Monday, April 3, 2023

Snow Covers The Land In April

Well, I thought that was the last big snow of the season.  Goes to show that nature is in control, and always surprises us with any unexpected weather conditions that are coming our way.  Tuesday morning, it was the biggest snow we've had since I moved here.  Came out of nowhere.  I looked out my window, and saw two feet of snow!

Remember my neighbor's bush?



Those poor Quail.  They are ground birds, and they were struggling walking through it all.

A tree limb even fell to the ground in my front yard.  Haven't hauled it away yet.  The birds seem to like it and take shelter in it.

The white fence leading to the front of my house is buried.

While I'm out there shoveling away, my neighbor has a fancy schmancy snow blower haha.

But while it's cold outside, I'm trying to stay warm inside.  My son brought me some Sillycow Farms hot chocolate, which is really tasty.  It's from Vermont, and oh, how I want to visit Vermont someday.

My brother-in-law called last week, and said he was coming into town.  We went to a Mexican Restaurant, then headed to the grocery store to get a few things.  I didn't know if it would snow again, so I wanted to buy a few groceries and stock up.  It was so strange, but as we were leaving the Mexican restaurant, a song came on that reminded me of my other brother-in-law, who died when he was only 30.  I asked the waitress what the name of the song was, cause I hadn't heard it in a long time, and she was so helpful and graciously told me.  It was like he was there with us at that moment.

Then, when I got home, the shoveling began.  My brother-in-law wanted to help me, cause my car was buried.  So, we were out there for awhile, just talking and laughing, and actually having fun shoveling snow in my driveway.

For those of you who are not enamored with the snow like I am, here are a few cheerful pictures to share with you.

A Friday meal during Lent, tuna sandwich with tomato on Italian bread, and homemade potato salad.  Very good.

I bought a new blouse for my trip.  I loved the flare sleeves on it.  Looks a bit Bohemian, which I like.

 I watched a movie on Netflix, and I thought it was a cute film.  I've always liked Reese Witherspoon.

The last few years, I've given away so many things, but this particular figurine I have never been able to part with, as it's been in my house since my children were small.

I wanted to show you what my surroundings are up here, the quiet woods when nature sprinkles a generous amount of snow and covers the land.  It really is quite pretty.

The sun and the rain has melted the snow little by little, but there's still so much left.  So for now, I will wait for Spring.

*our state flower



Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

Lovely photos,-)

NanaDiana said...

WOW! You got a lot of snow. I was in FL for a week and came home to 15" of new snow on top of what we already had. NOT a welcome home for me. I know you like the snow and I would be glad to send you all of my own. lol

Your area really is just beautiful and I know you love it.

I think every once in a while we are connected to the past through a song, or smell, or visual cue.

Enjoy spring...I am anxiously awaiting it here! xo Diana

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Sheri,
WOW, that is quite an awakening to so much snow.
Reminds me of my childhood when we did walk in high snow.
One never knows when Mother Nature uses her 'mufineer from heaven' with a generous shaking of powdered 'sugar'...!
Your brother–in–law is a kindhearted person for treating you in such a way. Special people. The Sillycow hot chocolate is loaded with 'added' sugar so out of question for me—as is chocolate, cocoa and dairy products and above all sugar.
Italian bread, Pieter bought the other day as in Atlanta at Costco they were out of bread... Had no idea it is that salted with course sea salt and garlic on its crust and salt throughout. So that was another lesson learned—never again.
Cute Easter bunnies with the fondest memories.
Big hugs,

Pam said...

Oh the snow! Lots of it. Amazing but then again, Northern Calif has been getting hit pretty hard. It is pretty though. Staying warm inside is a good thing. LOVE the new blouse. I love the Boho look also. Makes me feel like I am back in my teen yrs of the 70s. Hope you have a great Sunday.

Debbie Nolan said...

Oh Dear Sheri - you certainly have had your share of snow and more snow. It is amazing how much you have received. I hope that you soon will start to see green ground and blooming flowers. Our snow didn't materialize this past weekend. (Not sorry it didn't come)! We saw a few flakes but no covering. Did have horrendous winds though that put down trees and power lines. Had that kind of weather two weekends in a row. Hoping now that it has passed! Love that "Sassy Pants". Have a wonderful Holy Week. Hugs!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Is that a Wild Poppy? so pretty! And the Lily is gorgeous, especially the way the sun is shining on it. I love Bohemian clothes, and have also always wanted to go to Vermont. The blouse is so pretty! I just love that you left those branches for the poor birds. Do the Quail live there all year round?

R's Rue said...

I love the snow.

Hena Tayeb said...

Wow that is a monumental amount of snow. And we start April with still no snow. That is a really lovely figurine. I can see why you've kept it.

Carla from The River said...

Hello Dear Friend,
We also got hit with a huge snowstorm March 31 into April 1st. We ended up with 14 inches of snow too!!
My aunt who lives in Texas asked if I was April Fooling her when I told her about it.
Ha.. nope it is real.
I have always wanted to visit Vermont. Let us plan a road trip together. :-)
I love your blouse Sheri, I like your style.

My Shasta Home said...

MY goodness - you do have the snow. When will it end? It's possible the little kids will have to search for their easter eggs in the snow? That would be a first!

The pictures are beautiful - Love the blouse. I'm sure it will look very nice on you. Yes, those poor Quail. But they are used to it or they wouldn't have all that down and feathers on them.

Take care.

Marilyn Miller said...

Wow! That is a lot of snow. Glad you had help shoveling. I like shoveling, but probably not that much.
Love California poppies.
Loved the movie on Netflix recently too.
Your blouse looks so comfy and pretty.

Donna said...

OMG!! That's a lot of snow! Hope you're staying warm up there!
That sandwich looks wonderful right about
I'm sorry about your BIL...too young!!

Chatty Crone said...

Girl you got some snow there - two feet is amazing. So pretty and white - not dirty from cars yet. The bushes all covered. I am glad the quails have that branch to walk on. Your white fence half covered. It is gorgeous.
Hey I too have wanted to go out that way to Vermont - I have never ever been.
I think that song reminding you about your BIL was a God wink.
I lost my brother - April 4, 1997 - and like Sassy Pants - I would love to reach up and see him one more time.
I love the Bohemian shirt you picked out - so pretty.
I also liked the bunny swing set - I would not get rid of it either.
Your tuan salad looked pretty good.
Love, sandie

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Hi there Sheri! Again, you guys get way more snow than we do!

roughterrain crane said...

A lot of snow! Wild plants and animals were surprised more than you.

DeniseinVA said...

Oh wow, so much snow! But it sure looks pretty! And talking about pretty, I love your new blouse. I pored over each and every photo Sheri. Thank you so much for sharing. I do hope you see spring real soon.

Jeanie said...

Oh Sheri! Well, I'm glad it's melting but yikes. What a rude April awakening (even though it would be a lot nicer to see that in January!). And your lunch looked really good! Every photo is a gem.

ashok said...

Wow..iam always captivated by snow pictures!

Veronica Lee said...

OMG! That's a whole lotta snow!

I love snow but only for a day or two.

Those poor quail!

I hope spring will arrive soon.

Hugs and blessings, Sheri 🌹

Happy Easter!

Linda O'Connell said...

Happy Easter to you and yours. No coincidence with that song. Love your photos.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Your snowfall was late but oh so beautiful, and the nice thing is it will melt! Your pictures are beautiful! Wonderful that your BIL was able to come and help you shovel it too! Love your new blouse, so pretty and comfy! Hot chocolate sounds delicious, always a treat! Blessings to you, my friend!

Dewena said...

Hello Sheri, I am a show lover so thoroughly enjoyed all these beautiful snow pictures. While I want everyone to be safe in weather like this, wild critters too, I can't help loving the beauty outside and the cozyness inside. It is a gift though to have family who check up during times like this and I worry about those who don't have anyone. It makes me happy that your four quail stick together! I would so love to have quail visit our yard. You are so smart to have been passing on some of your belongings over time. That gets harder when you get to my age, both from less energy to do it and just plain indecisiveness. I love the beautiful blouse you chose! And earlier you show a new purse that is the prettiest one I've ever seen! Sheri, I am a potato salad lover too!

I hope your Easter was blessed and beautiful,

Tammie Lee said...

Wow, that was a lot of spring snow! So nice that you had fun and help shoveling it. Lots more moisture for your area. You inspired me to make hot chocolate after dinner. Lovely evening to you.