Monday, March 6, 2023

White Outside, Purple Inside

We've had a lot of snow last week, and over the weekend.  The neighborhood, the highway, and the town is filled with white, and at one point, the snow flakes kept falling for two days.

I've learned many things since I moved to the mountains two years ago.  Stocking up on food and essentials before a snow storm is one of them.  I learned that quickly when I had to borrow coffee filters from my neighbor.  Another thing I neighbor, Lisa, kept telling me to back up my car when coming into my side driveway.  I always wondered why she said to do this.  Now, I know.

I've been gathering twigs and small branches from my yard and putting them in a pile to haul away.  The squirrels seem to break them when mischievously climbing the tall pines.

I hope my neighbor's bush makes it through the Winter's snow and cold.

I know many are tired of Winter, but I never tire looking out my window and seeing all the white.

They cut down a tree in my front yard, as it was old.  It was interesting to watch how they do this, with ropes, and a section at a time, until there is just a stump left.  They were cut into 4 foot logs, and my neighbor offered to take them.

While it has been white outside, it is Purple inside with a few Easter decorations I put up last week.

I bought some purple ornaments from the home shop in town, and I must get a few more, as they are so pretty.  I've had the white rose dish for a long time.

And speaking of Purple.....I wanted to show you the fabulous cake Nel made for her sister-in-law's 40th.

We can get snow up until April, and even though it's still Winter, I washed all my Spring cups, and ready to go.

That's about it for this week.  I'll leave you with a picture of Cleo, and what she's up to lately.



Peace Thyme said...

Oh, Cleo! Get down! We lived in the deep woods at 9,000 feet ASL for 10 years and I miss it so, so much. Never got tired of the snow. And, my small greenhouse was in production winter and summer. When people in the mountains of Colorado know there is snow coming, they refill pantry and frig long before so that they don't have to make it out for a week or so, at least.

That is a lovely white dish. I'm sure it has been used for all kind of things over the years.

Nellie said...

That Cleo! When I was growing up, our cats always seemed fond of climbing the screen. Later, when our children were growing up, there were no screens for the cats to climb! We didn’t have them at the entry we used most often. We’ve had no real snow here, just a couple of inches the day after Christmas, and that wasn’t widespread. We expect a high temperature in the seventies today, and there are blooms all around. I think spring is here for us.

Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

Lovely cake!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Hope you're not all getting cabin fever! heehee! You sure have had a snowy winter though and what beautiful photos. The cake is gorgeous too. Take care and enjoy your week! Hot cocoa? You have so many pretty cups!

My Shasta Home said...

That cake Nel baked and decorated is beautiful. Wow, what talent she has. I wouldn't want to be the first one to cut into that! Your white dish is so delicate and pretty. It really compliments the purple ornaments.

The snow looks so nice - it snowed here this morning - just stopped. I'm starting to get used to this - I sure hope this is our new normal! I love it.

Hena Tayeb said...

Oh Cleo.. our squirrels used to do that, on the other side of course and they kept ripping the netting. It was becoming a problem.. we had gotten into the habit of constantly shooing them until they finally stopped.

Billie Jo said...

Well, is it ok to tell you I envy your snow??? We have hardly had any this year here, and time is running out! Thank you for sharing your beautiful snow and your lovely decorations as well. Stay safe and cozy, my friend!

Linda O'Connell said...

Cleao is entertaining. The snow is beautiful to look at. Your holiday decorations bring Joy. Stay safe and warm.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Sheri,
Cleo is a true naughty kitty girl and enjoying the exploration of her world.
Nel is quite an artist for making that cake's decoration for her Sister–In–Law!
Guess you would love all my rose china here and many other rose or angel related items.
Those tree cutters are artists in precision work!
Stay safe and indeed, backing up makes a lot of sense in the snow.
Here it is sunny and warm—82.4°F and Pieter just got home from shopping on his bike. Wish I could do that too. Swelling and pain is a bit down! Rash is very persistent.

Linda O'Connell said...

Thanks for your visit. Charlie's mama is 33.

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

Hi Sherri and Cleo,
The snow is pretty. We had a bunch here too. Stocking up is a good idea. Driving in the snow is not fun for me. Enjoy and stay warm!

ashok said...

Snow is beautiful! That cake 🎂 is looking tasty 😋

DeniseinVA said...

Well, first of all, Cleo made me laugh. Loved her pose! The snowy photos are magical! Noel made an awesome cake, she is very talented. Loved your display on the pretty chest of drawers also. Thanks Sheri and enjoy the rest of your week.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

OH MY! Cleo is like a squirrel, climbing on the window! Lovely cake dearest Sheri and yes, we have all been hit extra hard this winter!

R's Rue said...

So beautiful.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh the question is how did someone get a photo of Cleo up that high? lol
It is funny - we hear of a snowstorm or ice coming - we stock up too. When the snow melts and water freezes the streets because of all the hills get horribly slick. The lines in the store are so funny and you can barely get bread or milk. So you can get snow until April!!!
The picture out your window - all white - is so beautiful.
Did you know purple is the color of wealth in Jesus's time. It was an extremely hard color to manufacture and only the very wealthy could afford to get it. If someone was wearing purple they were rich or a nobility.
That white bowl with the rose is gorgeous. I love it.
Also that cake - wow - I wish I could have a piece. Cakes like that are my downfall.
A tree that size to cut down in GA would be $1000!
Be good.
Love, sandie

Carla from The River said...

Oh that cake is amazing. I have never been good at decorating cakes. What a talent your daughter has.
I do enjoy the winter photos Sheri, even if I have snow, it is fun to see it in other areas of our USofA.
Love, Carla

Jeanie said...

What beautiful photos, inside and out, Sheri. I love the snowfall ones. And that's a good tip on backing into the driveway. I should remember that for future reference (hopefully not a lot more this year!). I hope your neighbor's bush survives. It's a beauty. I hope you're well stocked up! Always a good idea!

And very pretty purple inside, too. It's lovely!

Pam said...

Oh no Cleo! That is not a good kitty. I have wondered and wondered if you had gotten any of that snow like Lake Mammoth did. That is so crazy. I know that Northern Calif gets snow but they are not even used to that. So nuts seeing all that. Yours looks so pretty and white. I love it. I had a tree cut down and I was amazed at how they rope them off and go about it. Pretty cool. Love the cake, she did a great job.

Patricia said...

Hi Sheri, I have heard about all the snow you have had, and what gorgeous photos you have taken. The poor Car! I have no idea what you would do next... My daughter in Ottawa has snow halfway up her back door. It might still be there when we arrive in May. The purple decorations are lovely, and now I remember that you do purple for Easter. I must do the same, because it is so perfect and appropriate. The cake is amazing and what a talent is Nel, very gifted. Have a great week Sheri.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Go Cleo!
Pretty cake and snowfall.

Haddock said...

Your neighbour's bush does look really pretty.

Marilyn Miller said...

That is a lot of snow, but so pretty. Glad you had provisions.
Love the white dish with the purple ornaments.
What fun to be bringing out a few spring and Easter things.

Rajani Rehana said...

Lovely post

Louca por porcelana said...

Stunning cake and gorgeous snow landscapes. Beautiful purple ornaments too. Cleo is cute and fun. Hugs, my dear friend.

Veronica Lee said...

I absolutely enjoyed looking at your enchanting snow photos.

That cake is gorgeous - your daughter is very talented.

Naughty Cleo!

Love the white dish with the purple ornaments.

Hugs and blessings, Sheri 🌹

Red Rose Alley said...

Thank you, INTERNATIONAL STUDY, for following us. I appreciate that very much. ~Sheri

Tammie Lee said...

I am so glad you are enjoying winter. So important when one lives in winter wonderland. You just make the best of whatever you have.

I bet your neighbors were thrilled with free wood, most likely to turn into firewood. And you didn't have to have someone take it away.

Such a lovely cake.
Keep on enjoying winter. Spring will come soon.

Susan said...

Sheri, the cat is a kicker. Wow, you guys really.. get a LOT of snow up in the mountains. Whooda thought it possible? I sure didn't. Nice post, dear Sheri. Stay warm..

Susan Kane said...

I did not see the noted below about anonymous comments. Lately google has messed around with my blog. So, this may not be posted. Your photos are amazing. When we were kids in the Midwest, we loved that fluffy snow. In Feb. it all turned into slush and mud.