Monday, November 14, 2022

Just Because

I haven't done a "just because" post in awhile, and there's nothing exciting going on this week, so I'll show you a little of this, a little of that.

My brother-in-law came over and brought me lots of goodies - a turkey and all the sides for Thanksgiving, and four New York steaks.  Living in the mountains, the weather during the winter is harsh, and all the little things he does to help I appreciate so much.  This Thanksgiving, I'm thankful for family.

I have already decorated for Christmas.  I know it's early, but if you knew how much I love the Christmas season, you would understand this "decking the halls early" thing I do.  I will forever love the candle my best friend gave me, and will put it out every year, or at least until there is no more wax left.  ; )

I've never liked the grey pumpkins, but I thought this picture that Jess took was so pretty.

Francesca in the maze.

I wanted to say good-bye to a friend who passed away.  He was a great guy, full of zest, always had a smile on his face when I saw him.  He was a senior, and made friends with this freshman girl.  May you rest in peace, Ed.  Thank you for being so good to me.  A young girl never forgets things like that.

Christmas at Disney!  The magical kingdom is already decked out for Christmas.  This was a special pic, cause Mia got "Jingles," Walt's favorite horse.  The horse is apparently hard to get.  Jess said the gingerbread cookie was sooooo good.  I miss seeing Christmas at Disney, but the kids' faces light up when they visit during the holidays.

And my new Christmas cup I bought.  It's big, but lightweight, which suits me.

I like to get a new ornament every year.  I still keep the cherished ornaments and the homemade ones my kids made, but when I saw this fellow, I had to bring him home.  There's always something to smile about.



Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

Awesome photos.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Fun pictures.
Decorating early for the happiness it brings has become more popular.
Leaving faux pine sprigs out all year is therapeutic. You chose a nice mug, very cheery!

My Shasta Home said...

So sorry about your HS friend. Kindness is something we never forget.

That’s okay about the early Christmas decorating - seems I’m in the minority anyway with more and more decorating early. I enjoy the season as well but I’m a traditionalist - it’s always the weekend AFTER thanksgiving.

What a cute ornament. How nice of your BIL to bring you some holiday food.

I always enjoy your posts and photos. Take care and stay warm.

Debbie Nolan said...

Ah Sheri what a great post of this and that...sorry about your good friend. He looks like he was a great fellow. Wow Disney is beautiful at Christmas. Good that Mia got Jingles...she looks adorable. Love your Santa cup and your Christmas ornament makes me smile too. Have a great day friend. Hugs!

Carla from The River said...

Hi Sheri,
Oh I love the sparkle of your new little elf.
I enjoyed this post.. this and that posts are always fun.
Have a blessed week!

P.S. It is snowing in Wisconsin. :-)

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a fun post today, with so many cool things to see. I love your cute little angel sitting by the candle, she is waiting for it to be lit. The pink Disney town is awesome, but I can't make out what it is. Is it a large model of Disneyland? I'm sorry about your friend. I remember The Saturday Evening Post. I haven't seen it in years, I guess it has been long gone.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

I'm so sorry to hear your friend passed away, Sheri. We never forget the kindness of those that we grew up with. Your brother-in-law sounds like a very nice relative. And I think you should decorate whenever you feel like it for Christmas. I love your new elf ornament. And it's always sweet to see what fun things your girls and grands are up to. Disney looks beautiful! Have a happy week.

Louca por porcelana said...

Your posts are always precious...I love reading your friends comments and I feel envyous because my English is so poor and I would love to let you know how I really apreciate your sweet post. Thank you for your friendship. I too began to decorate for Christmas. I am a bit blue and it makes me better. Sorry for your loss. Blessings.

Chatty Crone said...

I do love your posts and your pictures - no need to have a theme for me!
How nice of your BIL to bring all that meat and Thanksgiving fixings!
I remember those Saturday Evening Posts - so unique and wonderful.
I call those pumpkins a muted green - you call them gray.
It is so nice Francesca and Mia have each other. Mia looks like you, I think.
The maze looked like fun and so did Disney - I bet they have yearlong passes since they live so close.
Awe so much fun.
I love your Santa mug too.
Lastly, I am sorry you lost a high school friend. We are getting to be that age.
Loved your post.

It's me said...

Like the banner picture…and your new ornament…sorry for the loss of your friend 🙏…enjoy decorating for Christmas… from me. 🎄💗🍀🎄

Pilar said...

My condolences about your friend Sheri. He sounded like a nice guy. Enjoy decorating for Christmas! I was going to start this past weekend, but I didn't get a chance. Hopefully I can start decorating this week. Christmas at Disney sounds like so much fun!

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

I am so sorry for your loss. It is a difficult time for sure. I am glad you have fond memories. The cookie looks yummy and I love your new cup. Sounds like you are all ready for Thanksgiving. I have a friend who lives near Disneyland and she goes all the time. She says Christmas is the best time. I have been once but it was when I was 7 years old! Enjoy your week!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning dear Sheri!

This will be my second Christmas where I can't decorate; last year, our house was a mess due to a beautiful renovation we had done to our upstairs bedroom. This year? WE ARE MOVING! Hard to believe but we have most of our things packed and we move out of this house on December 30. Our house goes up on the market in January and the journey will begin to see what comes of that.

We have snow, however, as of yesterday so I think that Mother Nature has begun to do her own holiday decorating early too! LOL

Linda O'Connell said...

The smiles on their faces! Love it.
Why not decorate for Christmas if it makes you happy and brings joy. What a nice brother-in-law. Sorry for the loss of your friend. I hope you have great holiday season.

Marilyn Miller said...

Love all of your "this and that".
How kind to have someone bring you Thanksgiving food and steaks.
I would probably decorate too, if we didn't have Thanksgiving here at my house with family.
Oh!!! Disneyland at Christmas is magical. This first time I went I was in high school and had a date. We danced down the street at Christmas time. Sweet memories.
I like the greyish pumpkins if they have a hint of orange like the ones in the back of the picture.
Nice new header too.

Jeanie said...

I have a couple little Christmas things I leave out year round and an angel tree up year round in the guest room. You're not alone! Love that Disney photo--that would be amazing to see in person!

Such a whole lot to love here, from pumpkins to that cute Santa. And sending love and healing wishes on the loss of your friend. It's very hard when those from our past die. We're never ready for that.

roughterrain crane said...

Your new cup is lovery. It will not only make your coffee more tasty but also make your family and friends happy.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Hello sweet friend, loved your this-n-that post, so delightful to read through. So sweet of your BIL to bring food over to help out through the upcoming busy season! I'm not a fan of gray pumpkins either, I grew a bunch of pumpkins in my garden this year, still waiting on some of them to ripen. I hope you have a blessed and wonderful rest of your week!

Patricia said...

Hi Sheri, I have already decorated too, and put up the tree last week. I can see you love Christmas as much as I do. Your new ornament is precious, such a sweet smile. The festive season at Disneyland looks amazing, and I love the carosel horse with your little granddaughter sitting up there. What a dear little bird in the red Christmas hat - so cute. Enjoy.

Klaudia Zuberska said...

Hello! Great entry.
Great photos, very inspiring! I also love the atmosphere of Christmas, I'm just delighted with these decorations :D
Greetings from Poland!

Estelle's said...

I loved this post Sheri.....memories cherished and adorable family photos...thank you so much for sharing a bit of CHRISTMAS CHEER....wishing you a lovely Thanksgiving Day!

R's Rue said...

This is just wonderful. Love you.

R's Rue said...

Have a wonderful day my friend.

NanaDiana said...

Love that sweet picture of your girls...and what a special thing to get to ride on "Walt's horse". I put my outside lights up but won't turn them on until after Thanksgiving. Holding off on setting Christmas up inside because I need my son help me move my sofa from upstairs to downstairs. lol. It'll happen just not soon enough for me.

How wonderful to have Thanksgiving and steaks dropped off at your house. That's smile worthy.

I am sorry about your friend, Ed. It is hard to see our friends pass away when we still remember them as vibrant young people.

Happy Thanksgiving, Sheri. Love to you- Diana

DeniseinVA said...

Great post and sweet photos Sheri. I am so sorry to read about the loss of your friend. Always very sad and I hope those memories will be comforting. If I don't visit before, have A Very Happy Thanksgiving with your family.

Rajani Rehana said...

Lovely post

Rajani Rehana said...

Lovely post

Veronica Lee said...

Love the fun photos.

How sweet of your BIL to bring you holiday food.

Love your Santa cup 🎅

Hugs and blessings, Sheri 🌹

Hena Tayeb said...

The maze picture is beautiful!
You have a great brother in law.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

That's a lovely gesture from your brother-in-law! So nice to have someone so thoughtful. xx I'm sorry to hear about your friend and you gave him a sweet tribute. It's never too early to decorate for Christmas :) I have my outside garlands all lit up already, even though the inside is still all about fall. Haha! Love the view of the girls having fun, and the amazing photo of Disney. I can imagine it must be spectacular at Christmas. That cookie looks yummy. This time of year, I have too many sweets, but I forgive myself :) Thank you for your sweet friendship, Sherri, you are such a bright light and such a dear. Sending hugs to you xo K


Such wonderful locations, sights and stories. Thank you for the kind words. Your blog has been a constant through the years and although I may not comment as much as I used to... I think of you often. HAPPY THANKSGIVING. ENJOY!