Monday, November 15, 2021

The Tree That Guided Me Home

When I first moved to the mountains, it was last January.  Although Christmas was over, there was a big tree on the edge of the road to my house that was still lit up.  This tree is huge, and it's nothing fancy, but has white lights adorning it.  When it's dark out, you can see it from a distance.  I used to go very early to the grocery store before the crowd, but it was around 6:00 and still dark out, and a little scary as well.  I didn't know my way around yet, and everything was unfamiliar to me.  One time it started to snow, and I couldn't see the road in front of me and had to turn around.  Well, this huge tree sits along the main street, somewhere between my house and the stores.  Whenever I drove down that road in the dark, I would see the lit up tree and know I wasn't far from the store, and whenever I drove back, I would see the bright tree again, and know I was almost home.  This lit up tree guided my way home.  I will forever be thankful for that, as it helped me when I needed it the most, at a time when I didn't know where to go or which direction to turn.  Since then, I am familiar with the roads, and I go to another grocery store which opens up a bit later when it's light out.....and which also has a better bakery section.  ; )

 The tree is lit up again this Christmas season.  I haven't taken any pictures of it when it's dark out yet, but you can see by this photo just how big and tall it is.



R's Rue said...

Love that Snoopy quote. I needed to see it. Thank you my friend. Have a lovely day.

ashok said...

That's a majestic tree!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How lovely...the tree and your thoughts! Love that cute Snoopy too! Enjoy your week...stay warm!

Faith said...

That is a gorgeous tree with or without the lights. I love the pines. I bet it is just stunning with the lights on it, and when it's dark outside. A very special tree in many ways.

NanaDiana said...

That is a HUGE tree to have lit up. I love it and it was definitely your guiding light when you needed it most. xo Diana

Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

Beautiful big tree,-))

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a lovely lesson, and a beautiful and perfect tree. Maybe a Blue Pine? I hope it lights up again this year, and maybe you can get a picture of it too. I love reading how God gives us the little things in our daily life to help us.

Hena Tayeb said...

That's wonderful. Like a guiding star.

Nellie said...

Beautiful tree! How lucky you had it to help you know your way last January!

Rose said...

I can just imagine it lit know, I think just lights on a tree is gorgeous.

Vintage Girl 901 said...

How beautiful, Sheri. I was thinking about the tree that guided your way home. What a beautiful thought. I need to take a while to ponder that and what that means to me. There's a beautiful tree on the way to my mama's house. She loved the tree and she pointed it out every time we went by it. The kids knew that we were almost there when we passed that tree. That tree showed me the way home many times.

Sandi said...

It is a beauty.

Carla from The River said...

"Keep Looking Up... That's The Secret of Life..." I love that.
xx oo

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Such a huge tree, Sheri! A lovely Christmas tree to boot. I love how you were guided to and from home with this beauty. So glad to hear it's a tradition to light it for the holidays! Enjoy a nice week.

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

Oh that is a wonderful tree. I am glad it was there for you and will be there this year again!

Olde Dame Holly said...

What a labor of love the people who own the tree do! In Midland, getting a tree that size decorated was about $1,500. And they do function as beautiful landmarks and bright such light and joy to the world! I am so glad "your" tree is decorated again and I hope it continues to lift your heart.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful tree. I bet it looks beautiful at night all lit up. Glad it was there when you needed it.

Ann said...

Bless that tree Sheri,
for sure you're not the only one
that is guided by that tree.
Love your pics and that Snoopy quote
is just so right.

Have a lovely day Sheri ♥


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

The light. The true light, will always get us back home. That is lovely, dear Sheri!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

A lovely story we can all smile for.
That is a huge tree. A big thank you to the folks that put up the lights

Susan said...

Oh wow, Sheri. That tree is a beauty! I'd love to see it all lit up at night. Hugs. Susan

Debbie Nolan said...

Ah Snoopy knows what needs to be done to navigate this side of heaven. As for the tree just maybe someone above knew it would safely guide you back and forth.
Had to smile about going early to the grocery...I often do the same thing. Gets a good jump start on the day.

P.S. I know you believe sweet friend. That is what will always guide us home :)! Hugs

My Shasta Home said...

Wow, that is a big tree. It would be interesting to watch how they put up the lights...

We have a nice tree in my yard that would look beautiful with lights but I won't allow my husband to climb it to do it plus I don't want to hurt the tree. It goes through enough during the hot dry summers to just survive.

Nice post - I enjoyed it.

Louca por porcelana said...

Wonderful post,my dear...Gorgeous tree. Love.

Veronica Lee said...

That is indeed an imposing tree!

How wonderful that it is your guiding star, Sheri.

Happy Wednesday!

Chatty Crone said...

That tree looks like one of the most beautiful Christmas trees ever!!!

Pilar said...

What a beautiful tree Sheri! I love that quote. I try to remember that when I feel discouraged. Oh I meant to tell you I posted a Christmas at Bath & Body Works post the other day. I didn't make any purchases, just a few exchanges. I know you like those types of posts. Wishing you and your loved ones a Happy Thanksgiving!

Kirsten Steen said...

What a fabulous tree! And I love the Snoopy meme. I need that on my desk. In my old neighborhood there is a small strip mall with a huge tree that is lit up every year at the holidays. I always loved seeing it at night. And I wish there was one on this side of town. Enjoy the upcoming holidays! So good to see you again!

a spirit of simplicity said...

We have a huge pine tree that's in the neighbor's yard. It's so pretty. They don't light it up though.

Dewena said...

Sheri, I'm in love with that tree after reading this. I can't help but think that the title of your post would make a fabulous title for a country music song. Maybe you could write it!

Please do!

Attic Clutter said...

oh so pretty Sheri
happy time of year huh?😊

roughterrain crane said...

The tree may feel close to you,too.

Ann said...

Oh hi Sheri !!
Just drop by your blog.
I hope you are feeling fine.
I'll just be waiting for your next post.

Enjoy your week ahead ♥


Linda O'Connell said...

That lovely tree is a beacon. Happy holidays to you and yours from St. Louis.

Marilyn Miller said...

That is a gorgeous tree. So glad it led you home.

Mellie said...

What a big tree. How nice that it is decorated and brightly lit.

Carolina G. Ticala said...

Very interested article! Have a great day my dear! 🤗🤗🤗