Monday, September 23, 2024

A Week Filled With Surprises

 I went to see A over the weekend to see if she put out any more Fall things, and while browsing through the shop, I noticed some Hummels that were sitting on one of the shelves.  I love these little figurines, particularly the little boy with the accordion.  I told A that my mother-in-law used to play the accordion, and that's why I'm drawn to him, and that I'll buy him someday.  As you may know, Hummels are very expensive, so I passed up this figurine until the time was right.  And I just bought a huckleberry chocolate bar.  I told A that I would just take the chocolate bar, but she insisted on putting it in a bag.  When I got in my car, I noticed something wrapped in tissue paper inside the purple bag.

I was so surprised to see the little accordion Hummel.  Right away, I went inside and asked A if she put it in there.  She had boxes all over the shop, and she had to open about five boxes to get to the chocolate bars, so I wanted to make sure.  She said, "yes."  I said, "thank you!"  She said, "you were meant to have it."  With tears, I said, "I'm going to cry."  She said, "good.  Have a nice Autumn."  I said, "love you, bless you," as I was leaving.  A is one of the classy women up here in the mountains.  She knows a thing or two about tears.  She lost her husband to the dreadful virus a couple years ago.  I will always cherish this little Hummel that A gave me, and remember the kindness she showed on that one September day. 

When I was driving home and and was on my street, out of nowhere a fawn jumped my neighbor's fence and almost hit my car.  I parked in my drive-way, and thankfully I had my camera with me and started to take pictures of the fawn.

I looked over my shoulder, and couldn't believe that the mama deer was right behind me.  She slowly and cautiously past me and joined her fawn.

Although the leaves are starting to change, and it's cold in the mornings,

it seems to warm up during the day.

My pumpkins on the front porch are still going strong.

"Happiness is not always loud and bright and crowded."

~E.L. Konigsburg

My favorite breakfast, fried eggs with salsa and sausages.

Isn't Mia's red rose purse the cutest thing?  I saw it when I was in her room one day and told her I wanted one just like it.

Francesca is going quail hunting with her papa in October.  I was so pleased to hear this, as it reminds me of the times I went hunting with my dad at her age.

Do you like my new acorns?

Ah, September!  You are the doorway to the season that awakens my soul....

~Peggy Toncy Horton

*Guido Borelli painting


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

The red purse is adorable and I love all of your Fall things. I have some acorns a little like those. And how nice to have a lady show you love like that. I know she will be blessed....and you too! Hugs!

R's Rue said...

You deserve every good blessing.

Debby said...

A special gift to a special person! That Hummel is adorable.

Happy Autumn, Sheri even if we’re all heating up again. We’re to hit 100 today! Thankfully a sign of Fall are the cooler morning temperatures! It’s good you had your camera with you to capture the photos of Mama and her fawn.
It’s unreal that we’re more than halfway through September. Time just goes by too fast - I hope you have a beautiful week enjoying our favorite season. 🍁🍂

Jeanie said...

This post warms my heart beyond belief. What a beautiful gesture for A -- and I know you are beyond grateful. The fawn and her mum are lovely, Sheri. What an inspiring fall post!

Chatty Crone said...

That was the sweetest thing I have heard of recently anyway - the woman giving you the hummel from her shop because you loved it so much. She wanted you to have it because it reminded you of your mother. WONDERFUL.
Your leaves are changing there - and it's cold in the am. Mother Nature forgot it is fall here too - 90 today - again.
Your pumpkins look good.
I never thought of putting salsa on eggs - it looked good.
Were those chocolate iced cookies - boy I would LOVE one!
Mia's purse was so cute with the rose on it. The girls are dolls!
Love your acorns - you are already for fall.
When you went hunting with your dad did you catch anything?
Lastly, I love the doorway and walk to fall. I am ready!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

I love your sweet friend A! How wonderful she gifted you the adorable Hummel figurine that means so much to you Sheri! Your pumpkins look so pretty and festive on your porch. We are getting cooler temperatures here and it's beginning to feel more Autumnal. I'm so glad you didn't hit that darling fawn. Lovely photos of him and his mama. Your acorns are darling and I like them very much. Have a wonderful week ahead Sheri!

Hena Tayeb said...

What a cute find.


Delicioso estaría el chocolate y ahora además tienes un buen recuerdo con el muñeco que te han regalado.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Love the acorns, are they salt & pepper shakers? That fawn is a lucky deer, and so glad it was only a close call for you! I am going to fix this breakfast, I never thought of this combination. WHAT is the meal right above the breakfast? Nutella on pancakes...I want to try that as well. The little Hummel is adorable! Phil plays accordion, and has played at various occasions and at church. A. is an angel!!

Carla from The River said...

Oh my, what a lovely story. It made me smile, because there is still so many good, kind, loving people in this world. Thank you for sharing my friend.
Happy Last Week of September!!

Julia said...

Hi Sheri. Thank you so much for the kind get-well message on my. blog. Charlotte is completely better and I'm feeling much better than last week just not 100% yet. It's amazing how quickly kids kick stuff. That is the sweetest story - the lady gifting you the hummel from her shop. He's adorable! There are a lot of really kind people out there. Mia is adorable and so is her red purse! Love your pumpkins by the way. I hope you are having a cozy, fall day. It doesn't feel like fall here yet - temps in the 80s with high humidity - I live in North Carolina. I do believe you live in the state with the best weather! Have a great day!