Monday, November 7, 2022

Last Minute Road Trip

I took a road trip with my son last week.  It was only for a couple days, and it turned out to be a pleasant one.....except for the driving.  I got off the highway and onto the freeway for a little while, and as I was driving it started to rain.  Then it started to pour!  My least favorite thing to do, and it starts to pour, what?  Well, that was a bit scary for me, but we needed the rain, so I was thankful and uneasy at the same time, and just did the best I could in a bad situation.  I got us there, thank God, and it's always good to get off the mountain once in awhile, and I got to visit my favorite places on our stops along the way.

Smallcakes.  You really can't go wrong with chocolate and mint, one of my favorite combinations.

Oh, I have to say that there will be a lot of food on this post.  It makes the road trips much more pleasurable when we enjoy good food on the journey.  We ate at Mimi's Cafe for a late lunch, and I had French onion soup, and half of a turkey salad sandwich, and we shared a pumpkin muffin with our coffee.

The next morning, it was very early when we left, and I looked up and saw a dreary sky with clouds.  I wasn't sure how the driving would go, as I thought there would be more rain.

After driving for awhile, we made a quick stop at Black Bear Diner for some pie.  This place always reminds us of my son-in-law, Brian, as he enjoys eating here also.  I got a piece of blackberry pie, and my son went with the chocolate cream pie.

On our last stop and before driving up the mountain, we went to my favorite cafe with the orange lanterns.   I needed some greens, so I got a big Cobb Salad with blue cheese dressing.  My dad used to love blue cheese dressing, and he introduced me to it.  I've liked it ever since.  Every time I come here, I want to take a picture of this sign, but never can, cause people are always sitting next to it, but I finally got a chance to take one.

It has been very cold here lately, and November has given me a chill, so these pot pies hit the spot one dreary day.

Uncle bought some goodies from Francesca's school fundraiser.  The SRIRACHA peanuts were spicy and so good.

Francesca had a Pirate party, and Nel made the cake.  She has such a talent decorating cakes and adding fun touches to make them special.

And you need some pirates to go with a Pirate party.  ; )

 Every now and then, my son makes specialty coffee drinks.  This one he made with white hot chocolate, pumpkin spice creamer, whole milk, and coffee.  Oh my, it was good.

 There is one more dish to share, just cause this is my favorite meal.  I made a big pot of spaghetti, and along with it, some roasted veggies with butter and garlic salt.

Well, I did mention that this was a food-filled post.  But November seems to be the month to eat good foods.  We are supposed to get our first snow this week.  And do you know there was a deer right on my front porch?  I looked out the window, and there she was.  She walked through and stood in my yard for awhile.  Didn't take a picture.  I just gazed and smiled.  : )    



Estelle's said...

What a darling post this was....I certainly enjoyed the trip too....the food looks incredible and everything I I want a pirate party...too too cute..just look at these little darlings...thank you for sharing!

Chatty Crone said...

Oh, my goodness this is a foodie post! Love it.
You certainly had a lot of food stops - this was a lastminute trip? How fun.
I hate driving in the pouring rain as well.
What is your favorite drink at Starbucks? French Roast for me.
We have a Small Cake store here too - but I have never been in it - those mint cupcakes look delish.
Love French Onion soup. Pumpkin muffins. Pot pies. Cobb Salad with blue cheese dressing. We have a Mimi's here I have gone to as well.
You and I have very similar tastes. We need to do a road trip. lol
Glad you got home safe and had a nice time.
LOVE THE TWO BEAUTIFUL PIRATES and that cake was so cool.
You had a busy week!

Pam said...

What an adorable cake and party! Little pirates, cute! Your area looks like the cutest place to visit. So peaceful and neat place.

My Shasta Home said...

I enjoy spontaneous road trips better than pre-planned. Sounds fun. Your spaghetti looks good - one of my favorite comfort foods! Black Bear diner makes a bread pudding that is so good - they are out of it more than half the time!

The pirate party is adorable and looks like fun. And wow a visiting dear right at your door! It must sense you are a “friendly”. Reminds me of a friend in Alaska that has moose in her yard - one day she opened the door and came face to face with a big moose. She said she was so close she could feel the heat from his breath!

It’s already been snowing around the mountains I live near. Dunsmuir and Weed all have been snowing and Shasta and Lassen are looking good. May the rain and snow continue. We need it.

I miss Mimi’s Cafe. I’ve always loved their decor.

Have a wonderful week.

R's Rue said...

This post makes me smile and very hungry. I need to come dine with you.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Black Bear Diner looks so inviting! there used to be a Mimi's Cafe about an hour from here, but they closed. I always liked them though. How cool to have a Pirate Party! The cake is SO awesome, way too cool to eat!! I'm glad you fared well driving in the rain, that makes me a nervous wreck.

Carla from The River said...

Oh my dear Sheri,
I just loved this post. Food and Drink is so special to our relationships. It makes me smile to share a meal with a friend, my husband and family.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful post about the importance of stopping and enjoying food, family and friends.
Love, Carla

Hena Tayeb said...

I too hate driving in the pouring rain. Makes me anxious. Look at all the yummy food you ate.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

I would have gazed and enjoyed the deer as well, Sheri! Driving in the rain can be so tedious. I'm so glad you were safe and enjoyed the rest of your trip. All the yummy food is making me hungry. We used to have a Mimi's Cafe' but it closed. All of the places you visited look wonderful. I especially like the Pie Poster--so good!! Your spaghetti and veggies look great. Seeing the grands always make me smile. Our weather has been too warm for November. It will be 80 degrees this afternoon!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It does sound like fun even with the scary parts of driving. Your food looks amazing! It's time for comfort food. It's not cold here yet but we're having chili and hot dogs tonight! lol Enjoy your week!

Sandy said...

Oh my everything looks so good. I'm not cooking today because hubby is doing clear liquids before having surgery tomorrow. So am enjoying your food pictures. Sounds like you had a nice trip with your son and got some cute pictures. Popped in from a mutual friends blog, it's always nice to meet new bloggers.
Sandy's Space

Linda O'Connell said...

Your little darlings are so cute!
I could almost taste the combination of chocolate and mint, and then I saw the cholcolate cream pie. I have no willpower. I would love to take a short trip, any where.

It's me said...

Owww i wish i could eat all those lovely sweet food…mmmmm …but that is no good for me….😔..I am on a diet…and if I eat that than I do not lost weight….owwww I wish I could eat those mint cakes…..what a lovely party for Francesca… from me and Leaf…and I am hungry now 🙈🙈🙈 love love love 🍀💗🐾🍀

Louca por porcelana said...

Adorable post and adorable Grands. Precious time. Blessings dear friend.

Billie Jo said...

Hello! What a great road trip! Except for the rain during the drive. I hate that! Your food looks and sounds delicious! I could try a bite of it all. And the little pirates? Precious!!!

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Well now I am really hungry! I just love your Rode Trips, Sheri
I looks like you and your son had a great time. Nel made such a beautiful pirate cake for Francesca, and I love the Black Bear Diner. I had never seen one before. I have gone to Mimi's Cafe, but not for years because we do not have one here.
I have to go eat! You made me hungry.
Take care dear friend,

handmade by amalia said...

This was fun, Sheri! And how nice to have a spur-of-the-moment road trip. Hope you didn't argue over the music (we sometimes do that. I have yet to understand how some people do not like Mr. Van Morrison).

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning Sheri! Wow. I feel full now after all those amazing meals! LOL

I just ate my breakfast so I literally feel full and the need to go back to bed and sleep it off!

You have a wonderful trip and I can imagine that moment on the freeway when it started to rain. I don't do freeways either and in the rain? No thank you, not anymore!!

Good to see you my friend!

Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

Delicious pastries.

Pilar said...

So many delicious foods in this post Sheri! You must have read my mind because I'm actually about to make a homemade pie in a few minutes! I'm glad you had a nice trip!

R's Rue said...

Stay warm my friend.

Marilyn Miller said...

I think I would just gaze and smile too if a deer came up on my porch. What a treat. But now it looks like you have been having a lot of treats. How very lovely. Driving in the rain isn't fun, but glad you had a good trip off your mountain. Stay warm and cozy. That coffee drink sounds like it would do the trick for warm and cozy.

Sonia said...

Hi Sheri, That's a memorable trip though last minute, but had a lot to enjoy and savor.

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

Sheri, The food all looks so yummmyyyy. The cake is so cute. She did a wonderful job on the Pirate theme! I am also happy that you had a deer visit your front porch! Hope you enjoy the snow!

Jeanie said...

Wow, Sheri! A food filled post and it all looks delicious. You went to some wonderful spots and had some delicious meals. But the best part, the very best, is a road trip with your son. That together time tops all the best food in the world. (Sorry about the rain though -- I hate driving in it, too!) This post just makes me smile very big!

DeniseinVA said...

Great photos and oh my, the food looks incredible! I love road trips. It would be super to go on one with your son. I am hoping to go on one ourselves soon but perhaps we will wait until spring now. Happy November!

R's Rue said...

Happy Friday friend. You are priceless to me. Regine

Debbie Nolan said...

Sheri your post made me hungry. Especially that spaghetti dish. That is a favorite of mine. How wonderful to spot a deer so close. They are such beautiful animals. That Nel is certainly talented when it comes to making special occasions lovely. Your pirates are adorable. Wouldn't mind them capturing my ship. :)!! So glad you got off the mountain safely and back home. Hard to believe snow is coming so soon. At least this time of the year it usually doesn't last. Now come Jan. and Feb. that is a different story!! Take care friend...hope you brought home some Starbucks coffee for your morning beverage. Hugs!

roughterrain crane said...

I love spaghetti too. Happy weekend!

Red Rose Alley said...

Thank you, Diana, for following us. I appreciate that very much. : )

Susan said...

Oh Sheri, that was a great post. Loved it. The pirates are the prettiest ones I've ever seen. And the food shots! Fabulous. Can't think of a better theme. ha ha ha I loved everything. Take care and have a super blessed week. Hugs, Susan

Veronica Lee said...

Love the little pirates. How adorable!

The Black Bear Diner looks so inviting!

Delightful post as always, Sheri!

Hugs and blessings 🌹