Monday, July 22, 2024

July Joys

 Hello, and how are you all doing with the summer heat?  Some of you asked about the humidity in this area.  Well, on a recent post, I mentioned driving to the city, which was extremely hot that day, but that was in the valley, about 50 minutes away.  During the summer, we usually get temps in the 90's here in the mountains, although we have had some days in the 100's this month.  Also, California usually doesn't get the humidity like some of the other states do.  So, it has been a warm summer, but supposed to cool down in August.  There are several July birthdays in my family, so when I saw these confetti cupcakes in the bakery section, I had to buy them.

Francesca and Mia are already interested in taking pictures, and this little daisy Francesca captured when we were visiting the church one day.

I liked this photo of Mia so much, that I put it on my computer screen.  It has summer written all over it.

A BLT sandwich with some Popchips.

I made a squash bake, which turned out delicious.  Lots of cheese sprinkled on top.

I had some leftover chicken, and my son made his own special creation one night.  It was so good that I had two servings.

Nel took a trip to England this summer, and she sent me a few pictures.  These two photos are of a wall that was built by the Romans.  It spans the entire island of England and marked the very edge of the Roman Empire.  It's called Hadrian's Wall.

When Jess was here, we visited the home shop in town, and Bigfoot was greeting us at the door.

I bought this Lego Twirling Rapunzel for Francesca, and she wanted to put it together all by herself.

How is it that my girl turned 43 this month?  I still remember her climbing grandma's tree when she was just a playful young girl.

For her special day, she went to a magic show in Hollywood with her sister-in-law and Jess.  They had drinks and dinner, and she got picked as a volunteer from the audience for two shows and was able to witness some mind blowing magic up close and personal.  It was so fun getting all dressed up and wandering The Magic Castle that night.  I love the green velvet dress she wore.

Mermaid Charlotte.  Out of all the babies in my family, including my own, she has to have the sweetest smile.

Through the window at my neighbor's house.  I've never seen the hummer's tiny long beak inside the feeder before.

My son often goes to the creek, and sent me this picture.  It's such a peaceful place to visit for him.

This summer heat is zapping my energy, so going through photo albums sounds like a good idea.  I always say that if there was ever a fire or I had to get out of the house quickly, one of the first things I'd gather is my photo albums.  They have so many memories in them.

Try to stay cool, friends.  It's in the 100's the next couple of days, then cooling down to the 80's.



Debby said...

Good morning Neighbor!
Every time I see Charlotte I just want to hug her. What a doll. Francesca is really sprouting up! Mia already has a good eye for photography.
Beautiful photo of Hadrians Wall. I appreciate the history behind it.
Happy Birthday to all in July!
Well down here in the valley, we’re upwards of 110 degrees. I was up in Mt Shasta city, and there’s not a lot of snow left. We only have a couple more months left of this heat. I’m so looking forward to cooler temperatures!
New blog still isn’t up yet and I’m working hard on it. I hope you have a beautiful week! God bless.

R's Rue said...

This post just made me smile.

Veronica Lee said...

Sounds like you've had a wonderfully eventful July! Your confetti cupcakes for the birthdays look absolutely delightful—what a fun touch! I also loved seeing the pictures from your summer adventures, especially the one of Mia with that beautiful summer vibe.

Your trip down memory lane with photo albums is a great idea; I agree, they hold so many precious moments. I hope the heat eases up soon and that you get a chance to enjoy some cooler days in August.

Stay cool and enjoy the rest of your summer, Sheri! 🌹

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Looks like you have been having a great time with the family! The pics are wonderful and I'm with you on the green dress Francesca did a great job with the photo of the daisy. The heat here has been unusual and lingering. We have not been able to eat outside on our deck yet this summer because of the humidity and heat.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Sheri,
You surely live in one of the nation's most pleasant climates with in general a relative humidity below 50%!
Here it has been pleasantly low till 40% with 100s but on Friday we got tropical storms and thunder so it is up to 77%. That makes all the difference.
Guess Louisiana tops it all in regard to high humidity!
Nel was fortunate in seeing the Hadrian's Wall in person.
It is wonderful that you managed to spend some summertime with the three generations.
That makes for lots of fond memories.

Ginny Hartzler said...

You have such a beautiful family! And wow, the Magic Castle! Of course I have heard about it. I once saw a T.V. documentary about Hadrian's Wall, it is quite something else. My favorite photo is the wonderful and joyful sand castle one!

LoveT. said...

A touchingly beautiful post Sheri <3

Your summer has already had so many great moments and photos from them.
The dish from the oven with cheese on top looks delicious!

Terri said...

Good Morning!
I always enjoy visiting you- all is loveliness!
Thank you for sharing about the lego princess set- I ordered two for my grandgirls- a fun project for the nest time they are here.
Have a good day
Terri in Oregon

Shug said...

Good morning Sheri. Your new header photo is so very pretty... Happy Birthday to all your birthday loved ones. Hope they have loads of fun on their special day. I would love to go to England one day...Beautiful photos. You are right, the photo of Mia does scream summer and this picture is one that needs to be framed. Great minds think alike...I have a Bigfoot on my post today as well. lol. We are expecting a lot of rain this week for which I am thankful for. Thanks for sharing all the pictures 💓

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

I agree Charlotte has the sweetest smile. She looks like a very contented child. I enjoyed seeing Francesca with Big Foot--so cute. Happy birthday to Nel. She is a lovely young woman. You have lovely daughters, Sheri. Just like their mother. Mia at the beach is darling! The photo your son took looks so refreshing! A good spot to hang out in the heat. Our weather is a little cooler now and I'm so thankful. Have a lovely week looking at your albums-so many memories to reflect on!


Comruebo que tu pasión por las fotografías, se la estás contagiando, a aquellos que te rodean.
Un abrazo.

Carla from The River said...

I love the beach photo.. you are right, it says summer. :-)
Enjoyed your post my dear friend.
Love, Carla

Chatty Crone said...

Okay that last photo with the kids - the girls kissing their brother is so precious!!!
So while it gets hot there - you are low humidity, and the temps will go down in August - lucky you!
The cupcakes for you to celebrate everyone's birthday looked good.
You can probably teach the girls a lot about taking photos - I loved the daisy.
The zucchini bake looked so good - were those onions underneath or hash browns? Yummy.
The chicken looked good too.
I don't know what pop chips are.
I love the hummingbird.
How do our kids get that old - when we are so young?
I did not know that Rome but a rock wall all around England - that is amazing.
The adult women went to Disneyland by themselves - was it a party of some sort to go so dressed up?
Loved that she put Rapunzel together alone!
And lastly Charlotte has a gorgeous smile - you are absolutely right.
Love, sandie

Rose said...

You sure are having the heat...we have had the coolest summer I ever remember. It is still summer, but have not had many days in the 90's...still having some in the 70's even.

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

Sheri your pictures are wonderful! Charlotte is a doll and I love her smile. My very own Charlotte will be here soon! I love the picture of Mia. that needs to be framed for sure! I am glad your daughters had fun at the magic show. I have been to England and it was so pretty. I did not see the wall though. That would be fun to see! Stay cool!

Pam said...

Oh how I love the pics esp the one that is now on your computer screen. Really, really cute. But I love the stone shots from Enland also. Such a cool arch and I wonder if it used to go all the way across? Nice....Beach, I need the beach. Not had that for several years. Last time ein Calif I did not even go.

Donna said...

Love all the photos...and all your babies are So beautiful! Glad they are with you to make more sweet memories!

Susan said...

That was a great post, Sheri....lots of variety in it, too. Of course, the grands always bring a smile to my face. And your daughters are so lovely. Oh, that green velvet dress is totally gorgeous . That's Jess, right? She looks so glamorous and beautiful. Loved all! You must be so proud of your "big" girls and your little precious ones. Hugs. Susan p.s. Try to stay cool. It's raining in Massachusetts today but guess what? I still have the air conditioner on because I cannot stand the humidity. Summer's not my favorite season at all.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

What a delightful, summery post!! Happy times, lovely family, peaceful spaces. Here in s.e. FL we've been under heat advisory warnings for 2-3 weeks now. I try to work outside and do errands in the morning, before it gets unbearable out. I am sweating out toxins which is a good thing and making forward progress around the property. ~ Thank you for visiting my blog and your kind comments. I've been so lax in putting up posts. Enjoy your week ~ FlowerLady

DeniseinVA said...

I hope it cools down for you soon Sheri. Thank you for sharing these darling photos of your sweet family. Always enjoy your photos, full of light and cheer, and I always leave smiling. Stay cool my friend :)

Billie Jo said...

Hello, my dear friend! I so enjoyed this post. I love seeing what you are up to on a daily basis, and I love seeing your beautiful family. Can you believe we are close to August?!? This is my favorite time of year. I love autumn, of course. But now is the anticipation and preparation! Have a cozy evening

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Happy 43!
Delightful smiles on everyone.
The creek does look like a peaceful place.

R's Rue said...

Sending you a little note to let you know you are thought of and dearly loved. May your day be richly blessed.

Jeanie said...

Heat? I remember heat! It's barely 70 here today -- cooler with the wind. That squash looks good! And loved all the pics of your dear girls. It looks like everyone is having fun!

Louca por porcelana said...

Adorable post as ever! Sweet photos! Hugs and blessings dear Sheri.

roughterrain crane said...

I have had a day of 100 °F already.
Be careful of heat stroke, too.

Estelle's said...

Sheri, I loved this post....everything about this revealed your love of family and enjoying the moments of the day....great food and photos of the past and present...thank you so very much for sharing....warm hugs