Tuesday, November 1, 2022

The Dresser

When I was talking with my brother-in-law one day, I told him that I've been wanting to get a dresser, cause I don't have a lot of storage space in my house, and he mentioned to me that he had a dresser at home that he thought I might like.  So, the last time he came in, he brought me the dresser.  I liked it, and it had a frenchie look, but it was too dark and the marble-type surface had a few scratches.  I tried to buff them out with a paint marker, but it didn't get rid of them.  I have pine walls in the dining room, and I thought that the dresser would be too dark against it and wanted a contrast, so decided to paint it a whitish/cream color.  So, that's where my project began.  When I finished, I bought some twinkly lights and put my pumpkins on there, and I was pleased with how it turned out.

I love all the detail in the wood.

I put out my blue velvet pumpkin and white ceramic pumpkin, and now I have a little area for holiday goodies.

I was going to paint the handles along with it, but he said not to, and to take the handles off and put them back on when I'm finished with the painting.  So that's what I did.

I'm so thankful he gave me this dresser.  I put my Christmas decor in the drawers.  The drawers are deep with lots of room.  I have three boxes of Christmas, so it will work out nicely when it's time to pull them out.  I don't know about you, but I can't seem to give away those sentimental things that we collect through the years.

Was it a fun project?  Yes.  Will I ever do it again?  No.  Painting is a very tedious process.  My middle brother used to be a painter, and he did excellent work.  I admire his skills so much.

Today is All Saints Day, and I remember this day always.  I have about 31 Saints who are dear to me, and I often talk with them during troubled times....and good times.  Their stories are incredible, with suffering and tremendous faith.   One of my favorites is Saint Anthony.  He is said to be the Gentlest of Saints, which I appreciate so much, as this is often a harsh world we live in.  He is also the Patron Saint of lost things - from lost people to lost items.  I can't tell you how many times me and my family have lost precious items and talked to Saint Anthony and they were found and returned to us.

And I was thrilled when our little Francesca was born on All Saints Day.  Happy Birthday, my love.

I do hope your November days are filled with wonderful moments, and the holiday season is coming, which is always a fun time for many of us.



Sandi said...

So beautiful!

Pilar said...

What a beautiful dresser Sheri! I love how you added the lights and pumpkin. It goes well with the dresser! Happy Birthday to Francesca! Wishing you a wonderful November my dear friend!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Happy Birthday Francesa!πŸŽ‚

The dresser looks brand new. You are a good painter. The detail wood is beautiful.

I've found my keys more than once after a prayer to St Anthony.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Oh Sheri I love your dresser! You did an excellent job restoring it. Love the sparkling lights on the top. It’s fun to get something free that just needs some love.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my goodness; Francesca is looking both cool and adorable! I want to give one of her cute cheeks a big kiss. You did a wonderful job with the dresser, now I want something like this! Because it had such dark wood, I don't know how you did such a perfect job! I would have messed it up for sure. And your decorations on the top, so minimalist, but yet perfect!!! The entire thing could be a fall piece in the entryway of a museum. You shuld be an interior decorator. I have two velvet pumpkins, now I will be looking for a dark blue one.

Estelle's said...

What a darling little dresser....I adore this!

Dewena said...

You did an outstanding job on the pretty dresser! All of that detail shows up much better than the wood probably would have and your white ceramic pumpkin is so pretty. It will be a perfect place to store your favorite Christmas decor. In our old house I had room enough to store the Christmas decor of each room in the room it went in, such a time saver.

Happy Birthday to beautiful Francesca! My mother was a All Saints Day baby too and my thoughts today have been filled with her memory. I didn't know about Saint Anthony being the Patron Saint of lost things or that he was said to be the Gentlest of Saints. Lovely to know.

A beautiful November to you, sweet Sheri,

Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

Beautiful chest of drawers.

It's me said...

Ah sweet Francesca…like the dresser!….love from me …and Leaf πŸ€πŸΎπŸŽƒπŸπŸ„πŸ‚πŸŒ½πŸ§‘πŸŒΎπŸŒ»πŸ€

R's Rue said...

So beautiful.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

You did a wonderful job with the dresser and what a nice place to store Christmas items. I love all of my memory filled ornaments and decorations. Enjoy the upcoming holidays. ~ FlowerLady

Chatty Crone said...

I wrote once and lost it so here goes again.
Your dresser is BEAUTIFUL! It looks professional done. You did that all yourself? Did you have to prime it? Did you spray paint it or hand paint? I have never ever done anything like that and I would be scared to death to even try.
The blue and white pumpkin are perfect.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRANCESCA! She is so precious!!
What a great place to store seasonal itmes.
Loved your post!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Sheri, your dresser looks great that you painted. How nice to get such a lovely gift. I'm with you about painting. I really dislike it, but in the end worth the trouble. Your pumpkins and fairy lights looks so sweet on top. Happy Birthday to your darling granddaughter!

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

you did a great job painting the dresser. I have a lot of keepsakes also. That is a great place to store yours.
Happy Birthday to Francesca!

Debbie Nolan said...

Sheri your dresser turned out beautifully. What a treasure it is. So useful too. Love your pumpkins and twinkly lights. Hope you are having a delightful fall day. Hugs!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love these little dresser and it will be perfect for extra storage. You did a great job fixing it up too. I don't like to paint but I sure love the results! Enjoy your week!

Marilyn Miller said...

Happy Birthday to you, Francesca!
I love the drawers and you did an amazing job on them. How nice to have them for storing your Christmas decorations.

Louca por porcelana said...

Great job! Beautiful dresser. Happy Birthday to your adorable Francesca!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Your dresser turned out beautiful, Sheri, and looks magical with your twinkle lights and pumpkins. Your little Francesca is so sweet and Happy Birthday to her! Such a nice day to be born. I love the saints, too, and my favorite is St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals. We are always saying little prayers to him for all the wild things we have here. Life is so hard for them. We might be getting our first frost this week and maybe even a dusting of snow. We went from summer to winter overnight. Hope you are having a good week, my friend. Hugs xo K

Ben A. said...

You did a great job!! Happy Birthday Francesa :)

Infinitely Posh.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning dearest Sheri!

St. Anthony is the name of a neighborhood right next to where I live. It is such a beautiful area and the Catholic church is right on the corner, adorning the neighborhood so beautifully.

My mother loved the saints and had various favorites but what I remember and still have are the old vintage prayer cards with the colorful and detailed prints of the saints' images. I hold those dear to my heart as she would show them to me with great fondness.

Your dresser came out wonderful and happy ALL SAINTS DAY !

Donna said...

Love the new look for the dresser!
My Uncle Anthony died when he was several months old...pneumonia, I believe...
Would have been a gentle soul...

Carla from The River said...

Oh my goodness, the dresser is beautiful. I agree, the handles look great as is. Fantastic job Sheri, painting is not one of my favorites as well. ;-)

Happy Birthday to your sweet Francesca.

DeniseinVA said...

A delightful photo of Francesca and an auspicious day for her birthday. A Happy Belated Birthday to your precious granddaughter. You did a great job on the chest of drawers, and I love the pumpkins, the lights and the creamy color. A lovely addition to your home.

Jeanie said...

Painting IS tedious! But he was right about taking off the handles... I know from experience (and it wasn't good!) It looks terrific, Sheri, and such a nice size -- what a great spot for your decorations! I love how you used the fairy lights with your pumpkins. It's very magical!

HWIT BLOGG said...

The dresser is lovely! What a cute granddaughter you have...
Have a happy Sunday & take care!

Veronica Lee said...

Love the beautiful dresser, Sheri 🧑🧑🧑🧑

You did an amazing job restoring it.

Francesca is adorable!

Hugs and blessings πŸ’

Pam said...

Love the little dresser! That is so cute. Having extra storage space is always great esp when its so cute to begin with.

Susan said...

Just look at what a wonderful job you did on that dresser, Sheri! It's adorable. And look at that little darling on her birthday. Now she is the pizazz. Sweet post. Love, Susan

Susan said...

P.S. Oh my gosh, Sheri. I love St. Anthony! And love your little bird in the Santa hat, too. Now he's something to cheep about. Hugs, Susan