Monday, May 27, 2024

Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique

What little girl wouldn't want to get a make-over at the magical Disneyland?

Francesca and Mia did just that last week, and they got to choose what princess they wanted to be for the day.  Mia was Princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty, and Francesca was Elsa from Frozen.  The Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique at Disneyland is where children go for magical makeovers! They get to go shopping in the Enchanted Chamber and choose from the dozens of princess dresses on display, including Belle, Tiana, Snow White, Cinderella, Elsa, and more!  Then, they select a hairstyle, costume jewelry, and sparkly shoes and head into the salon for a full makeover.  Afterward, they are led to the castle studio for a photo shoot.  Nel said it was just as magical for her and Jess as it was for the kids!

They even got to see Princess Tiana along the way.

And then, they got to spend the rest of the day walking around Disneyland in their pretty dresses.



Monday, May 20, 2024

A Drive To The City

For my birthday last week, I drove to the city with my son.  It's about 50 minutes away, and this time I drove.  It always makes me nervous to take the highways and freeways, but I had a great day!  The drive there is actually a peaceful country drive, and it's only when we get to the city that I feel uneasy, as I'm not familiar with the streets.  We first stopped at my favorite cafe' and had breakfast.  My son had a gift certificate to the movie theatres, so he wanted to see a movie.  It was a bit early for the movie to start, so we headed over to Target.  I just bought some pink flip flops, as I use them in the Spring and Summer for outside chores.  It was time for the show to start, and we saw "The Fall Guy," with Ryan Gosling.  It was a blend of action, mystery, and comedy, and although there were parts that were too violent for this mama, my son enjoyed the movie, and I just indulged in the theatre's buttered popcorn.  It was interesting to see the adventures of a stuntman, and Ryan Gosling is a talented actor.  After the movie, we went to all my favorite shops - World Market, Michaels, Barnes & Noble.  It was time for lunch, and I felt like Italian food, and Olive Garden never disappoints.  We shared the "Tour of Italy," as it comes with a salad and bread sticks, and was very filling.  After lunch, we went to the mall, and I loved browsing through Home Goods.  I wanted to go to See's Candies last, as it was a hot day and didn't want the chocolate to melt in the car.  It was the most wonderful day spent with my son, and he paid for almost everything.  When I got home, there were packages in the mail from the girls, and handmade drawings and cards from the kids.  Jess wrapped all the gifts so nicely, and tucked them away in lavender tissue paper.  Nel gave me a generous Amazon gift card, and she always finds the prettiest cards for special occasions.

  The next day, I opened up the blinds in the laundry room, and there were two deer right next to my car.  Oh May, you're always full of surprises!


Monday, May 13, 2024

A Park With History And Memories

When I was in my hometown recently with my family, Nel wanted to stop at the park so Mia could stretch her legs, run around, and play!  We happened to visit a park that is not far from the home that I grew up at.  It's a large park with a baseball field, and a lot of shaded picnic areas.  This park has been around since 1917, and although they have updated it through the years installing a new playground, it still has the same vibe it did way back then.

There is an old contraption sitting on the grounds at the entrance of the park.

It was a sunny day, and when we first got there, we noticed a butterfly fluttering about, which stayed in our midst for a few moments.  Nel put her hand out, and that butterfly landed right on her hand, long enough for me to get a picture.  What a delightful moment that was for her.

Now, I have to tell you, what was so special about spending time here with my granddaughter was that I used to play at this very same playground when I was her age!  My dad used to have company picnics here, and our family would gather together and have barbecues and play games, and I would run around carefree until it was time to go home.  To see Mia enjoy herself at this playground was very sentimental to me and brought back the best memories.

I glanced over at Nel, and I remember her looking so peaceful watching her five year old enjoy her time there.

There was a very high slide, and Renecke wanted to make sure that no big boys were going to push Mia off in any way, so he had a watchful eye.

We sat at the playground and talked, and Nel wanted to know what happened to the small zoo that was there, so she took a walk to see.  They closed it down years ago, but she still has memories of her and her sister and brother walking through that area and seeing all the interesting zoo animals.  There was even a couple black bears there at one time, until they were moved to a new and larger habitat at a zoo sanctuary a half hour away.

And then there was the high slide, and Nel went inside the little house at the top of the slide with Mia.

When we were leaving, I saw the most charming home.  There are many houses across the street from the park that are old and very kept up.

And one of the prettiest red rose bushes I've seen.

Nel received two blessings on this trip to her hometown; one was the butterfly that landed on her hand, and the other was a double rainbow on the first day she arrived.


Saturday, May 11, 2024

Home And TV Moms

My son has always been interested in Culinary Arts.  He loves preparing meals with different sauces and spices, and this week he made a shrimp and pasta dish that was delicious, and another night some pork tacos.  These tacos were literally the best tacos I've had.  He made a sauce with the pork that was so tasty that it kept me wanting more!

California Quail....this funny bird visits my lawn and fence daily.  His call is not too loud, but distinctive, and he is usually scratching at the ground in large groups searching for food, which is why they are known as 'ground birds.'  The female isn't that striking, but the male is regal looking.

"May is the month of expectation, the month of wishes, the month of hope."

~Emily Bronte

And then there are these, who come around much too often and annoy me. ; )

It's supposed to be sunny and warm all of May, with periods of rain at the end of the month.  When you live in the mountains, you get to know the forecast.  We had a snow rain one day - slushy snow fell from the sky looking like a thick rain.  It was so neat.

I made some cornbread, and I always have it warm, topped with butter.

Charlotte's eight month picture.

My new cup arrived in the mail from my best friend.  She tracked it down, and made sure it was delivered when it was supposed to.  I love it.

In honor of Mother's Day, I wanted to share some of my favorite tv moms.  I've enjoyed watching them through the years, disciplining, guiding, listening, and loving.

*Olivia Walton


*Lorelai Gilmore

and my favorite of all....

*Caroline Ingalls

"Motherhood: All love begins and ends there."

~Robert Browning

Thinking of my own mother, and thankful for the unconditional love she gave me throughout the years.

I'd like to hear some of your favorite tv moms if you'd like to share.

Happy Mother's Day!