flat tire, so I got out to check.  No flat tire, and I managed to drive it over to the auto shop, and right away, M. took care of it.  He's the best, and I appreciate having his shop up here in the mountains.  It needed a new coil, and an hour and $128.00 later, I was on my way.

A batch of gingerbread cookies always comforts and brings joy.

You know, I crave these sometimes.

It's apple picking time, and Jess and family found the perfect apples at the farm.  She said it was a lovely time, and so peaceful.

My brother-in-law from Seattle called, and we had a nice chat.  It's so thoughtful that he checks up on me from time to time.  He just got back from a hunting trip, and saw about 30 bucks and some wolves.  He said he might be up this way in October, and if so, he'll stop by.

I was talking with my neighbor, Lisa, and she told me that there was a mountain lion spotted just about a block away in the neighborhood.  She said she's staying put and isn't going out at night for awhile.

Mountain Lions can grow up to 7 feet long, from their nose to their tail.  They have outstanding vision, even in the dark.  They eat meat, and where there are deer, there likely are mountain lions.  A mountain lion may eat one deer a week.

With all the appts. lately, I felt nature calling me and telling me to visit.  So, come along, but first I have to get a cup of coffee for the road in my favorite Fall cup.

All the forces of darkness cannot stop what God has ordained.

~Isaiah 14:27

Mia got student of the month in her class.

A house with nothing old in it seems ~ unseasoned.

~Maud Hart Lovelace

The tree branches blowing in the wind looked spooky as they made a shadow through my blinds. 😲

I hope you are having good October days.
