Monday, November 6, 2023

better not pout

Hello, and I hope the first of November finds you well.  My brother-in-law came into town for some supplies.  He was doing some home chores before the rain came, and asked if I wanted to go to lunch at the Mexican restaurant in town.  It was good to catch up, and I always order the crispy tacos because they deep fry the tortillas right then.

I made a big salad this week.  Put lots of stuff in it - butter lettuce, tomatoes, avocado, eggs, topped it with ranch dressing and some black pepper.  It was so good.

My son went into the city last week, and he always stops at this popular bakery/cafe.  The meals are all homemade, and they have the best soups.  They also have a wonderful bakery with the best sugar cookies ever.

He brought me a sugar cookie with orange frosting for the Fall season.

This cat has been hanging around, and I've seen him on my lawn lately.  He's plump and doesn't appear to be hungry, so not sure why.  I'm not a cat person, but usually just let him be.

I cooked some barbecue pork, grandma's potato salad, and squash.  The potato salad is a bit time consuming to make, but there's nothing like it.

Have you tried this coffee yet?  It's a limited edition, so had to get some for the season.

A few Christmas goodies.

I found this ornament at the home shop awhile ago, and I always love pearl ornaments, so bought one.

Put some fairy lights on the mantel, and getting ready to decorate for Christmas.

And I couldn't resist this decorative box when I saw it.

Charlotte's getting so big, and I can't wait to see her and the little ones soon.

I'm just enjoying the Autumn season, as I know it comes and goes so quickly.  I just heard lightning - we're supposed to have rain today.



The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

How nice of your brother-in-law to take to to a delicious lunch, Sheri! You have very thoughtful folks around you, your son included for bringing you that yummy cookie. Your pearl ornament is lovely. And the Better Not Pout box is adorable! But the cutest is Charlotte. So glad to hear you will be seeing her and your sweet family soon. Have a happy week!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love this photo on your mantel. And that orange frosted cookie...oh MY! Wish I could find a similar one around here. Your salad looks so good. I hope you will be showing your Christmas decorations. What a beautiful cat! He does not look feral, and he looks well taken care of. Wonder what draws him there?


La ensalada se ve deliciosa. Yo hoy me he decidido por poner un plato de pescado y un pisto con diferentes verduras. Como postre he comprado naranjas, que ahora ya es el tiempo.
No he podido evitar detenerme un buen rato, para observar la belleza de tu gato.
Que tengas una buena semana. Un abrazo.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Food looks great. Those bakery items, though, made my eyes larger. The pearl ornaments is gorgeous. It looks like fun to make. There's a YouTube channel where the person makes things using rolled up aluminum foil. That would be perfect for pearls.
That cat didn't gain weight on its own. I bet he scopes out houses for treats, and makes his rounds. Cats around here are known to do that. One cat someone counted, had over half a dozen homes to get treats from around the neighborhood.

LoveT. said...

Charlotte looks so happy, a cute Photo. A have to try this pumpkin spice Coffee, everyone loves it. Have a great Start in the new Week Sheri

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness that meal you shared pictures of - with your BIL looked so good - I have never seen one like that.
And that salad - I love, love, love avocado's. I have to do more things like that. Yummy.
The baked goods at that bakery looked unique as well.
How big was that cookie - it looked huge - and so good.
Maybe that cat is a girl and she is pregnant??
You know I have never made potato salad but I want to.
The squash looked good too.
Your box is adorable - as well as Charlotte - who looks like you and her mama!
I have not had pumpkin spice coffee - and that looks like pistachio cake. Yum.
You decorate very pretty - love the star of pearls and your mantel.
Hope you got some rain - we need it here desparately.
Love, sandie

Debbie Nolan said...

Ah Sheri - your brother in law always seems to know just the right restaurant and perfect food. That fall cookie looks wonderful and bet with a cup of that pumpkin spice coffee it would be delicious. Yes fall does go so fast. We have raked and blown leaves and now there are more. All we can do to keep up with them in November. You know what I will be doing this coming week. Hope you have a great week friend. Hugs!

Carla from The River said...

Happy November Day's... the holiday's are fast approaching. You are right, we need to enjoy Autumn while it is hear. :-) We are going to have a beautiful week of November weather this week, I am looking forward to getting some yard/garden work completed before true winter arrives.
xx oo

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Charlotte is so stinking cute. She looks so happy. Yum on the street taco you got at the Mexican restaurant. I too, love a crispy shell that is deep fried. Your salad is my kind of salad. I love both hard-boiled eggs and avocado in my salad. OH and bacon!

I'm no fun - because I just don't have a sweet tooth. So the cookie and the baked goods, don't appeal to me. Now that being said, that doesn't mean I don't like any sweets. I am a chocoholic and I love a good New York-style cheesecake. Now my husband has a sweet tooth...he'd love that cookie.

It's so funny about cats. They seem to like, those who do not like cats. I've had many cats in my life and when someone comes over, that doesn't like cats...guess where the cat goes to? That is a beautiful cat and he/she looks well cared for and fed. I hope he's not lost. Do you have a lot of birds in your yard? I have one black cat that visits my yard due to the feeders we have but Laydee sees the cat and daily, they play this "cat/dog" game. My indoor cat, Susie just sits on the cushion, watching.

I hope you have a wonderful week, enjoying the fall colors and the rain. We have rain today but it's not a stormy type of rain. I'm definitely enjoying it all.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Oh, I forgot to add, love the fairy lights and how you have it on your mantle. The framed picture is beautiful. You decorate so elegantly. Anyway, thanks for your always cheery post. I look forward to it!

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Wonderful that you went out to eat with your BIL! Your son is so thoughtful to bring your back a cookie. I'm not a cat person but lately they have been growing on me. Everything looks so good - the salad, the coffee, and the photos.

Marilyn Miller said...

It does look like a nice Autumn in your part of the world. I love your last picture with the row of trees.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Hi Sheri - love that the guys in your life are so thoughtful and caring to you! The taco looks so good, and your salad and bbq pork meal, too! I think we start craving certain things once the weather turns cool. Especially all the pumpkin flavored things. I bought some pumpkin spice tea, and the coffee looks good, too. I'll have to look for that. Your little grand-baby is just so precious, and glad you will get to spend some time with her soon. They grow so fast, as you know.
Your kitty visitor is cute. We have visits from two kitties regularly. They come to hunt, I think. I saw one eating a mouse. Gross! One is a really big male with unusual markings. The other looks like your little visitor. I was concerned at first and even set out food, but it went untouched, so that is how I knew they weren't strays. My dogs hate cats and luckily they haven't had an encounter yet. I'm sure the dogs would lose the fight!
It must be beautiful there this time of year. Love your Christmas star. I'll wait until after Thanksgiving to decorate, but I have started watching the Hallmark Christmas movies! Lol!
Hope you have a nice, cozy week. Hugs xo K

Romance Reader said...

Looks like you had an awesome time with your brother in law.

New Release Books said...

Great food and good company. Sounds like you had a great time!

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

So many blessings in your life. Charlotte is a little jewel. How sweet. Tacos are my favorite. Yours look yummy. And the cookies. You always have the best treats! Fall is here! I love seeing the colors all around. We have had a bit of rain, but we could always use more! Enjoy your week!

RaeAbigael said...

now I'm craving for tacos! also, looks like you're having a bunch of delicious meals! good for you. I can't wait for Christmas, too! Have a nice week :)

xoxo, rae

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh my those pies look absolutely scrumptious! I have a few not-quite-Christmas things out as well. I love this time of year.

Jeanie said...

What a fun post, Sheri. All your fabulous cooking and dining out looks great. I'm glad you showed eggs on the salad. I don't do that often enough and it's a good way to add more protein to a salad instead of a meat (or do both!) Your star is so pretty -- I can see why you chose it. And the lights are just wonderful as it is dark so early. What a pretty cat!

Veronica Lee said...

How sweet of your BIL to take you to lunch!
That orange frosted cookie looks divine 😋 and the pearl ornament is lovely.
Charlotte is ADORABLE!

Hugs and blessings, Sheri 🌹

Holly said...

All the food and colors are so delicious. Congrats on a new grandbaby. She has the same name as my Noni who has passed and why my grandma name is Nona. Yes I did change the blog name again back to Celestial Pines Sanctuary where the blogging and life happenings go on. Gypsy Spirit Rising was the journey up to this point and the Sanctuary is the settling into our new chapters on many levels. Thank you for always being a consistent blogging friend🌹🌹

Aaliyah said...

thanks for sharing great blog article.Thanks Again

Susan said...

Oh, Sheri, every time I see a photo of Charlotte, she gets more and more precious. What a gift in your and your family's life!
Love all your photos. That was nice of your son to bring you an orange frosted cookie! What a good son! Loved your post. Have a blessed rest of the week.
Hugs, Susan

Louca por porcelana said...

Adorable post! Charlotte is so beautiful... Always a pleasure stopping by. Hugs and blessings.

DeniseinVA said...

Hi Sheri, sweet Charlotte, she is adorable! All those dishes look absolutely yummy! You have a sweet and thoughtful son there and how nice your brother-in-law took you out for a meal, and it looked good!. So did your salad. Very yummy! Love your Christmas goodies. The star ornament would be my choice too, as would the cute box. Happy weekend my friend :)

Kinga K. said...

So delicious :D

R's Rue said...

Your posts evoke joy. Thank you.